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Best Practices For Effective Call Center Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Enthrall your audience with this Best Practices For Effective Call Center Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising fifty five slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide displays the title Best Practices for Effective Call Center Management.
Slide 2: This slide displays the title Agenda.
Slide 3: This slide exhibit table of content.
Slide 4: This slide exhibit table of content- Organization business summary.
Slide 5: This slide showcases the call center company background information overview.
Slide 6: This slide showcases the world map which highlights company call centers operation around the world.
Slide 7: This slide showcases the business process outsourcing call center organizational structure.
Slide 8: This slide highlights the company journey form 2008 to 2021 which showcases company started with motive of user experience improvement with only 15 members.
Slide 9: This slide exhibit table of content- Solutions offered by the company.
Slide 10: This slide showcases the business process outsourcing solutions offered by the company which includes retail.
Slide 11: This slide highlights the inbound and outbound call volume at BPO customer care center.
Slide 12: This slide exhibit table of content- Call Center Challenges and it’s Impacts.
Slide 13: This slide highlights the common problems related to customer care call center.
Slide 14: This slide showcases the common problems related to customer care call center.
Slide 15: This slide highlights the impacts on the company of poor customer support at BPO call center.
Slide 16: This slide exhibit table of content- Call centers recent technological improvements.
Slide 17: This slide showcases the call center companies technological investment.
Slide 18: This slide exhibit table of content- Call center etiquette for support agents.
Slide 19: This slide highlights the call center telephone etiquette for support agents.
Slide 20: This slide highlights how to communicate and deal with unsatisfied customer.
Slide 21: This slide exhibit table of content- Right approach for customer complaint and faults.
Slide 22: This slide highlights the wrong approach and right approach while talking to customers on call.
Slide 23: This slide highlights the right channel strategy to solve customer queries related to sales, servicing, information, complaint and fault.
Slide 24: This slide exhibit table of content- Customer complaint resolution.
Slide 25: This slide highlights the customer care transfer call by complaint type.
Slide 26: This slide highlights the customer complaints' expected time for resolution which showcases complaint resolution time.
Slide 27: This slide exhibit table of content- Improve business process with IT services.
Slide 28: This slide highlights IT services used in business process outsourcing for services optimization.
Slide 29: This slide showcases additional features required to streamline the process.
Slide 30: This slide highlights the important aspects or elements which is important for quality assurance at call center.
Slide 31: This slide highlights the people, process and technology integration to improve the call center service delivery.
Slide 32: This slide exhibit table of content- Strategies to build productive team.
Slide 33: This slide highlights the strategies to remove obstacles which includes lack of unity, unclear goals, cynicism, unfair work distribution with detailed description.
Slide 34: This slide highlights different problems which employees facing at call centers.
Slide 35: This slide exhibit table of content- Training program for BPO call center agents.
Slide 36: This slide highlights the training program for BPO call center agents.
Slide 37: This slide exhibit table of content- Monitor call center performance.
Slide 38: This slide highlights call center key performance indicators which can be used to evaluate organization and employee performance.
Slide 39: This slide exhibit table of content- Expected growth from improvement plan.
Slide 40: This slide highlights the projected company growth rate which highlights the revenue, operating income, acquisition related expenses, restructuring expenses.
Slide 41: This slide highlights the projected outcome from the call center improvement action plan.
Slide 42: This slide exhibit table of content- Call center action plan dashboard.
Slide 43: This slide showcases call center action plan dashboard which highlights first call resolution, unresolved calls, customers call report.
Slide 44: This slide showcases dashboard for call center action plan.
Slide 45: This is the icons slide.
Slide 46: This slide presents title for additional slides.
Slide 47: This slide presents your company's vision, mission and goals.
Slide 48: This slide shows details of team members like name, designation, etc.
Slide 49: This slide exhibits yearly timeline of company.
Slide 50: This slide showcases financials of company.
Slide 51: This slide depicts posts for past experiences of clients.
Slide 52: This slide shows roadmap of company.
Slide 53: This slide display Venn diagram.
Slide 54: This slide exhibits ideas generated.
Slide 55: This is thank you slide & contains contact details of company like office address, phone no., etc.

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