In marketing, the one thing that is absolutely required is monitoring your output of all that creative effort. A marketing report makes this happen for businesses, as it lists the costs associated and maps these to the revenue generated.


Businesses need to make regular use of marketing plan reports to ensure their resources are well-used. Marketing Plan Report Templates are indispensable in ensuring businesses capture the right lead at the right time, ensuring customer conversion. However, not all businesses can handle the creation of marketing plan reports in addition to regular management tasks.


At hand is SlideTeam, the world leader in presentation services design. We offer a solution to the pain points of businesses and offer content-ready templates to help enterprises design and track their marketing plan effort.


A marketing roadmap is also of immense value as a business decides what is its core product or service. Get best-in-class templates on the marketing roadmap with a click here.


Even better, each of the templates is 100% editable and customizable. You get the structure you wanted, and the starting point of the presentation is mapped out. The customizable feature means you can tailor each presentation to audience profiles.


Let's explore!


Template 1: Bi-fold Marketing Plan & Strategies for Medical Devices Healthcare PPT Template


This healthcare marketing plan PPT Template lists the forecast of sales of medical devices on a bar graph. A comprehensive table also depicts predicted sales year-on-year and across channels. Use this template to depict the five major medical device sales strategy domains. The showcased elements are the company overview, marketing plan, goals, and objectives. Marketing strategies and marketing expenses add to the completeness of the presentation template. Download this template now.


Bi fold marketing plan and strategies of medical devices and healthcare document report pdf ppt template


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Template 2: Marketing Plan and Strategies for Healthcare Presentation Report 


The medical device and healthcare business requires careful attention to detail, a strength of this PPT Template. This slide depicts a segment on competitor analysis, business marketing risks, and strategies to be adopted to build an enterprise from scratch. Risks related to the marketing plan are illustrated on the template, as are milestones through a bar graph. The company's financial details are depicted through a clear bar graph with trends that make it special. Grab it now.


Marketing plan and strategies for healthcare and medical device presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 3: Twelve-month Event Digital Marketing Planning Single-Pager Presentation Report


This 12-month marketing activities planning calendar ensures that users always have a broad plan in mind. The idea is to map marketing activities to a timeline and resources. For instance, digital marketing PR events are usually announced in line with product launch plans. In contrast, the continuous process of sending emails and creating a buzz around the company's products is a far more frequent practice. Then, messaging and social media metrics are reviewed at fixed intervals. This presentation template fundamentally depicts that marketing is a non-stop affair at some channels, while at others, one needs to be methodical and wait for the right time. Make it yours today.


12 month event digital marketing planning single pager presentation report ppt pdf document


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Template 4: Medical Device and Equipment Business and Marketing Plan


This one-pager outlines the business plan of a medical device maker with the products outlined. The slide acts as a how-to guide on deciding on a long-term strategy. It also lists the marketing expense budget under the heads of advertising in your geography. Analysis pointers are the one considerable strength of this slide. The presentation template also includes SWOT and clear parameters to size up the competition. Download right away!


Medical device and equipment business and marketing plan presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 5: Sales and Marketing Plan One-Page Summary Presentation Report Infographic 


This PPT Template helps you design and implement actions that go into a strategic plan and meet the critical objectives of your business. Use this slide to highlight your key sales channels: online, bulk, and in-store. Depict how an integrated sales and marketing plan framework is something you follow using this slide. Outline a go-to-market strategy, and prepare your elements mix of marketing and sales. Users will also find a strategy and objectives corner to map their tasks. Get it now.


Sales and marketing plan one page summary presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 6: Sample Social Media Marketing Plan in One-Pager Presentation Document


This PPT Template helps users monitor performance by measuring their revenue from social media channels. Put the spotlight on primary segments reached as well with the slide. The presentation template allows users to include information on the social media marketing's mission, goal, tactics, and duration. You can display up to three goals, the appropriate marker campaign, and the timeline. This slide marries scope, goals, and marketing efforts into verifiable, achievable timelines. Get it now!


Sample social media marketing plan in one pager presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 7: Beauty Salon and Day Spa Marketing Plan PPT Template 


Find the best executive summary of your new venture in this presentation template with an emphasis on the segmentation of short-term and long-term goals. Use this slide to list your products and services, with pricing strategy finding prominent mention. The template gives a table to ensure that everyone in the organization understands their roles. Here, marketing strategy is tied to activities, a timeline is decided, and success criteria are showcased. Get it now!


Beauty salon and day spa marketing plan presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 8: One-Page Strategic Marketing Planning Presentation PPT Template 


Use this presentation template to illustrate a one-page strategic online marketing plan. It covers overview, goals, target market, needs, target numbers, strategies, budget, and timeline. The three pillars of marketing, strategic goal, target market, and vision, are showcased in this slide. The illustrated six-month timeline for strategic marketing planning works best to track your progress. Download from the link below.


One Page Strategic Marketing Planning Presentation Report Infographic Ppt Pdf Document


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Template 9: One-Page Monthly Social Media Marketing Plan PPT Template


This PPT Template aims to strengthen social media engagement strategies to increase brand loyalty. It includes details related to products, target market, key components, goals, and KPIs. The slide creators have taken special care to highlight challenges, with solutions proposed side-by-side. The week-wise calendar arrangement allows easy understanding, with the social media posting schedule already illustrated in advance. Follow this template and gain an edge in social media marketing.


One Page Monthly Social Media Marketing Plan Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document


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Template 10: One-Page International Marketing Plan Presentation Report Infographic


Users will discover relevant and quality information about the company background, budget target audience, strategies implemented, timeline, and geography by region in the international marketing plan. Sales by geography and international marketing strategies occupy the pride of place in this one-pager. A four-month marketing timeline is ready, with activities mapped to the months these need to be used. For instance, they host virtual and in-person events and promote brands through influencer marketing. Marketing channels and measures of success are all documented to ensure the campaign succeeds.


One Page International Marketing Plan Presentation Report Infographic Ppt Pdf Document


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Marketing is akin to threading the needle to get the customer to purchase your business offering. The customer tends to look around for better deals; it is your marketing effort that ensures customer loyalty. To do this, SlideTeam's marketing plan templates are the ideal answer. Our marketing reports are indispensable for knowing whether your marketing campaigns and activities are doing what they are meant to do. Download these and ensure your report helps improve the nature of your marketing plans.


P.S If you are interested in introducing or enlarging the depth of diversity in your workplace, please find world class templates on diversity and inclusion training here.