Any company planning to grow its base needs to hire more employees. It is essential that the company makes thoughtful hiring decisions. Only with good hiring can the company onboard employees who suit its requirements.
Anyone in search of a job wants to have a common point of interest with the firm. This can be a specific role or project in a department that motivates them to be part of the organization.
Every company has job proposal templates that it uses to accept job invitations. The job proposal details everything about the firm, including the job role, responsibility, work-life balance, compensation, etc.
One-page job description templates are worth their weight in gold; access these here.
Using these, the company can decide if the employee and employer are on the same page.
Continue reading to check for top 100% editable and customizable job proposal templates that will make life a lot easier for you.
Here are best-in-class job description job templates that make everything a lot easier.
Let’s explore!
Template 1 - Cover letter for new job description proposal
This template showcases a cover letter for the new job position that depicts details of employment, specifically the compensation and benefits. This slide gives details pertaining to employee contract terms. An employee must know the breakdown of their compensation—annual gross salary, insurance plan, work location, paid leaves, sick leaves, yearly bonus, performance bonus, or incentives for promotion. This also shows the validity of the document and asks for an acceptance from the employee, confirming the agreement to the proposal.
Template 2 - About the Company
This PPT Template showcases company details and highlights what the business is about, what the company stands for, the type of client it caters to, the areas it details and the types of solutions that the company has been providing. Apart from that, this company profile also talks about how these services have enabled clients to improve workflow and generate better working mechanisms. A single company can deal in multiple services and provide solutions around a broad spectrum. A clear idea about what the company stands for helps candidates make better decisions and select the roles best suited for them.
Template 3 - Offer of employment
This PPT Template showcases the offer letter, which contains details about the final job letter for selected candidates. It contains information about the job position, whether it is a full-time or part-time role, the date of joining, who the employee will report to, the compensation that the employee will receive, plus any additional remuneration that would be performance-based. Other benefits like ESOPs for employees are also listed. Many companies have a probation mandate, which is also stated in this offer letter. Vacation leaves and bonus details are also disclosed upfront.
Template 4 - Job Profile
This PPT Template helps employees understand work that has to be delivered from their end in detail. The job profile provides details of the work and an analysis of the tasks that need to be done. Key responsibilities range from deploying successful marketing to producing content for websites or blogs or monitoring budgets, creating business strategies, market research, and brand promotion. It even tabulates day-to-day activities and general duties that have to be performed.
Template 5 - Skills and qualifications
Outline the skills and qualifications that the candidate applying to the role should fulfill with this template. Every company has qualities that it wants its employees to have. It has basic qualifications in the fields that are important for the job position. It states that, if experience is required and things along those lines. The slide defines and categorizes these skills in a range from communication, budget management, willingness to travel, analytical skills, etc.
Template 6 - Work hours & benefits
Use this PPT Template to list benefits that the company offers to its employees. This is important for the employees to know because, for certain employees, work-life balance is a crucial factor. Mentioning all details about every-day working ensures transparency between employer and employee. Apart from that, other benefits like perks, bonuses, accommodation, and traveling or any expenses incurred on job travel would be compensated.
Template 7 - Career Progression
This PPT Template covers professional development and career programs that will be conducted for employees during their professional careers. The slide, thus, satisfies the craving of every employee for excellent learning at the workplace. The majority of this training gains attention from employees, which is a factor in holding them back at work. Employee competence improves, and professional growth is guaranteed. If the job scope is such that the employee can see growth, they would want to stay longer at the organization.
Template 8 - Terms and Conditions
This template contains the terms and conditions for employee job proposals. It includes the compensation package, agreement, details, and other confidential information. The terms and conditions specified by the employee and employer help both of them be clear on the probability of role changes within the company. The total compensation package and other employee information should be confidential, and if any other clauses have to be added, they can be edited easily on the slide.
Template 9 - Contact Us
In this slide, give clearly and in bold the contact details of the company, including the address, email ID, and phone number. If employees face any issues with their work, they can connect with company representatives, mostly someone from the HR team. Smooth communication with the company conveys that the company cares about employee grievance.
Template 10 - Vision & mission
This slide deals with the vision and mission of the company. The vision shows what the company wants to achieve. The missions are also set, and goals are the end product. Every company has set goals and missions, which should be highlighted well so that the members can be aware of what might bind them together. If the company doesn’t specify its goals well, employees might not be able to relate well with the business, and what it might offer to the employee.
These templates come in handy for you while you prepare for an effective job template. Job proposals showcase to the joining employee or the one about to take a call on joining you, what you will offer to widen their horizons. Use this opportunity well, and ensure your job proposal templates are top-draw with a download from SlideTeam.
PS Access our top 10 PPT Templates to create a winning job proposal, here.