Forced ranking is a simple process: compare and contrast your employees against each other to find the top (20%), average (70%), and low (10%) performers. Some of its key features are –


  • Comparison-based evaluation: Employees are assessed against one another, creating a competitive atmosphere.
  • Predefined distribution: Usually, the distribution follows a 20-70-10 model.
  • Consequences for rankings: The results can lead to rewards for top performers (such as bonuses or promotions), development plans for average performers, and potential disciplinary actions or termination for the lowest-ranked employees.


But how do you implement this system in practice? You use SlideTeam’s Forced Ranking Templates, of course.


Making a list? Ranking things from best to worst? We have the PPT Template to help you right here!


There are several benefits to using this system such as identifying the top talent, reducing favoritism, and enhancing productivity by encouraging competition. Our PowerPoint Presentations help minimize disadvantages like creating hostility, losing talent, and subjective concerns in the process.


Comparative Ranking PPT Templates


We have created deck frameworks to take the weight off your shoulders by helping you focus on the meetings. These layouts are filled with well-researched information, placed in eye-catching formats, boosted with visual aids such as tables and charts. These content-ready slides are also 100% editable. 


Just download the slide or slides that best suit your needs and add your own data into the draft. They will save you a ton of time and energy.


Are you ranking things by priority to make sure you get the most important tasks done first? Well, enjoy this efficiency using our readymade PPT Template and edit in your right. Easy enough! Click here to access.


Let us now tour the seven best Forced Ranking Templates that we have curated for you in this article.


Template 1: Forced Ranking PowerPoint Template Bundles


This readymade PPT Deck offers a comprehensive approach to competitive evaluation of performance metrics. The PowerPoint Set includes slides to help you conduct forced ranking analysis, showcase employee evaluation (efficiency, speed, attendance), team accuracy rates, and a bell curve to present ranking distribution. The comparative performance analysis is delivered through well-designed tables and charts. The presentation provides actionable insights into employee performance, decision-making strategies, and ranking challenges. Each slide is visually appealing, fully customizable, and crafted for a data-driven presentation. Download it now from the link below.



Template 2: forced ranking scorecard with speed and efficiency


This PPT Slide delivers to you an employee ranking system to evaluate employee performance based on three criteria: efficiency, attendance, and speed. These are each scored out of 10 for a total of 30 points. The table ranks the employees and highlights their strengths and weaknesses. The insights help you identify high, moderate, and low performers, which further helps in performance analysis and resource allocation. It has a  color-coded legend which makes it ideal for team assessments. Get this template right away!


Forced ranking scorecard with speed and efficiency


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Template 3: Bell Curve Forced Ranking Method


This PPT Preset delivers a tiered evaluation for your employees. It outlines actions for each performance group, such as analyzing reasons and training for low performers, development training for moderate performers, and rewards or expanded roles for high performers. The bell-shaped graph provides a clear visual of the distribution, making it an ideal tool for employee performance evaluation strategies. Grab it now!


Bell curve forced ranking method


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Template 4: limitations of the forced ranking appraisal method


With its many ups already mentioned, this PPT Layout focuses on the key challenges in using Relative assessment. These include unhealthy comparisons, unfair rankings, internal environment impacts, and disregarding worthy employees. Each section highlights specific pitfalls, such as reduced morale, internal competition, biased assessments, and overlooked talent. The neat format communicates the drawbacks of this method effectively, helping organizations critically evaluate its impact on employee engagement and workplace culture. Make this template yours today!


Limitations of forced ranking appraisal method


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Template 5: forced ranking accuracy rates across different team sizes


This PowerPoint Slide presents a workforce prioritization in a 200-person organization. It highlights key metrics such as the average number of underrated, correctly rated, and overrated team members, along with accuracy percentages. In this example company, smaller teams exhibit lower accuracy (e.g., 54% for 5 members) compared to larger teams (92% for 200 members). The detailed data table and accompanying insights offer actionable perspectives on team performance evaluation methods. Download now.


Forced ranking accuracy rates of different team size


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Template 6: Forced Ranking Analysis of Product Development Business Drivers


This Rank-and-yank system PPT Preset showcases the key drivers include shortening market time, securing products, maximizing profitability, and maintaining product integrity. Each driver is evaluated against others (e.g., mass communication, global competition, regulatory compliance) with designations like "more important" or "less important." This matrix-style layout helps identify priorities, supporting strategic decision-making in product development and business operations. Get it now.


Product development business drivers forced ranking


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Template 7: Forced Ranking of Prescribed Drug Attributes


This performance stack ranking PPT Layout compares eight attributes, including benefits, drug addiction, interaction, out-of-pocket expense, time in market, medication frequency, formulation, and dosing procedure. Each attribute is ranked by patient preferences, with the highest-ranking factors like benefits and addiction clearly highlighted. Download this template now to make the best-informed decisions.


Forced ranking of prescribed drugs attributes


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Forced ranking is a powerful graded evaluation system for evaluating employee performance, fostering healthy competition, and driving productivity within organizations. SlideTeam’s Forced Ranking Templates with examples and samples provide an efficient way to present and implement this tool. 


These templates are completely customizable, visually engaging, and designed to help managers classify employees based on merit-based ranking while maintaining transparency and fairness. These presentations will help you identify top performers and address skill gaps, these templates streamline the process and enhance decision-making. 


Use these ready-to-use resources to optimize performance reviews and align team efforts with organizational goals. Start leveraging this forced distribution method for a more dynamic workplace today!

P.S. If you wish to score and rank your tasks on several metrics at once to cross-reference, we have the best matric template for you. Click here to access!