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Kpi for undamaged goods incorrect items incorrect stock balances ppt slide


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Presenting kpi for undamaged goods incorrect items incorrect stock balances ppt slide. This presentation slide shows Three Key Performance Indicators or KPIs in a Dashboard style design. The first KPI that can be shown is Percentage of Undamaged Goods After Shipping Transportation. The second KPI is Percentage of Inventory Items Incorrectly Located. The third is Percentage of Inventory Items With Incorrect Stock Balances. These KPI Powerpoint graphics are all data driven, and the shape automatically adjusts according to your data. Just right click on the KPI graphic, enter the right value and the shape will adjust automatically. Make a visual impact with our KPI slides.

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    by Derek Mills

    Design layout is very impressive.
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    by Chuck James

    Informative design.

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