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Positioning And Navigation Services App Pitch Deck Ppt Template


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This is a Positioning And Navigation Services App Pitch Deck Ppt Template to present your business outlay. Utilize this complete deck to provide a corporate introduction of your business, product, or project. There are thirty one slides added in this template to help you visually communicate information. It also consists of a collection of data-driven information in the form of business models, charts, timelines, etc. that you can customize as per your needs and requirements. All the slides can be used to establish business objectives and marketing plans. Apart from this, the charts and graphs included in this template can be used to present analytical information such that it greatly impresses the investors. Since everything in this template features customizable objects, it is a great tool to acquire funds and impress your audience. It is also a useful tool to provide refined content in the format of your choice.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide displays title i.e. 'Positioning and Navigation Services App Pitch Deck'.
Slide 2: This slide presents table of contents.
Slide 3: This slide shows the key statistics about in the smartphone usage in USA.
Slide 4: This slide address the key statistics on location based services (LBS) market.
Slide 5: This slide highlights the key facts and figures of location based applications.
Slide 6: This slide entice the interest of potential investors through key facts and figures.
Slide 7: This slide address potential investors about the product.
Slide 8: This slide illustrates information about the target market of the company for its location based service application.
Slide 9: This slide portrays key statistics about company’s target customer group covering details of generation and demographics along with US based target share.
Slide 10: This slide address the investors about the magic behind the product.
Slide 11: This slide provides information about the type of location namely indoor and outdoor based on which company will offer personalized services.
Slide 12: This slide illustrates key informational statistics about the location based services market growth projection.
Slide 13: This slide illustrates information company’s business model canvas covering details about its partners, activities, value proposition, etc.
Slide 14: This slide differentiates the offering of companies with its competitors based on self-service features namely secure login, reward codes, etc.
Slide 15: This slide convince the potential investors to invest in the company by highlighting unique offerings, personalized experience and fastest growing market.
Slide 16: This slide displays information about key members that contributes towards company’s success.
Slide 17: This slide portrays the marketing plan that company will implement in order to successfully launch the product and remain competitive.
Slide 18: This slide address the investors about how much money company is seeking for and how long the financing will last along with the areas where money will be spent.
Slide 19: This slide presents contact details of the company.
Slide 20: This is the icons slide.
Slide 21: This slide presents title for additional slides.
Slide 22: This slide exhibits yearly bar charts for different products. The charts are linked to Excel.
Slide 23: This slide presents your company's vision, mission and goals.
Slide 24: This slide shows details of team members like name, designation, etc.
Slide 25: This slide exhibits yearly timeline.
Slide 26: This slide displays puzzle.
Slide 27: This slide displays Venn.
Slide 28: This slide shows roadmap.
Slide 29: This slide depicts posts for past experiences of clients.
Slide 30: This slide exhibits targets of the company.
Slide 31: This is thank you slide & contains contact details of company like office address, phone no., etc.

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  1. 100%

    by Edmundo Watkins

    Time saving slide with creative ideas. Help a lot in quick presentations..
  2. 80%

    by O'Connor Collins

    Kudos to SlideTeam for achieving the high success rate in delivering the top-notch slides. 

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