Road Signs PowerPoint Stock Images, Presentation Stock Images and PPT Templates
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Concept of excellence stock photo
Right to modify the template stock images as indicated by the business need. Template stock photos are regular consistent with Google slides. Easy to understand and straightforward information on template. When displayed on large screen does not influence the yield photos quality. Attractively created introduction format with noteworthy picture quality. Templates can be brought with various hubs and stages. Downloading of template is simple.
Asphalted road and billboard stock photo
PPT image compatible with Google slides. Slide can be easily inserted in an ongoing presentation. PPT image designed with high quality pixels. The image is also available in Widescreen slide size. Adaptable presentation design as available in JPG format and in size 2500x2000. Downloading is easy and can be effortlessly inserted in the presentation. Helpful for advertising, marketing, promotion, billboard advertising, etc.
Green post with challenges theme stock photo
All images are 100% editable in the presentation design. Good quality images can be used to compliment message. Works well in Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista and Citrix. Editing in presentation slide show can be done from anywhere by any device. Students, teachers, businessmen or industrial managers can put to use the PPT layout as per their requirement. Compatibility with Google slides.
Find the solution stock photo
Right to alter the introduction chart as indicated by the business need. PPT layout consistent with Google slides. Precise and straightforward data on PowerPoint outline. Wide screen projection does not influence the yield image quality. Attractively created introduction format with noteworthy picture quality. PowerPoint slides can be brought with various hubs and stages. Downloading is quick sharing is simple with the gathering of people. Editing of graphics, hues, background, images is simple as instructional slides are provide with the templates.
3d man showing under construction text with traffic cones stock photo
Ease to share the PPT photo design in Standard and Widescreen view. Presentation graphics are entirely compatible with Google slides. Choice to include corporate content i.e. name, icon and text. Professionally designed presentation image graphic. Beneficial for real estate, corporate and business houses. Is popular and in demand due to their easy use and accessibility.
Concept of profit making stock photo
We are proud to present our concept of profit making stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. In business, making profit is one of the important task. This can be explained by this professional image which is designed with profit making concept.
Graphic for target stock photo
Simple, easy and swift download. Fully editable text without any limits on the number of words. Totally modifiable color, orientation, size and contrast of PPT images. Convert into JPG or PDF formats and runs easily with Google slides. No loss of high resolution of PPT infographics on editing. Ideal for business advisers, project managers, product developers, strategists etc.
1114 traffic cones and yellow helmet for safety stock photo
We are proud to present our 1114 traffic cones and yellow helmet for safety stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Display the concept of road safety with this power point image template. This image template contains the graphic of traffic cones and yellow helmet. Use this image for your traffic and safety related presentations.
3d like symbol in blue color stock photo
Allow you adjust the format stock pictures as shown by the business require. Template stock photographs are standard steady with Google slides. Easy to comprehend and clear data on format. When shown on expansive screen does not impact the yield photographs quality. Attractively made presentation design with significant picture quality. Templates can be carried with different centers and stages. Downloading of format is straightforward.
Road map with yellow lines for business stock photo
We are proud to present our road map with yellow lines for business stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x717 Display the achievement and success process with this innovative image. This image is crafted with roadmap with yellow line. Display year based timeline concept for any business. Use this image in your presentation and show the talent of making amazing presentations.
Blue colored balls on road timeline stock photo
Flawless presentation of PPT visuals. Impeccable design and PowerPoint aesthetics. Proper blend of all the attributes of a good PPT. Ease of adding and deleting the content component. Ease of download and easy to save in desired format. Compatible with multiple software options related to PPT slides. High resolutions visuals. No fear of image pixilation when projected on wide screen. Used by management of marketing and sales team business planers, students and teachers.
0914 problem solution arrows choice sign pole image graphic stock photo
Pixel friendly resolution of the graphics. Easy to edit and save using Google slides. 100% modification of the slides allowed. Use your business name, replacing the official trademark in the slides. Easily modifiable into JPG or PDF format. Benefitted for researchers, students and business professionals. Creates transparency of business and presentation objectives without creating any confusions and misconceptions.
Time line roadmap with past now future stock photo
Download is quick and can be easily shared. Conveys a sense of change over time. Suitable for corporate leaders and business associates. Flexible PPT slide as can be used whenever required. PowerPoint design can be shared in Standard and Widescreen view. High quality images and visuals used in the PPT. High resolution image in size 2500x2000. Option to alter the design into JPEG and PDF document.
1114 3d man with stop sign stock photo
We are proud to present our 1114 3d man with stop sign stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000. This Power Point template slide has been crafted with graphic of 3d man and stop sign. This PPT slide displays the concept of road safety. Use this PPT slide for your road safety related presentations.
Roadmap with past now and future text stock photo
We are proud to present our roadmap with past now and future text stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays roadmap of past, now and future. Journey through the Past, Present and Future can be explained with this image. This image identifies the life cycle process. Use this image in your presentations for thoughtful interaction.
0115 two way decision for healthy and junk food stock photo
We are proud to present our 0115 two way decision for healthy and junk food stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000. Graphic of two way decision chart has been used to craft this power point image template. This image template contains the concept of taking decision for selection for food selection between healthy and junk food. Use this image template for your business and marketing related presentations.
Road signs showing concept of business efficiency stock photo
We are proud to present our road signs showing concept of business efficiency stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000.To show the concept of business efficiency in any presentation, use this business image and get good remarks on your thought representation.
Be difference concept stock photo
Download is speedy and can be easily integrate into the presentation. Photo image available in 2500x2000 size. PPT stock photo design created with great pixel excellence. Beneficial for displaying the importance of competition, leadership, standing out in the crowd, etc. PowerPoint image easy to display in standard and widescreen view. Presentation visual downloadable in JPG format.
Business arrow layout stock photo
We are proud to present our business arrow layout stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Use this professionally designed Image to spread your message in a more effective and memorable manner. This can add up zest to corporate displays and provide a booming experience of attentiveness to audiences.
Green signpost with multiple question words stock photo
Businessmen, micro, small and medium enterprises can use the PPT visual as a master slide. PowerPoint presentation supports filling background in a different color from the text. All images are 100% editable in the presentation slide. Text can be differentiated form the background by the handy features provided by PPT layout. There is no space constrain in the PowerPoint design, thus enabling easy addition or edition of data.
Road with green sign board on side stock photo
We are proud to present our road with green sign board on side stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image displays road with green signboard on the side. Use this image, in your presentations to express views on guidance or any road and transport related presentations. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
Roadmap with future now past stock photo
We are proud to present our roadmap with future now past stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Explain the concept of roadmap diagram for business targets achievement with this exclusive image. We have used graphic of roadmap to display timeline, as this image contains the concept of past, future and now. Use this professional image in your presentation to display various timeline concepts.
0115 two trucks on road stock photo
We are proud to present our 0115 two trucks on road stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This power point image template has been crafted with graphic of two trucks and road. This image template contains the concept of transportation. Use this image template for your business and marketing related presentations.
3d graphic of traffic signal stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d graphic of traffic signal stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image of traffic lights is very useful for presentations about city traffic, directions, warnings, signals and traffic symbols. This high quality image has lights of usual three colors green, yellow and red. Create eye-catching presentation using this image to explain the importance of traffic lights.
3d man following roadmap for success stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man following roadmap for success stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of 3d man following roadmap. This image contains the concept of success. Use this roadmap image to display business milestones and success. Make a presentation for buisness, success or travel related topics by using this image.
Question mark in between the traffic lights stock photo
We are proud to present our question mark in between the traffic lights stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This conceptual image has been designed with question mark in between the traffic lights. Use this professionally designed image of question mark with traffic lights to explain traffic rules in your presentations. Express your thoughts with this unique image.
Past now future on roadmap graphic stock photo
We are proud to present our past now future on roadmap graphic stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays roadmap of past, now and future. Journey through the Past, Present and Future can be explained with this image. This image identifies the process life cycle. Use this image in your presentations for thoughtful interaction.
Traffic light with red green and yellow lights stock photo
We are proud to present our traffic light with red green and yellow lights stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This high quality traffic lights light image has the usual three colors, green, yellow and red. This traffic lights image is suitable for education presentations talking about traffic lights as well as driving lessons, learn to drive presentations, etc.
Signpost with oops word stock photo
We are proud to present our signpost with oops word stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x768 This image contains the graphic of signpost with oops word. This image displays the mistakes one might come accross in business. Display this concept in your business and marketing related presentations with this unique image and good comments from your audience.
3d man standing infront of signpost looking confused stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing infront of signpost looking confused stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 This image displays 3d man standing in front of sign board looking confused stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of 3d man and signboard. Use this image, in your presentations to explain concepts related to opportunities, choices and there selections. This image may also be used in instructions and directions related presentations. This image will make your presentations attractive.
1114 traffic cones with helmet for road safety stock photo
We are proud to present our 1114 traffic cones with helmet for road safety stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Concept of road safety can be well explained with this power point image template. This image template contains the graphic of traffic cones and yellow helmet. Use this image for your traffic and safety related presentations.
Road map timeline with year based concept stock photo
We are proud to present our road map timeline with year based concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x717 This business image is crafted with roadmap and timeline concept. This image displays the concept of yearly timeline for success. Use this image to build a creative presentation for business timeline topic. Take a step forward in making creative presentation for your business topics.
Three traffic lights with red green and yellow signals stock photo
We are proud to present our three traffic lights with red green and yellow signals stock photo. This image displays three traffic lights with red, yellow and green lights on white background. This traffic lights design very useful for presentations about city traffic, directions, and for warnings, signals or symbols. Use this image to amplify your views, ideas and thoughts.
Red colored check list stock photo
We are proud to present our red colored check list stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of checklist in red color. Checklist is used to maintain records and this image has been designed to display the same. Use this image for business, sales and marketing topics. Show your ability to create a magical impact on your viewers using this image in your presentations.
Yellow signposts with success and failure concept stock photo
We are proud to present our yellow signposts with success and failure concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1287x1171 Explain the concept of success and failure with this unique image. To define this concept, we have used graphic of yellow signpost with success and failure word. Use this image in your business and sales related presentations to explain the concept in a graphical way.
3d roadmap with year based planning stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d roadmap with year based planning stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image displays 3d roadmap with year based planning. In this image, there is a graphic of road with year stands kept in gaps on the road. Use this image, in your presentations to display business goals, strategies, success and achievements for the mentioned years. This image will make your presentations attractive.
Road with hoarding of free way stock photo
We are proud to present our road with hoarding of free way stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x717 This image displays road with hoarding of free way. This image may be used in your presentations to express views on guidance and planning. It may also be used in road and transport related presentations. This image will help you reckon importance to your views.
0914 solutions sign board black pole image graphic stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 solutions sign board black pole image graphic stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1920x1080. Display various application and solution concepts in your presentation with this unique image. This image contains the graphic of sign post with two directions. Add this image in your business presentations and display multiple thoughts by single graphic.
Traffic light with on position stock photo
We are proud to present our traffic light with on position stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This high quality traffic lights light image has the usual three colors, green, yellow and red. This traffic lights image is suitable for education presentations about traffic lights as well as driving lessons and learn to drive presentations.
Green signpost with question and answer stock photo
We are proud to present our green signpost with question and answer stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 637x1004 This image displays green signpost question and answer stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of green post and arrows along with words. Use this image, in your presentations to explain various concepts in business. This image may also be used in social, marketing, education related presentations. This image will make your presentations impressive.
Road with milestones and business and sales stock photo
We are proud to present our road with milestones and business and sales stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image has been designed with graphic of roadmap with milestones. This image shows the concept of making milestones of success and targets for sales and business. Use this image in business, sales and marketing presentation.
Concept of advice stock photo
We are proud to present our concept of advice stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Concept of advice is well explained by this professional image. This image has been designed with graphic of advice text.
0914 innovative progress stagnation arrows sign board pole image stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 innovative progress stagnation arrows sign board pole image stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1920x1080. This Power Point image has been designed with graphic of two directional arrow signboard. This sign board contains the two words innovation and progress. Use this image for various business and marketing presentations.
Yellow sign post with help word stock photo
We are proud to present our yellow sign post with help word stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x768 Explain the concept of help with this unique image. To define this concept, we have used graphic of yellow signpost with help word. Use this image in your business and sales related presentations and display the importance of help.
Road with milestones for timeline of business stock photo
Pre designed PESTLE analysis circular info graphic. Thoroughly editable content. Inclusion and exclusion of data as per individual knowledge and know-how. High resolution PPT background with clarity for widescreen view. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 Display the milestone of getting success and achievement with this innovative image. Useful content for business analyst, strategist, entrepreneurs, professors and students.
Traffic lights with red and green signals and dollar stock photo
We are proud to present our traffic lights with red and green signals and dollar stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This conceptual image has been designed with dollar sign in between traffic lights. Use this professionally designed image of dollar sign with traffic lights in finance and money related presentations. Express your thoughts with this unique image.
Roadmap with red balls over for time line of business stock photo
We are proud to present our roadmap with red balls over for time line of business stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 Display the success milestones and business timeline in any presentation with our unique image. This image contains the graphic of roadmap with red color balls. This image shows the concept of success. You may also define process and timeline with this image.
Traffic cones on roadmap for business stock photo
We are proud to present our traffic cones on roadmap for business stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image has been designed with graphic of traffic cones with roadmap. This image contains the concept of safety concerns in business. Use this roadmap image to show business milestones and success. Make a presentation for buisness, success or timeline related topics by using this image.
Red colored checklist with one green cross stock photo
We are proud to present our red colored checklist with one green cross stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of red colored checklist with one green cross. This graphic image reflects importance of maintaining checklist for any business process or work. Display process check, product check or business checklist with the help of this image.
Arrows illustration competition concept stock photo
We are proud to present our arrows illustration competition concept stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Visually support your Microsoft office PPT Presentation with this Image. You can present your opinions using this impressive Image. It helps your team to align the arrows to consistently be accurate. Use this Image to highlight your thought process.
Blue two way signpost for solution display stock photo
We are proud to present our blue two way signpost for solution display stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1920x1080 This image is crafted with graphic of blue colored two way sign post for solution display. This image shows the concept of solution finding for any problem related with business. Use this image in your business and sales presentations and display the solution finding concept.
Yellow signpost for success stock photo
We are proud to present our yellow signpost for success stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 621x1062 This image has been designed with the graphic of yellow signpost and success word. This image displays the concept of getting success in business. Display this concept in your business and marketing related presentations and create an impact on your viewers.
Product roadmap timeline planning process for 4 years success stock photo
We are proud to present our product roadmap timeline planning process for 4 years success stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image displays roadmap timeline planning process for 4 years. This image depicts planning. Use this image, in your presentations to express views on strategy, planning and achievements on yearly basis. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
Yellow post for idea ahead concept stock photo
We are proud to present our yellow post for idea ahead concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 839x1004 This image contains the graphic of yellow signpost idea ahead word. This image displays the importance of generating ideas in business. Display this importance in your business and marketing related presentations with this unique image.
Roadmap with traffic cones stock photo
We are proud to present our roadmap with traffic cones stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x1800 Graphic of traffic cones and roadmap is used to decorate this beautiful image. You may explain the concept of timeline with targets with the help of this innovative image. Create your impact on your audience by using this professional image in your presentations.
Blue arrow ahead of white arrows stock photo
We are proud to present our blue arrow ahead of white arrows stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Develop competitive advantage with this above Image. This image signifies the concept of leadership. It is a useful powerful tool conceived to enable you to define your message in your business PPT presentations.
0115 two forklift trucks on road stock photo
We are proud to present our 0115 two forklift trucks on road stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Graphic of two forklift trucks on road has been used to craft this power point image template. This image template contains the concept of good transportation. Use this image template for your business and management related presentations.
Signpost of looking job stock photo
We are proud to present our signpost of looking job stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 621x1062 This image has been designed with the graphic of signpost and looking for a job word. This image displays the difficulties in getting good job. Display this concept in your business and social presentations and define the difficulty level of getting job.
Yellow signpost with profit word stock photo
We are proud to present our yellow signpost with profit word stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x768 This image contains the graphic of yellow signpost with profit word. This image displays the importance of earning profit in business. Display this importance in your business and marketing related presentations with this unique image.
Yen symbol in between traffic lights stock photo
We are proud to present our yen symbol in between traffic lights stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays Yen symbol in between traffic lights. This traffic lights design very useful for presentations about city traffic, directions, and also for warnings, signals or symbols. Use this image to amplify your views, ideas and thoughts.
Excellent work done on template design and graphics.
Innovative and attractive designs.
Amazing product with appealing content and design.
Perfect template with attractive color combination.
Great designs, Easily Editable.
Unique design & color.
Innovative and attractive designs.
Qualitative and comprehensive slides.
Innovative and attractive designs.
Perfect template with attractive color combination.