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Production and operation cost analysis ppt slide examples


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Presenting production and operation cost analysis ppt slide examples. This is a production and operation cost analysis ppt slide examples. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are raw materials, labor dependent, equipment dependent, consumables, utilities.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation


This image is a slide from a presentation depicting a "Production & Operation Cost Analysis." The slide is formatted as a table that displays various cost items associated with production and operation, the cost in USD per year for each item, and the percentage that each cost item contributes to the total cost. The cost items include Raw Materials, Labor-Dependent, Equipment-Dependent, Laboratory/QC/QA (Quality Control/Quality Assurance), Consumables, Waste Treatment/Disposal, Utilities, Transportation, Miscellaneous, Advertising and Selling, Running Royalties, and Failed Product Disposal. Most of the cost items have been allocated specific amounts and percentages, indicating their impact on the total cost, with a grand total of 6,747,000 USD, encompassing 100% of the assessed costs. Notably, several cost items such as Consumables, Utilities, Transportation, Miscellaneous, Advertising and Selling, Running Royalties, and Failed Product Disposal are currently set to zero and do not contribute to the cost analysis in this instance.

Use Cases:

Here are seven potential industries where these slides can be applied:

1. Manufacturing:

Use: Analyzing production line costs

Presenter: Chief Financial Officer

Audience: Board of Directors

2. Pharmaceuticals:

Use: Detailing drug manufacturing expenses

Presenter: Production Manager

Audience: Investors

3. Automotive:

Use: Assessing vehicle production costs

Presenter: Operations Director

Audience: Shareholders

4. Agriculture:

Use: Calculating farm operational costs

Presenter: Farm Manager

Audience: Financial Analysts

5. Electronics:

Use: Evaluating electronic goods production expenses

Presenter: Supply Chain Manager

Audience: Strategic Partners

6. Food and Beverage:

Use: Outlining cost analysis for food processing

Presenter: Plant Manager

Audience: Internal Management Team

7. Energy:

Use: Cost distribution analysis of energy production

Presenter: Budget Analyst

Audience: Regulatory Bodies

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    by Edmond Estrada

    Colors used are bright and distinctive.
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    by Chauncey Ramos

    Designs have enough space to add content.

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