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0514 workflow diagram template powerpoint presentation


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We are proud to present our 0514 workflow diagram template powerpoint presentation. This business power point template is designed with workflow diagram to display any work flow for financial or business process diagram. Use tis template in your financial or business related presentation and make them more effective.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation


The image is a PowerPoint slide depicting a workflow diagram template for a recruitment process. The workflow starts at the top with "Recruitment Requisition," suggesting the initial need for hiring.

It flows into two initial paths: "Selection criteria," where the qualifications needed for the job are determined, and "Advertise for the Job," leading to "Receive applications for the Job." The applications are then categorized into Group A, "Suitable for the Job," and Group B, "Unsuitable for the Job," using a decision diamond.

Candidates in Group A proceed to "Interview candidates," followed by an assessment against the criteria. If the assessment is positive, they move on to a "2nd Interview"; if negative, they are presumably no longer considered.

The second interview leads to another assessment. A positive result here leads to a "Job Offer," while a negative result does not proceed further in this workflow diagram. For those who are categorized in Group B or are no longer considered after the interviews, there is an end step titled "Send Thank You letter/email," indicating a polite closure to their application process.

The slide also includes a placeholder at the bottom right for "Your logo," allowing for customization to include the branding of the presenting organization.

This workflow diagram is a clear visual tool for explaining the recruitment process within an organization. It helps ensure that the recruitment team follows a structured approach to hiring and provides clarity to stakeholders involved in the hiring process.

Use Cases:

The workflow diagram PowerPoint slide provides a structured approach to recruitment, making it an invaluable tool across various industries for HR professionals.

1. Healthcare:

Use: Standardizing the hiring process for medical staff.

Presenter: HR Manager

Audience: Hospital Administration, Department Heads

2. Information Technology:

Use: Streamlining the recruitment of IT professionals.

Presenter: Talent Acquisition Specialist

Audience: Hiring Managers, Recruitment Teams

3. Education:

Use: Organizing faculty and staff hiring procedures.

Presenter: Dean of Human Resources

Audience: Academic Search Committees, School Board Members

4. Hospitality:

Use: Coordinating the selection process for service-oriented roles.

Presenter: HR Director

Audience: Hotel Managers, Restaurant Owners

5. Construction:

Use: Outlining recruitment workflows for skilled laborers and tradespeople.

Presenter: Construction Manager

Audience: Project Managers, Foremen

6. Retail:

Use: Systematizing the hiring of retail associates.

Presenter: Retail HR Coordinator

Audience: Store Managers, Regional Directors

7. Financial Services:

Use: Detailing the vetting process for financial analysts and advisors.

Presenter: Chief of Staff

Audience: Compliance Officers, Branch Managers


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