Fishbone diagram cause effective relationship powerpoint slide backgrounds
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Presenting fishbone diagram cause effective relationship powerpoint slide backgrounds. This is a fishbone diagram cause effective relationship powerpoint slide backgrounds. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are cause, description, problem quality, business, marketing.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
The image is of a PowerPoint slide featuring a Fishbone Diagram, also known as an Ishikawa diagram, which is used to identify, explore, and display the possible causes of a specific problem or quality feature. The central "spine" of the fishbone represents the problem or quality feature to be examined. In this case, the head of the fishbone is labeled "Problem Quality / Feature."
Branching off the spine are lines that lead to categories of potential causes, labeled here as "Description 1" through "Description 6." These descriptions are placeholders where specific categories like "Methods," "Machinery," "People," "Materials," "Measurements," and "Environment" can be inserted, depending on the context of the problem. From each category, smaller lines extend, labeled "Cause 1" through "Cause 12," where specific causes related to each category would be placed.
There's a note on the slide that explains the purpose of the fishbone diagram: "Below is the fishbone diagram establishing a cause/effect relationship indicating the effect various causes might have on the product/service quality. You can list down the causes and their effect in the below diagram as per your requirements."
Use Cases:
Such a diagram can be utilized in various industries for problem-solving and quality improvement purposes:
1. Manufacturing:
Use: Identifying factors affecting product defects.
Presenter: Quality Assurance Manager.
Audience: Production Team.
2. Healthcare:
Use: Analyzing the causes of patient safety incidents.
Presenter: Clinical Risk Manager.
Audience: Medical Staff and Administrators.
3. Information Technology:
Use: Troubleshooting software bugs or system failures.
Presenter: IT Project Lead.
Audience: Development and Testing Teams.
4. Education:
Use: Understanding factors contributing to student performance issues.
Presenter: Academic Researcher.
Audience: Educators and Policy Makers.
5. Automotive:
Use: Investigating the root causes of mechanical failures in vehicles.
Presenter: Engineering Team Lead.
Audience: Design and Engineering Teams.
6. Hospitality:
Use: Assessing reasons for customer satisfaction decline in hotel services.
Presenter: Operations Manager.
Audience: Service Staff and Management.
7. Environmental Services:
Use: Examining causes of environmental non-compliance incidents.
Presenter: Environmental Compliance Officer.
Audience: Environmental Protection Team.
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