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Putting A Positive Approach To Work Through Speaking Training Ppt


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Presenting Putting a Positive Approach to Work through Speaking. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1

This slide shows the various elements of PVLEGS framework of speaking, where P stands for poise, V for voice, L for life, E for eye contact, G for gestures, and S for speed.

Slide 2

This slide is about spreading a positive approach to work through speaking and lists eight simple, but often ignored actions to really make it happen. These are eye contact, confidence, choosing the right word etc.

Slide 3

This slide covers the basic points on why eye contact is important in speaking. 

Slide 4

This slide covers the basic points on why eye contact is important in speaking. Few essentials of maintaining eye contact while speaking include maintaining a neutral smile while having your gaze meet members of the audience, looking positive, keeping eyes on person’s face and giving remaining impassive. 

Slide 5

This slide covers the basic points on why being groomed and confident is important in speaking. The speaker should be careful and speak confidently to show assertiveness, invite higher audience engagement and effectiveness.

Slide 6

This slide mentions the importance of using right words in communication. The words chosen should be clear and must be aimed at enhancing clarity in communication. Right words enhance the speaker's confidence, give an accurate expression of ideas, and add to the credibility of the conversation

Slide 7

This slide highlights the importance of conducting meetings, presentations and conversations in a non-distracting environment. It is suggested that conducting calls in a quiet and comfortable environment adds to the productivity of the call.

Slide 8

This slide covers how a good call should be scheduled and conducted, and what will be its significance in the communication process. It includes proper structuring of the call, conducting research before the call, figuring out the objectives of the call, and planning it well in view of the connectivity glitches, if any. The planned call will result in effective exchange of ideas, save time and ensure communication gaps are non-existent.

Slide 9

This slide illustrates the basic rules to conduct a professional call and the right time to call. It suggests that an individual should prefer conducting a call during working hours with the prior permission of the receiver.

Slide 10

This slide covers the right way to put a person on hold during a telephonic conversation. An individual should state the reason for placing the call on hold, wrap up shortly and thank the person for cooperating.

Slide 11

This slide explains the professional way to end a call. It is suggested that an individual should always conclude the discussion before ending the call.

Slide 12

This slide mentions an exercise on improving speaking skills that trainees will be recommended to do and come back with feedback.

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