
Sustainable Marketing Promotional Techniques To Influence Product Sales MKT CD V


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide displays the title Sustainable Marketing Promotional Techniques to Influence Product Sales. Commence by stating Your Company Name.
Slide 2: This slide displays the title AGENDA.
Slide 3: This slide exhibit table of content.
Slide 4: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 5: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 6: This slide covers brief summary of sustainable marketing.
Slide 7: This slide covers advantages of implementing sustainability in marketing activities in the company.
Slide 8: This slide covers impact of sustainable marketing in promoting product and services.
Slide 9: This slide covers methods through which sustainability can be maintained in marketing process.
Slide 10: This slide covers key pillars that induce the need for sustainability in marketing activities.
Slide 11: This slide covers tips to enhance activities under sustainable marketing.
Slide 12: This slide covers tips to communicate the promotional content.
Slide 13: This slide covers various challenges faced by company and customers through adoption of traditional marketing concept.
Slide 14: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 15: This slide covers top principles that form basis of sustainability in marketing activities.
Slide 16: This slide covers brief summary of consumer centric marketing strategy.
Slide 17: This slide covers advantages of implementing customer oriented marketing strategy in company.
Slide 18: This slide covers points to be included while preparing customer centric marketing strategy.
Slide 19: This slide covers different phases to create a customer centric marketing program by company.
Slide 20: This slide covers metrics to assess the performance of marketing activities under customer centric strategy.
Slide 21: This slide covers the mission focused marketing campaign activities launched by company.
Slide 22: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 23: This slide covers brief summary of consumer value marketing activities.
Slide 24: This slide covers four elements involved in improving customer value.
Slide 25: This slide covers methods to provide value to customers through several marketing activities.
Slide 26: This slide covers steps to build customer value marketing program to promote company’s products.
Slide 27: This slide covers top strategies to enhance customer value through marketing activities.
Slide 28: This slide covers the customer value focused marketing campaign initiated by the company.
Slide 29: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 30: This slide covers brief summary of consumer value marketing activities.
Slide 31: This slide covers key points to be included while creating content for innovative marketing campaign.
Slide 32: This slide covers digital media channels under sustainable marketing campaign to be used by the company.
Slide 33: This slide covers survey outcomes to evaluate most innovative and used digital marketing channel and budget allocated to them.
Slide 34: This slide covers steps to create an innovative marketing campaign to promote products and services.
Slide 35: This slide covers techniques to enhance performance of innovative marketing campaign launched by company.
Slide 36: This slide covers the innovation focused marketing campaign initiated by the company.
Slide 37: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 38: This slide covers brief summary of purpose driven marketing approach used by company based on its mission and vision.
Slide 39: This slide covers methods through which purpose driven approach can be maintained in marketing process.
Slide 40: This slide covers steps to launch purpose driven marketing strategy in the company.
Slide 41: This slide covers steps to launch purpose driven marketing strategy in the company.
Slide 42: This slide covers top strategies to enhance sense of mission marketing campaign to generate maximum returns.
Slide 43: This slide covers the mission focused marketing campaign activities launched by company.
Slide 44: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 45: This slide covers brief summary of social marketing approach used by company to promote a social cause.
Slide 46: This slide covers key guidelines and instruments for implementing societal marketing approach in company to promote products and services.
Slide 47: This slide covers process to create a social marketing program for customers.
Slide 48: This slide covers key considerations for building an effective social marketing program.
Slide 49: This slide covers the innovation focused marketing campaign initiated by the company.
Slide 50: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 51: This slide covers breakdown of budget allocated for various activities under sustainable marketing program.
Slide 52: This slide covers cost spent on sustainable marketing campaign for various activities.
Slide 53: This slide covers impact of sustainable marketing campaign to acquire large customer base through content posted online.
Slide 54: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 55: This slide covers dashboard to evaluate the performance of campaigns launched under sustainable marketing.
Slide 56: This slide covers dashboard to track the fund raised under sense of mission marketing campaign.
Slide 57: This slide exhibit table of content that is to be discuss further.
Slide 58: This slide covers marketing campaign initiated by Lacoste company as an initiative to protect species that are becoming extinct.
Slide 59: This slide covers electric cars produced by Tesla to save environment from emission of harmful gases and promotes the same through societal marketing.
Slide 60: This slide covers marketing campaign initiated by Body Shop company to recycle product packaging.
Slide 61: This is the icons slide.
Slide 62: This slide presents title for additional slides.
Slide 63: This slide covers ESG activities initiated and published by company as a part of sustainability marketing.
Slide 64: This slide presents your company's vision, mission and goals.
Slide 65: This slide shows about your company, target audience and its client's values.
Slide 66: This slide shows details of team members like name, designation, etc.
Slide 67: This slide display Our goal.
Slide 68: This slide display Quotes.
Slide 69: This slide display Venn diagram.
Slide 70: This slide depicts posts for past experiences of clients.
Slide 71: This slide exhibits ideas generated.
Slide 72: This slide shows puzzle for displaying elements of company.
Slide 73: This slide display Mind map.
Slide 74: This slide display SWOT Analysis.
Slide 75: This slide display Timeline.
Slide 76: This slide display Column chart for different products.
Slide 77: This slide display Pie chart.
Slide 78: This slide display Roadmap.
Slide 79: This is thank you slide & contains contact details of company like office address, phone no., etc.

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