Lean roadmap swimlane current near term and future
Download our lean roadmap swim lane current near term and future PowerPoint presentation to organize complex flowcharts, and to coordinate between several departments. This presentation slide of lean transformation roadmap has been created by our professional designers and this layout help you to map out process, decisions, events and actions in lanes to delineate specific process or sub processes. This lean roadmap PPT slide is useful to improve the flow of a process, create a plan or roadmap describing the improved flow, highlighting changes, and areas for improvement. This PPT slide can help to ensure that the people are aware what they are doing in an organization and this swim lane diagram can be used to highlight which process steps are assigned to particular employee in the organization. This template can also highlight process delays or capacity problems within particular process so that they can be addressed and resolved. Use our slideshow of lean transformation to analyze, stabilize, visualize, and standardize the processes. Advise folks on how to cater for inflation with our Lean Roadmap Swimlane Current Near Term And Future. Initiate action to curb further growth.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
The image is a PowerPoint slide titled "Lean Roadmap Swimlane Current Near Term..." which seems to outline a project roadmap using the swimlane format, typically used for visualizing the process flow across various departments or stages in product development.
The swimlanes are categorized into sections reflecting different focus areas or departments:
1. Product:Â
Lists tasks like "Customer Testing," "Filters," and planning for future steps like "Product Minimum Viable Product" and "Product A Launch."
2. Design:Â
Includes tasks related to the design phase such as "Feature Level Design," "Design Mockups," and future tasks like "Wireframe App" and "User Experience/User Interface."
3. Engineering:Â
Covers engineering tasks like "Demo Staging" and "Feature B Scope," with future considerations for "Social Sign-on" and "Environment Set Up."
4. Mobile:Â
Lists mobile-related tasks such as "Drag And Drop Tool" and "Interactive Messages," progressing to "App Minimum Viable Product" and "Mobile Support."
5. Operations:Â
Encompasses operational tasks including multiple entries for "Company Setup," with future tasks including "CRM Reporting" and "Build In-house Tools."
Each task is assigned to a timeframe: "Current," "Near-Term," or "Future," indicating when each task is expected to be initiated or completed.
Use Cases:
This type of roadmap is versatile and can be used across various industries:
1. Software Development:
Use: Outlining product development stages.
Presenter: Project Manager
Audience: Development team, stakeholders
2. Automotive:
Use: Planning design and engineering milestones for new models.
Presenter: Product Development Lead
Audience: Engineers, designers
3. Healthcare:
Use: Managing rollout of new healthcare technologies.
Presenter: Health Informatics Manager
Audience: IT department, clinical staff
4. Finance:
Use: Implementing new financial products or services.
Presenter: Finance Project Manager
Audience: Finance team, compliance officers
5. Retail:
Use: Launching new e-commerce platform features.
Presenter: E-commerce Manager
Audience: Marketing, IT teams
6. Telecommunications:
Use: Deploying new network technologies.
Presenter: Network Operations Manager
Audience: Technical staff, operations team
7. Education:
Use: Development and release of educational technology tools.
Presenter: EdTech Coordinator
Audience: Educational staff, IT specialists
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Deal with frustrations through our Lean Roadmap Swimlane Current Near Term And Future. Focus on them in an effective fashion.
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