In physics, we define resistance to change, aka inertia, as an intrinsic quality of an object by virtue of which it continues to maintain its original state unless acted by any external force


The conclusion drawn is that an impetus is needed to change an object’s existing state. 




This concept applies to everyday human dealings and emotions as well. Therefore, the next time you are disinclined to embrace change, feel free to blame it on physics, especially the big guy, Sir Issac Newton. 


Yet, the subject remains that change is mandatory to evolve.


Change in Nature


In nature, trees that resist the weight of fruits growing on them, instead of bowing down, break easily. Similarly, organisms that don’t adapt or change according to environmental dynamics have only endangered themselves.

It all points to one thing: Change is nature’s only constant that shouldn't always be interpreted as bad, rather it points in the direction of evolution.


Change in Organizations


Now, one thing that’s established is that change is a reaction and there’s bound to be a reason for this. In the corporate world, when a specialist exits, the company might ask its employees to multi-task, causing their routine work to change. Similarly, a company merging with another enterprise will require the old office space to accommodate, shift, or even layoff employees. This, again, will set into motion dynamics that would impact the office environment.


Want to find out how your staff is taking transitions or listen to thir opininon on one-on-one? Plan a Gemba Walk with our expert-suggested presenation templates listed here.


Change in leadership, office re-location, and even switching to new tools and technology is usually met with resistance from the staff. If the management truly believes in change being the need of the hour, it must do everything in its power to ensure this challenge is smoothly accepted and implemented. 


The Power of Visuals

Demonstrating the reason behind the change, explaining the process via visuals, and in other cases implying the repercussions of anyone being a hurdle could eliminate obstacles in the way. In other words, PowerPoint Presentations could assist organizations in making changes happen seamlessly without frustration. Resistance to change presentation templates will help address misunderstandings and get everyone on board for the transformation.

In particular, resistance to change presentation templates from SlideTeam will address relevant areas in bringing about smooth transitions. 


These are 100% customizable and easy to edit that professionals across industries can use and benefit from. Let’s explore our expert-suggested resistance to change presentation templates now!

Template 1: Three Types of Resistance To Change

Use this Resistance to Change infographic template to categorize levels of disagreements that your points of focus (employees etc) could demonstrate. Primary categories can be logic-based, emotions-based, and sociological based. List the subcategories to explain what each level of resistance means. This PPT Slide lays down the groundwork for better preparation of management to handle and de-escalate these obstructions so that change is well accepted. Go ahead and download it now!


3 Types of Resistance to Change Presentation Template


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Template 2: Managing Resistance To Change Sample PPT Presentation

Use this presentation design to break down aspects of resistance to change and to understand how you can overcome these better. Discuss the areas where resistance is perceived, such as structural interia, limited focus, group inertia, etc. You can go a step ahead to discuss threats to expertise, established power, and resources allocated. With these areas of resistance highlighted, you can look for strategies for management to implement and get this obstruction over with. Go ahead and download it now!


Managing Resistance To Change Sample Presentation Template


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Template 3: Dealing with Resistance To Change PowerPoint Slide Show

This PPT Slide helps you navigate your team through the resistance that employees may show to change. It features a five-step action plan that comprises educating about and communicating the change followed by encouraging participation from all. Next, in order to transition into the new state, facilitating ahead and support so that change is acceptable and achievable is highlighted. Finally, there has to be room for negotiation to cater to the remaining obstructions. Lastly, it’s about selecting the right people to engage with the team and make this change acceptable. Go ahead and invest in this presentation slide now!


Diversity in talent and opinions could also be roadblock so you must have team agreements in place to navigate them better. Our blog replete with PPT Templates offer a expert-approved resolution. 


Dealing With Resistance To Change presentation template


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Template 4: Key Strategies To Overcome Resistance To Change

Do you want to adopt a strategic approach to overcome resistances to change? Look no further than this PPT Framework that features a seven-step strategic approach to make change tolerable, if not acceptable. Begin with defining the change and how it aligns with the business goals. You can discuss impact and highlight the strategy for communication. Finally, creating an efficient training program with assistance available round the working hours will help get on board your team. An important aspect of combating resistance to change is measuring progress at each step which is also focused on in this PPT Diagram. Go ahead and download this creative PPT layout now!


Key Strategies to Overcome Resistance to Change Template

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Template 5: Resistance Management Plan Template

If you want to attack resistance to change at its core, you need to identify areas and aspects that cause it. With this form template, list the issues that you have garnered based on the survey and assign it a rating between one to five. To make this presentation template more detailed, add a short description of these issues and how these were identified in the first place. Grab this informative PPT Layout now!


Resistance Management Plan Template


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Template 6: Sources of Organizational and Individual Resistance To Change Management

Delve a little deeper into the sources of resistance to change with this circular diagram template. Classify these sources of organizational and individual resistances to change management with this PPT Diagram, as you get to the bottom of the agents that you must force to concede. Individual resistances can be selective information processing, habit, fear of the unknown, etc. Similarly organizational resistance could include threats to establish resource allocation, to power relationships, and expertise, inertia, etc. Categorize these under these two groups to fight these better and ease your way to accepting change with grace. Download now!


It's time your organziation invests in a knowledge transfer plan to protect the valuable learnings and skills and pass it on in a professional manner using our dedicated templates listed here.


Sources of Organizational and Individual Resistance to Change Management presentation template


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Template 7: Resistance To Change PPT Slide Design

It’s always helpful to quantify data, as in this case the forms of resistance that your proposal faces. Assign a percentage value to each of these resistance to change and the factors adding to the strength or the force of these resistances. Common denominators would be lack of commitment, unrealistic expectations, lack of cross-functional teams, etc Record their percentage and represent them graphically with this bar chart diagram as shown. Get it now from the link below!


Resistance To Change Survey Results PPT Template


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Template 8: Reasons for Resistance To Change in Change Management Training PPT Slide

Is your organization eyeing digital transformation, but receiving a mixed reaction from your team to step into this next phase? If yes, you need this presentation template to address the forces that act in your favor and against it to make this transition seamless. This PPT Layout features a comparative structure to address forces that support change and the ones that oppose it. Evaluate the importance of each category to understand what you’re up against in your quest to make the change happen. Specify internal, external, discreet, or apparent forces and allocate these to their respective category. This PPT Layout is an essential part of your assessment to combat resistance and turn them into your strengths. Download now!


Digital Transformations' Reasons for Resistance to Change


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Template 9: Major Reasons for Employee Resistance To Change

You need to understand the primary reason for employees’ unwillingness to get on with the new work setup. This is the PPT Slide to list and address those reasons one by one. Common reasons identified are protecting self interest, misunderstanding, low tolerance for adjustment, fear of economic loss, or even not being convinced tactfully. You must create a strategic action plan to address and resolve these issues so as to remove any obstacle that could hinder your company’s transition into the next phase. Grab this PPT Tool to discuss and clear these important hindrances now! 


So you hit a roadblock, get your project on track with our get well soon presentation templates collated in this guide.


Major reasons for employee resistance to change


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Template 10: Managing Organization Employees Resistance To Change

This is a guide to soften and lower resistance that employees show toward accepting change. Using this PPT Slide, you can list the common behaviors that indicate reluctances of employees to adjust to the change such as inability to comprehend change, unwillingness to change, non-perception of benefits of the change, or simply a negative emotional reaction to change. Lay down a standard approach to resolve these forms of resistances and make the transition seamless with the aid of this PPT Layout. Download now!


Addressing Employee Resistance to Change Presentation Template


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Invest in these content-ready Resistance To Change Presentation Templates to ease acceptance of changes that are imminent. Help your co-workers and staff embrace change, when they are convinced of its utility and purpose. Address their concerns, misconceptions, and fears about embracing change and how it’s only a stepping stone to great opportunities that lie ahead.


PS: Here are best-in-class templates on change management strategy.