
Marketing Campaign Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Presenting Marketing Campaign Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides that is fully customizable. You can alter the color, fonts, font type, and font size of the template as per your needs. Can be opened and saved into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. The template is compatible with Google Slides that makes it easily accessible at once. It is readily available in both standard and widescreen formats.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Marketing Campaign Proposal. State Company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide displays Cover Letter for Marketing Campaign Proposal.
Slide 3: This slide displays Table of Contents of the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide depicts Table of Contents.
Slide 5: This slide showcases Summary of Marketing Campaign.
Slide 6: This slide shows Key Target Audiences of Marketing Campaign. Described below the details of main group audience & second most important target audience that event want to attract-Primary Target Audience.
Slide 7: This slide describes Strategic Approach To Marketing Campaign Proposal.
Slide 8: This slide displays Ways to Promote Marketing Campaign.
Slide 9: This slide showcases Situation Analysis for Marketing Campaign.
Slide 10: This slide presents Marketing Campaign Process Mapping.
Slide 11: This slide depicts Marketing Campaign Proposal Timeline.
Slide 12: This slide represents Marketing Campaign Proposal Timeline.
Slide 13: This slide showcases Marketing Campaign Proposal Timeline.
Slide 14: This slide showcases Marketing Campaign Budget.
Slide 15: This slide displays Table of Contents.
Slide 16: This is About us slide with Company's history, Vision, Mission and Background.
Slide 17: This is Our Team slide with Names and Designations.
Slide 18: This is Our Team slide with Names and Designations. Write in brief (4-5 lines) on team member’s education background, past career experience, similar experience in this company, achievements etc.
Slide 19: This slide displays Client Testimonials for Marketing Campaign
Slide 20: This slide shows Next Steps for Marketing Campaign
Slide 21: This is Contact Us slide with Address, Email address and Contact number.
Slide 22: This is Icons Slide for Marketing Campaign Proposal.
Slide 23: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 24: This is Our Mission slide with Mission, Goal and Vision.
Slide 25: This slide depicts Timeline for Marketing Campaign Proposal.
Slide 26: This is 30 60 90 Days Plan slide.
Slide 27: This slide displays Roadmap process.

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  1. 60%

    by Sokhulu Business Solutions

    Well written clear to understand
  2. 100%

    by Darrin Porter

    Excellent template with unique design.
  3. 80%

    by Edwin Valdez

    Easy to edit slides with easy to understand instructions.
  4. 80%

    by Drew Alvarado

    The content is very helpful from business point of view.
  5. 80%

    by Dean Dixon

    Professional and unique presentations.

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