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Achieving Sales Target Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Following PowerPoint slides bundle can be used by professionals and sales executives for reaching their sales targets. You can easily personalize the icons and color schemes. The watermark visible in the templates is temporary and gets removes when you download it. This design is also compatible with google slides and can be experienced in the full-screen version after downloading.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Achieving Sales Target with imagery. State company name here.
Slide 2: This slide presents Current Financial Highlights in charts and graphs. Specify the financial performance of the company here. You can alter these as per your requirements.
Slide 3: This slide showcases Products Offering circular image form.
Slide 4: This slide showcases Our Services which involves- Digital Advertising, Marketing & Analytics, Digital Care Package, Security & Maintenance.
Slide 5: This is Our Team slide to display names, designation with image boxes.
Slide 6: This slide states Sales Team Compensation Plan. You can add/ alter content as per need.
Slide 7: This slide showcases Upcoming Projects with their respective icons.
Slide 8: This slide states a difference between Actual Vs Target Sales in a bar graph/ chart form.
Slide 9: This slide showcases Sales Promotion Tools. They are as follows- Rebates/ Refunds, Sampling, Sweepstakes, Contests & Games, Coupons, Price Reductions, Specialties, Premiums.
Slide 10: This slide displays Major Roadblocks Or Obstacles roadmap. Mention the obstacles you foresee in carrying out your planned tasks.
Slide 11: This slide presents Sales Product Performance Dashboard in charts and graphs to state comparison, information etc.
Slide 12: This is Achieving Sales Target For Icon Slide. Use/ alter icons as per business requirement.
Slide 13: This is a Coffee Break slide to halt. You may change it as per requirement.
Slide 14: This slide is titled Charts & Graphs to move forward. Change/ alter contents as per need.
Slide 15: This is an Area Chart slide for product/entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 16: This is a Radar Chart slide for product/entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 17: This is a Combo Chart slide for product/entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 18: This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. Change/ alter contents as per need.
Slide 19: This is Our Mission slide to state your mission, vision, goals etc. here.
Slide 20: This is an About Us slide. You can shows company/team specifications etc. here.
Slide 21: This slide showcases Financial scores in terms of Minimun, Medium and Maximum.
Slide 22: This is a Comparison slide To state comparison between commodities/ entities etc.
Slide 23: This is a Venn slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 24: This is a Bulb or Idea to show information, ideas, specifications etc.
Slide 25: This is a Thank You image slide with Address, Email and Contact number.

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    Awesomely designed templates, Easy to understand.

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