Financial management can get as tricky as you let it be. Within the corporate atmosphere, finances are synonymous with the vital energy that makes any business thrive. Therefore, those managing finances are the fuel repository of any corporate entity looking to put together the pieces and, ultimately, make a decent revenue.


Whether a startup or a multi-national corporation, books in order are always a desirable trait. After all, the art of business management flourishes when finances are well-handled. Those looking to make disruptive changes should have mastered the capital count, the funding field, the credit corner, and the tax territory equally.


On an individual level, too, financial management is a skill to be learned and a power to possess. This may go beyond inspiring quotes from wealth gurus like Warren Buffet. It can also go beyond an auditor’s desk at a top-class office of a Fortune 500 company. It all boils down to the critical acumen — mastering the mathematics of money.

↓Download this complete financial management resource for a profitable start

Corporate Finance Powerpoint Presentation Slides Financial Management Templates


So where does one start figuring out this math? How does one become the master of the financial highs and lows?


The answer lies in this blog that will serve as a resourceful crash course on managing finances like a pro. The course resources are financial management templates crafted in PowerPoint to help you with your journey to becoming a money master. So whether you are an entrepreneur starting a tricky book on tax compliance or executive or managerial-level professional juggling balance sheets, it is time to read on and find out the quick fix.


What makes financial management templates so unique?


By definition, financial management aims to maximize the wealth of the respective stakeholders of a company. The perennial number crunching will need some kind of organization and structure for knowledge sharing and analysis. And the more these numbers are presented in the form of decipherable visuals, the better.


This is where templatized models of financial management come in handy for planners and executives alike. With templates, financial documentation becomes more structured and easy to incorporate into the black and white scheme of things. Digital visualization aided by these templates can improve data analysis and application. Additionally, templates can trim down the workload of the mundane and make it available for the agile and informed.


But which are the best templatized models to use?


The answer to that is PowerPoint templates.


The reasons for that are simple:


  • Pre-designed financial management templates made in PowerPoint are fully editable and graphically valuable. This makes them the first (and obvious) choice of bookkeepers and financial analysts across the globe.
  • The templates are linked with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, an all-time favorite tool of the financial management industry. Coupled with PowerPoint, a multi-faceted power-packed visual content platform in itself, these financial management templates become an on-demand resource.
  • The plug-and-play functionality of financial management templates helps save a ton of resources and time. The flexibility and reusability of these templates make them a knowledge reservoir and an essential documentation standard.


There are benefits galore to using financial management templates crafted in PowerPoint (SlideTeam has been proving that time and again). But the only way you can fully exploit these benefits is by actually putting the proof of concept to actual use. So let’s understand how to apply the financial management templates to become a number-crunching wizard in no time.


Financial management: The circle of four and a pack of templates


Often corporate head honchos and finance enthusiasts consider finance as the end goal. But if one shuns these preconceived notions, one can see that financial management plays a more supportive role to each vertical of the business rather than being an outcome of it. Whether on an individual or a corporate level, financial management is an iterative process of 4 inter-linked activities — planning and budgeting, resource allocation, operating and monitoring, and evaluation and reporting.


And that is all the mantra to mastering financing entails. Once you begin this circle of four, you get to juggle and crunch numbers side by side and help the company management make sound fiscal decisions.


Therefore, to help you put together this circle, we are offering bespoke packages of PowerPoint templates that you can leverage at each phase of the circle. These financial management templates are fully customizable. So you can download and use them as many times as you want. Pro tip, as the circle of four will give out plenty of data regularly, you can incorporate that in the Excel-linked data charts of your financial management templates and use it for reporting on each subsequent quarter. Just download and get started.


1. Planning and budgeting

A financial management process begins with a plan. Everything does. It’s just that for financial management, you have to check the boxes rigorously (nobody wants to lose a couple of millions due to poor planning after all). The planning phase here also entails budgeting for any project or operation in the company. A proper budgeting process factors in the financial resources, assets, and liabilities of the project.

Related read: 25 Best PowerPoint Slides for the Financial Services Industry to Win Clients

A well-structured and well-calculated budget guides company management on whether a project will turn out to be fruitful or harmful to the bank balance. Budgeting acts as a launchpad for any corporate or individual endeavor, preparing you for a deficit or a surplus beforehand. Consequently, a budget prepares the subject for contingencies, besides making assumptions about potential vendors and markets.


Your template package: An ideal budget these days transcends the definitions of revenue and expenditure gaps. Since data and numbers are a big part of effective budgeting, one needs tools to help visualize these numbers while indicating resources and values with accuracy. The following financial management templates will help you with such visualization and effectively navigate the challenges of keeping track of your cents and dimes. Just download them and prepare bespoke budget reports instantly.

↓For devising budgets like a pro

Capital Budget Powerpoint Presentation Slides Financial Management Templates

↓To curate facts and figures with accuracy

Financial Scheme Powerpoint Presentation Slides Financial Management Templates

↓For planning the best route to profit

Financial Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides Financial Management Templates



2. Resource allocation

In corporate economics, the step after budgeting is resource allocation. It is the process of allotting monetary resources to each entity according to its priority, size, or risk. Resource allocation is a crucial facet of corporate strategy and works for long-term goals. Combined with manual discretion, resource allocation helps in planning optimum usage of funds.

Related read: Top 35 Finance PowerPoint Templates for Accounting and Other Financial Services

Corporate units as well as individuals leverage resource allocation in terms of a real-time process. This means that as funds or resources increase due to surplus profits, those managing allotment can feed high-performing projects. At the same time, if revenue figures are underwhelming, companies can make cutbacks on other resources. Additionally, resource allocation helps one plan out alternative channels of capital optimization with continued cost analysis.


Your template package: Deploying your capital wherewithal at appropriate outlets needs a certain level of strategic acumen. It also requires precise assessment and knowledge gathering regarding these outlets. Therefore, your best bet is to use the following package of financial management templates. With each template, you can plan out your financial resources according to your individual or corporate strategy to reap the rewards in the long run. Click to download and make the most of these templates.

↓For judicious allotment of funds

Cost Allocation Indirect Costs Allocation Direct Cost Output Per Month Financial Management Templates

↓To manage your resources optimally

Allocation Expenses Business Investment Resource Financial Managers

↓For a well-informed capital distribution

Resource Utilization Powerpoint Presentation Slides


3. Operating and monitoring

Next up in the circle is financial operating and monitoring. This step comes when the allotted financial resources get into action. The operational and strategic verticals of the business like HR and marketing start consuming the financial resources. This operation is then monitored using various data heads and tracked using fact sheets and ledgers.

Related read: Top 10 One Page Financial Summary PowerPoint Templates to Help You Track Business Finances!

On an individual level, operating and monitoring come into the picture at the expenditure phase. The expense in motion feeds back essential data to the financial tracking systems. After that, you can feed this data to the standardized financial reporting models. Based on the instance or duration earmarked by the management, you can deploy these models for further intelligence on resource planning and allocation.


Your template package: Right off the bat, in this phase of financial management, the circle requires proper documentation of working capital. You need to formulate data-driven frameworks while monitoring cash flow and inventory. Additionally, bookkeepers need to conduct frequent overhead analysis, KPI dashboard preparation, and real-time drafting of financial statements to minimize errors in evaluation and reporting. The following financial management templates will help you stay on top of things.

↓For justifying operational costs

Financial Expenditure Powerpoint Presentation Slides Financial Management Templates

↓To monitor high-performing assets

Capital Expenditure Powerpoint Presentation Slides

↓For keeping tabs on financial anomalies

Tangible Assets Expenditure Powerpoint Presentation Slides


4. Evaluation and reporting

Once the investment of financial resources has run its course, it is time to evaluate the performance and report it in comprehensive formats for business intelligence. Financial evaluation depicts the input from various agencies and revenue streams and utilizes pre-decided KPIs to tag a project or operation as profit or loss. It also comprises analysis and audit of financial entities of a company to arrest any recurring or unwanted costs.

Related read: Top 10 Financial Audit Templates For Fraud Prevention

For financial managers, analysts, and executives, accounting and audits serve as the base for preparing data-driven reports. These reports include data classified according to the consumption of funds and generation of income from various streams. You can generate these reports from the data provided by the respective departments. After that, you can use the reports for the legal and taxation requirements of the company.


Your template package: An all-inclusive financial reporting mechanism adds to the company’s credibility in local and global markets. Regular internal and external audits require this mechanism to be error-free in every context of statement and presentation. Therefore, you can use the following package of financial management templates for data-driven reporting. You can integrate these flexible templates into digital systems for efficient communication and assessment as and when required.

↓For deriving and processing the correct data

Annual Report And Financial Statement PDF DOC PPT Document Report Template

↓To report return on investment accurately

One Page Business Quarterly Financial Report Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

↓For flagging underperforming revenue streams

One Page Monthly Financial Performance Reports For Management Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document




Within the corporate landscape, it takes strategic financial management to accomplish the unforeseen. If multiplying your money is the ultimate goal, then managing money should also be along those lines. And deploying well-structured financial management templates can only supercharge that mission. So if you want to talk the money talk, you can use our quick guide and pick out the template package that suits your needs. After all, those who wish to manage financials the right way will need more than a calculator to keep their black and white bills in order. So get cracking, assort your collection of financial management templates, and start crunching those numbers before they crunch you!