
Effective Time Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Presenting this set of slides with name - Effective Time Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of fiftynine slides. Our tailor made Effective Time Planning Power Point Presentation Slides editable presentation deck assists planners to segment and expound the topic with brevity. The advantageous slides on Effective Time Planning Power Point Presentation Slides is braced with multiple charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates agenda slides etc. to help boost important aspects of your presentation. Highlight all sorts of related usable templates for important considerations. Our deck finds applicability amongst all kinds of professionals, managers, individuals, temporary permanent teams involved in any company organization from any field.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Effective Time Planning. State Your Company Name and begin.
Slide 2: This is an AGENDA slide. State your agendas here.
Slide 3: This slide shows Content for the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide displays Identify Time Consuming Areas with related imagery and text boxes to show information.
Slide 5: This slide presents Time Consuming Areas in a table form to show information.
Slide 6: This slide represents Guiding Principles of Time & Self Management with- Planning & Controlling Your Workload, Reducing Travel Time & Optimize Time Utilization, Identify Time Consuming Areas.
Slide 7: This slide showcases Employee Weekly Task Schedule with employee name, task description, estimated due date etc.
Slide 8: This slide shows Workload Prioritization Chart with categories as DELEGATE IF POSSIBLE, DUMP, URGENT, NOT URGENT.
Slide 9: This slide suggests Ways to Reduce Employee Travel Time in a table form with categories as- employee name, task assigned, actual time taken etc.
Slide 10: This slide presents Time Utilization Analysis in a table form with categories as- tasks assigned, utilisation analysis etc.
Slide 11: This slide displays Communication Plan Checklist describing- Target audience, board of directors, shareholders, employees etc.
Slide 12: This slide represents Communication Plan describing- communicate what, purpose, frequency duration etc.
Slide 13: This slide showcases Detailed Communication Plan with- Reports, Team Morale, Project Announcements, Presentations, Reviews & Meetings.
Slide 14: This slide shows Identify Time Consuming Areas with related imagery and text boxes to show information.
Slide 15: This slide presents Sources of Workplaces Stress describing- Work Pressures, Exposure to Violence, Harassment or Bullying, Other Mental Stress Factors.
Slide 16: This slide showcases Negative Impacts of Workplace Stress describing- Workload/long Hours, Fear of Job Loss, Inadequate Staffing, Lack of Work-life Balance, Technology – Access to work Outside Work Hours.
Slide 17: This is another slide on Negative Impacts of Workplace Stress describing- Cognitive Symptoms, Physical Symptoms, Emotional Symptoms, Physiological Symptoms.
Slide 18: This slide shows Impact of Procrastination at Workplace which includes- Increased Wasted Time, Missed Opportunities, Increased Stressed Level, Poor Employee Performance etc.
Slide 19: This slide presents Avoidance of Workplace Procrastination describing- Make a Plan, Break it Down, Prioritize your Assignments, Take a Break, Avoid Distractions when you can, Just give it 10. Focus on the task for just 10 minutes.
Slide 20: This slide displays Workplace Break with related imagery and text boxes to show information.
Slide 21: This slide represents Importance of Workplace Breaks with imagery and text boxes.
Slide 22: This slide showcases Workplace Breaks Criteria Table with categories as employee name, work assigned, estimated time, performance level etc.
Slide 23: This slide shows Prioritizing Workload & Key Tasks describing- Key Assignments Tasks Table, Priority Task Table etc.
Slide 24: This slide presents Key Assignments Task Table with categories as employee name, key assignments, start time, finish time etc.
Slide 25: This slide displays Priority Task Table with categories as tasks assigned, estimated completion time, employee inputs etc.
Slide 26: This slide represents Planning & Prioritizing Your Own Workload describing- Employee Timesheet, Planning & Prioritizing Projects, Goals & Tasks etc.
Slide 27: This slide showcases Employee Time Sheet in a table form with related text.
Slide 28: This slide shows Goals & Tasks Prioritization Table with categories as- Project goals, importance, effort etc.
Slide 29: This slide presents Task Assignment & Evaluation describing- Team Skills Matrix, Team Based Evaluation, Employee Time Management Evaluation Chart.
Slide 30: This slide displays Competency Team Skills Matrix with members, communication skills, adaptability, decision making etc.
Slide 31: This slide represents Project Team Skills Matrix with team members, project management, problem solving, public speaking etc.
Slide 32: This slide showcases Team Skills Matrix Analysis with team members, role, leadership, presentation etc.
Slide 33: This slide shows Employee Task Status Table with status, activity, person responsible and due date.
Slide 34: This slide presents Task Based Recognition Chart with related text boxes.
Slide 35: This slide displays Employee Time Management Evaluation Chart in a table form with text boxes to show information.
Slide 36: This slide represents Task Assignment & Evaluation describing- Team Skills Matrix, Team Based Evaluation, Employee Time Management Evaluation Chart.
Slide 37: This slide showcases Employee Weekly Efficiency Dashboard with donut chart, pie chart, bar graph and table to show information.
Slide 38: This slide shows Labour Effectiveness Dashboard with bar and line graphs to show information.
Slide 39: This slide presents Employee Engagement Dashboard describing- Technical Skills, Personal Growth, Relationship with Managers, Relationship with Colleagues.
Slide 40: This slide displays Employee Efficiency Status KP describing- Efficiency Index, Cost or Savings, Employee Efficiency, Process Efficiency, Inbox Status.
Slide 41: This slide represents Employee Efficiency KPI with- Key Performance Indicators and performance review.
Slide 42: This slide showcases Employee Efficiency KPI describing- Percentage Contribution, Attitude Towards Work, Work Outcome, Self Improvement etc.
Slide 43: This slide shows Time Control Icons.
Slide 44: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 45: This is Our Mission slide with related imagery and text.
Slide 46: This is Our Team slide with names and designation.
Slide 47: This is About Us slide to show company specifications etc.
Slide 48: This is a Comparison slide to state comparison between commodities, entities etc.
Slide 49: This is a Financial slide. Show finance related studd here.
Slide 50: This is Quotes slide to highlight or state anything specific.
Slide 51: This slide shows Dashboard displaying low, medium and high. Show relevant data accordingly.
Slide 52: This is a Location slide with country maps to show data of different locations.
Slide 53: This slide displays Important Notes. Post your important notes here.
Slide 54: This is a Puzzle slide with text boxes to show information.
Slide 55: This is a Venn slide with text boxes.
Slide 56: This slide shows Clustered Column Line Chart with three products comparison.
Slide 57: This slide presents Area Chart with three products comparison.
Slide 58: This slide displays Pie Chart to compare four different products.
Slide 59: This is a Thank You slide with address, contact numbers and email address.

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    by Dragon Rider

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    by Cristobal West

    Attractive design and informative presentation.
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    by Eduardo Greene

    Graphics are very appealing to eyes.
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    by Cortez Graham

    Great product with highly impressive and engaging designs.
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    by Corey Patterson

    Use of icon with content is very relateable, informative and appealing.
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    by Donny Elliott

    Professional and unique presentations.

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