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Managed it services pricing powerpoint presentation slides


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PowerPoint presentation slides

SlideTeam brings Managed It Services Pricing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Create a presentation within moments with ease without any technical competency. Our 100% custom PowerPoint deck is made up of 43 professionally designed templates. Edit text, font, background, colors, patterns, or any other design element to achieve any imaginable result. Change the PPT file format into PDF, PNG, or JPG as and when necessary. This PowerPoint show is compatible with Google Slides. It works well with widescreen and standard resolutions.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Managed IT Services Pricing. State Your Company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide displays Agenda for Pricing IT Services.
Slide 3: This slide displays Table of Contents.
Slide 4: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 5: This slide covers the introduction of the company wherein we have focused on establishment year, insights, factsheet and recent achievements
Slide 6: This slide covers facts about our company we are serving over 2000 plus clientele worldwide, we have provided over 500 plus cyber security system and we have 1400 plus qualified IT professionals
Slide 7: This slide covers the key team members of the company such as chairman, managing directors and whole-time directors
Slide 8: In this slide, we have listed company’s five years of rewards and recognitions form FY 2016 to FY 2020
Slide 9: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 10: This slide is covering the requirements of the client such as IT infrastructure solution, high level security, tools and training which makes systems easier
Slide 11: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 12: In this slide, we have listed some managed IT services such technical support, technology consulting, proactive technology management and network administration
Slide 13: In this slide, we are covering other services for the clients such as total IT management services package , help desk services package and basic managed services package
Slide 14: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 15: This slide is covering the pricing category for managed IT services such as economic services, mid to high range services and highest in cost spectrum. It also covers description and cost for all the services.
Slide 16: This slide covers pricing plans which supports to growth with client's business. Here we are providing the most flexible pricing and features, our eCommerce plans come with additional security, a dedicated IP address and management of SSL certifications.
Slide 17: This slide is covering the pricing for the other services such as total IT management, help desk support and basic management
Slide 18: This slide depicts the hourly rate, daily rate and annual rate for IT projects or IT consulting services
Slide 19: This slide shows Table of Content.
Slide 20: This slide covers client's problems no proper IT infrastructure, low-level cybersecurity structure etc. gap because of these problems and solution offered by the consulting company
Slide 21: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 22: This slide is covering the comparison of our service features with the competitors
Slide 23: In this slide we have evaluated our business from competitors on the scale of 1 to 10 and determined the market position of the company. Here company having less then 10 score is market leader, score between 11-20 will be contender and more than 20 will be niche supplier
Slide 24: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 25: This slide covers service roadmap for 4 quarters including milestones such as monitoring, support and remediation, management and advertising, and security
Slide 26: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 27: This slide has covered managed IT services timeline starting from approach, analyze, design, pilot, migrate, and support
Slide 28: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 29: This slide is depicting that after implementation of IT services clients' company has overcome some problems such as cybersecurity issues, software-related problems, data loss and IT infrastructure problems
Slide 30: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 31: This slide is covering IT services downtime and support services dashboard
Slide 32: This slide is covering its applications and services KPIs such as multi-factor authentication, daily backup of important data and user application handling
Slide 33: In this slide, we are covering IT project KPIs such as project risk, budget, planning, designing, development and testing, over all progress of the project
Slide 34: This is Managed IT Services Icons Slide.
Slide 35: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 36: This is About Us slide to showcase Company specifications.
Slide 37: This slide displays Our Mission, Vision and Goal.
Slide 38: This slide depicts Timeline Process.
Slide 39: This is Idea Generation slide.
Slide 40: This slide is titled as Post It Notes. Post your important notes.
Slide 41: This slide shows Roadmap process.
Slide 42: This is Financial slide to showcase Finance related stuff.
Slide 43: This is Thank You slide with Contact details.

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