With the rapidly revolutionising IT sector and our increasing dependence on the digitalisation of processes, data has become an integral part of any business. It helps you understand the market, consumers, their needs and basically your game plan for the business. However, it's not as easy as it sounds. Imagine sitting on a pile of data containing hundreds of thousands of numbers! Will you be able to identify a pattern out of it manually?
Sounds Crazy, Right?
Well, this is where data discovery comes into play. It is a data science process used by business houses for data management and discovery of patterns. It offers insights that help them in decision making and improve the performance of their business. Business intelligence and visual data discovery tools are employed to compile and consolidate the data so that users can have a bird’s-eye view of data to easily identify patterns and details.
To help you tackle big data frameworks, we have got sometemplates that you can use to organize and interpret data frameworks with ease. Check these out here.
Your data discovery process can be divided into three steps including data data preparation, data visualization and advanced data analytics and reporting. Before machine learning was discovered and advanced, data specialists performed the task of data discovery, and these professionals used critical thinking for the same.
For more meaningful data analytics, it's important to be aware of every new trend related to data discovery and analytics. Here are templates to define your data analytics process and make it presentable and interpretable at its best. Explore them here.
Now, let's take a look at some of our top templates that will make your data discovery job easy as a breeze.
Let’s explore.
Template 1: Data Discovery PPT Template
A slide bundle of 22 templates, this deck is everything you need for your data discovery needs. Experts have designed this bundle, considering your data visualization and discovery needs. It starts with helping you map down trends related to data analytics, to helping you find the data discovery tools with a detailed comparison, and then move on to steps such as data governance and risk management, etc. If you are looking for a foolproof option to dive into data discovery, this bundle is the best solution available online. Get it today for an unhinged data interpretation and analysis.
Template 2: Data Strategy Showing Planning Discovery With Planning and Discovery
With such vast array of data available at your disposal, it can be impossible to find the exact information you are looking for. To avoid being stuck with unwanted data insights, you need a template that helps you plan your data discovery with a thorough planning and discovery strategy. It allows you to segregate your strategy into four major breakdowns, including any change management technique that you may require in case of any last-minute course-correction. Get this template right away to discover data without any hiccups.
Template 3: Enterprise Data Discovery Strategy with Shared Analytics Result
For key tasks like data discovery, just sharing information is not sufficient. To ensure that your enterprise is able to leverage information and make best out of it, an effective plan to communicate the same is crucial. Such tasks require team collaboration, unified strategies etc. To help you communicate the analytic results with the organization, it is always advisable to use a professional presentation method that makes the information at hand much easier to grasp and leverage. This professional presetation from SildeTeam allows you to create a shared analytic result. Get this now!
Template 4: Data Centre Migration Process With Discovery and Testing
Data migration is another complex process that can sometimes become inevitable due to reasons like infrastructure upgradation, cost cutting, scalability etc. In such scenarios, a successful data centre migration takes place only with careful planning, analysis and testing. The next PowerPoint template on the list comes with a five-step plan to make sure all your data migration needs can be presented and noted in one place. Download the template today for the most simplified and systematic data center migration.
Template 5: Comparative Assessment of Data Discovery Tools
Your data discovery process can crumble if you fail to choose the right data discovery tool for the process. Depending on your business needs and goals, varied tools offer differing results to you. Hence, to be able to compare tools and find the one that meets all your needs, you need this template where you can make a side-by-side assessment of tools. The variables are features, benefits, pricing, etc. Get this pre-designed template to save your time on creating a presentation and get started with making a foolproof assessment without any delay.
Template 6: Strategic Framework for Data Discovery Hub Management
Your data discovery process runs on a robust data discovery hub — your centralized platform to store, navigate, and share data. It supports effective data governance, data visualization, collaboration, etc. Hence, it is essential to take into account the management of this hub during your data discovery planning and execution. Use this template to record all your data discovery hub management strategies including the policies and methods to keep improving your results. To stay at the top of your hub management tasks, get this template now.
Template 7: Smart ERP Data Discovery Process
A smart ERP data discovery process is designed to ensure efficiency over time, and swiftness everytime a user wants to access and analyze data from their ERP systems. This may include metadata discovery, integration, management, analysis, etc, requiring a crisp framework so that the processes become user-friendly. Such complicated task requires a systematic approach and this template from SlideTeam can help you design it with graphics and crisp presentation.
Template 8: Voltage Fusion For Data Discovery and Risk Management
To ensure each employee in the organization is on the same page when it comes to risk management in data discovery, voltage fusion is an effective countermeasure. Use this slide to plan the intricacies of your data discovery including the management of sensitive data, regulations and responsibilities to process such data. The aim is to prevent any data breach. Use this slide to create a strong voltage fusion for your organization and prevent any sensitive information from leaks and breaches.
Template 9: Data Discovery for Improving Business Operations
In case of circumstances like data migration, or implementing a new data discovery tool/process, identifying the benefits of using such data discovery for your business is important. Use this template for informed decision making by understanding the benefits of the data discovery process and why and how it can optimize your business. While this pre-designed template covers advantages such as data visualization, assistance in behavioural analysis etc, you can edit it to add any other benefit that you deem fit.
Template 10: Industrial Benefits of Smart Data Discovery
Use this template to identify the benefits of implementing data discovery in industries such as retail, healthcare, finance, and others. This slide serves as a visual aid in understanding the benefits that data discovery offers to industries. Such information can help you get and stay a step ahead of your peers and leverage such benefits to find solution-oriented information and insight from your data.
Smart Data Discovery is Key to Handling Competition
If you want to take your business one step ahead of your competitors data discovery is your best friend. Use it to improve your decision making, find effective areas for cost-cutting, enhance efficiency and promote a data driven culture for your employees. With these powerful and crisp templates from SlideTeam, you can not only lay down a solid data discovery plan, but you can also get optimum results with solid communication and follow-up plans.
PS To protect data from any possible threats, use these templates to create an action plan for robust data masking and avoiding any cyber security threats. Check out the templates here.