Business plan for startup funding powerpoint presentation slides
A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business, usually a new one, is going to achieve its goals. Keep the plan short and concise for easy readability. The enclosed simple business plan template is broken into sections to simplify the presentation. Use this Business plan PowerPoint template to carry out the smooth functioning of your start up. Organize the structural framework of your start up with the help of this business plan PPT layout. Make your business proposal impressive with this PowerPoint presentation. A precise plan can help you attract investors and financers for the funding of your start up. Highlight the interesting aspects of your business with the help of this business PPT design. Get this business PowerPoint presentation to state how the business intends to achieve its goals. Easily describe the operational activity and costs related to your start up with the help of this start up PowerPoint slides. Give a high-level overview of your business to your audience. This is the only time when the saying 'no pain no gain' doesn't holds true. Visually convincing Business Plan For Startup Funding Powerpoint Presentation Slides that everyone would love.
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PowerPoint presentation slides
Presenting this set of slides with name - Business Plan for Start up Funding PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This deck consists of total of seventy slides. This deck comprises of amazing visuals with thoroughly researched content. Each template is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. From icons to graphs, this PPT deck has it all. The best part is that these templates are easily customizable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button shown below. Edit the colour, text, font size, add or delete the content as per the requirement. This deck is available in different editable formats such as PDF, JPG. It is compatible with Google slides. Download this deck now.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This slide introduces Business Plan For Startup Funding. You can state your company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide showcases Agenda. You can add your agenda as per your company.
Slide 3: This is Table of Contents slide. Use it to state contents of your company in a tabular form such as- Company Overview / Elevator Pitch, Business Model, SWOT Analysis, Our Team, Revenue Streams, Product Comparison, The Problem, Revenue Model, Financial Projection, The Solution, Expense Model, Break-Even Analysis, Value Proposition - Product Service, Growth Strategy, Financing etc.
Slide 4: This is Company Overview slide. State imtroduction, mission, vision etc. here.
Slide 5: This is an Elevator Pitch (Option 1 of 2) slide to state- What’s the service/product? What’s the core Problem you are solving? What’s your big vision?.
Slide 6: This slide also shows the Elevator Pitch (Option 2 of 2) with icon imagery.
Slide 7: This is Our Team slide with name and designation to fill.
Slide 8: This is The Problem slide with creative icon imagery. Use it to state your several problems.
Slide 9: This slide states The Solution (Option 1 of 2) with puzzle imagery and text boxes. Put relevant information here.
Slide 10: This slide also shows The Solution (Option 2 of 2). State it here.
Slide 11: This is Value Proposition – Product/Services (Option 1 of 2) slide. Use it to state your various products abd services. You can also alter the contents as per need.
Slide 12: This slide also states Value Proposition – Product/Services (Option 2 of 2) in a venn diagram form. It shows- Your Offering, What The Customer Needs, The Marketplace Offerings.
Slide 13: This slide showcases Product Roadmap with the following categories- New Platforms, New Channels, New Integrations, Enterprise Ready We have categorized product roadmap in to four most common categories just to give a basic idea on classification which can be altered by you as per your requirement.
Slide 14: This is Milestones Achieved slide in a roadmap form. Use it to present your milestones. Adding few success stories with the investors will grab their eyeballs and further support your pitch.
Slide 15: This is a product Traction slide to state.
Slide 16: This slide displays Business Model in a circular flow diagram. Use it to state- How do you provide your service?, How do you acquire customers?, Type of Business Model, How do you monetize?.
Slide 17: This is also a Business Model slide. State it with an example here.
Slide 18: This slide states Revenue Streams in a circular diagram. These have been classified into 2 parts- present sources and future sources and these can be altered as per your revenue model.
Slide 19: This slide showcases Revenue Model with creative imagery. We have considered 6 most important and commonly considered factors which are expected by the investors to be a part of their revenue model. These are- Life-time value of a customer, Pricing, Recurring Revenue Frequency, Estimated Yearly Revenue, Expected conversion rate to get a paid client, Expected ARPU.
Slide 20: This is an Expense Model (Option 1 of 2) slide to state.
Slide 21: This slide also displays the Expense Model.
Slide 22: This slide showcases company Growth Strategy. Its most important components are- Marketing & Sales Acquiring Customers, Customer Service Retaining Customers, Product Development Staying Competitive. We have covered the most important components of the growth strategy which differs from company to company and can be altered accordingly.
Slide 23: This slide showcases Go-to-Market Strategy with the following steps- Provocation, Discovery, Diagnostic, Design, Recommendation. Present relevant data in a tabular form here.
Slide 24: This slide states Marketing Strategy with bulb imagery. Its important components are- Email Marketing, Analytics & Reporting, Paid Advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design, Blog, Social Media.
Slide 25: This slide shows Competitive Landscape with Indirect Competitors, Direct Competitors. State them here with the compnylogo.
Slide 26: This is a Product Comparison slide. Present Company and its Features here.
Slide 27: This slide showcases SWOT Analysis.
Slide 28: This slide also showcases SWOT Analysis (Option 2 of 3) with icon imagery.
Slide 29: This slide also showcases SWOT Analysis (Option 3 of 3). Use as per your business requirement.
Slide 30: This is a Financial Projections slide in a tabular form. Present relevant financial data in a tabular form here.
Slide 31: This slide showcases Break-Even Analysis in a tabular form.
Slide 32: This is Financing slide to state the following two aspects- How much capital are you willing to raise? Valuation of the company.
Slide 33: This slide states the Use of Funds with relevant example in a pie chart/ graph form. These include- New Hires, Operational Cost, Product Development, Marketing.
Slide 34: This is Shareholding Pattern in percentages etc. Present it with- Shareholder Name, Total Shares Before Funding, Total Shares After Funding.
Slide 35: This slide showcases Exit Strategy with creative imagery. Use it to present- Acquisition, Financial Buyer, IPO.
Slide 36: This slide states Client Testimonials with name, designation etc.
Slide 37: This slide showcases Contact Details. State them here with name, designation etc.
Slide 38: This slide is titled Coffee Break to halt. You can change the slide content as desired.
Slide 39: This is Icons Slide For Investor Pitch Deck. Use as per need.
Slide 40: This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. You can change the slide content as per need.
Slide 41: This slide showcases Our Vision. State your company vision, goals etc. here.
Slide 42: This slide showcases Our Team with name and designation to fill.
Slide 43: This is an About Us slide. State team/ company specifications here.
Slide 44: This is Our Goal slide. State your goals here.
Slide 45: This is a Comparison slide to state comparison between two products/ entities etc.
Slide 46: This is a Financial score slide. State financial aspects, information etc. here.
Slide 47: This is a Quotes slide to convey company/ organization message, beliefs etc. You may change the slide content as per need.
Slide 48: This is a Dashboard slide to state Low, Medium and High aspects, kpis, metrics etc.
Slide 49: This is a Timeline slide to present important dates, journey, evolution, milestones etc.
Slide 50: This slide showcases Important Notes to be displayed. Show events, important piece of information, events etc. here.
Slide 51: This is a Puzzle image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 52: This is a Circular image slide. State information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 53: This is a Venn Diagram image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 54: This is a Mind map image slide to show information, segregation, specifications etc.
Slide 55: This is a Matrix slide to show information, comparison specifications etc.
Slide 56: This is a LEGO image slide with text boxes to show information.
Slide 57: This is a Bulb with Idea slide to state a new idea or highlight specifications/information etc.
Slide 58: This is a Funnel slide. Showcase the funnel aspect of your team, company, product etc.
Slide 59: This slide is titled Our Charts to move forward. You may alter/ change the slide content as desired.
Slide 60: This slide presents a Column Chart for showcasing product/company growth, comparison etc.
Slide 61: This slide presents Line Chart to show product/ entity growth, comparison etc.
Slide 62: This is a Donut Pie Chart to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 63: This is a Bar Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 64: This is an Area Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 65: This is a Scatter Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 66: This is a Stock Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 67: This is a Radar Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 68: This is a Combo Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 69: This slide presents Stacked Line graph to show product/ entity growth, comparison etc.
Slide 70: This is a Thank You image slide with Address, Email and Contact number.
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