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Corporate Social Responsibility Business Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Graphics are editable in PowerPoint. This presentation has 61 slides. Pixels do not get blur with widescreen. Downloads are 100% risk-free. This PowerPoint presentation is useful for any business owner. Slides are compatible with google slides. Customers have Prime support. The stages in this process are corporate social responsibility business strategy, business model, stakeholders, supply chain etc.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

TOMS Shoes was founded on the idea that for every pair of shoes they sold, they would also donate a pair of shoes to a child in need. Since then, their mission has expanded to include providing healthcare, education, and economic opportunities to children around the world. Since it was founded in 2006, TOMS Shoes has donated more than 60 million pairs of shoes to children in need, restored sight to 400,000 people, provided over 335,000 weeks of safe water to communities across the globe, and helped 25,000 mothers safely deliver their babies. 

And that’s the Corporate Social Responsibility that every organization must demonstrate today!

Gone are the days when businesses could focus on profitability alone. Modern companies are expected to care about making the world better. They’re expected to serve their communities, listen to their customers, take public stances (and action) on important issues, value and support employees, work for sustainability, and respond to current events.

Whether you’re new to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or looking to refine existing initiatives, understanding the ins and outs of CSR strategy is a prerequisite for creating successful programs with lasting impacts. The new “business as usual” demands smart social responsibility and organizations better be up for this challenge.

CSR strategy is the comprehensive plan companies and founders use to design, execute, and analyze their corporate social responsibility initiatives. It includes specific focus areas, program design, promotion and communication approaches, and evaluation procedures.

Most companies with thriving CSR initiatives use strategy to build and monitor their programs; a few of these companies also share their strategy publicly. CSR initiatives are intricate, complex, and require demonstrable impact. They’re also public-facing and potentially brand-damaging when done poorly. And they offer a host of business benefits you might miss out on by failing to plan.

A well-crafted CSR strategy can help you, and we've got you just that! Use this Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Template to craft your initiatives. The presentation template is content-ready and 100% editable. It gives you a solid foundation to start with, and the editability feature allows you to build your strategy as per your company’s CSR initiatives.

Let's explore the top PPT Slides of this complete deck

Template 1: What is CSR PPT Template

A corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is the complete plan of action a business has to build, execute and optimize for its CSR initiatives. Before you start developing your strategy, it is crucial to define CSR to your audience. Use this PPT Template to present a clear and concise definition of CSR. This will build a foundation for your presentation ahead.

Template 2: The CSR Model PPT Template

Use this PPT Designto present your CSR Model. Effective CSR programs lead to enhanced employee engagement, increased productivity within the organization, high employee retention, word of mouth sales, and a good company reputation. These factors then result in overall business success and quantitative wins like better product sales, and increased funding. Present these benefits to your audience and ensure a strong development of a CSR model and strategy for the company.

Template 3: Why do CSR PPT Template

Consumers are more likely to act favorably toward a company that intends to benefit its customers. As a company engages in CSR, it is more likely to receive favorable brand recognition. These are some benefits of taking part in CSR activities. This PPT Slide enables you to present the consumers perspectives of companies with active involvement in CSR initiatives. These will help you plan your cause and initiatives.

Template 4: Levels of CSR PPT Template

Adopting corporate social responsibility programs allows a company to gain respect from customers, stand out from the competition and improve relationships with stakeholders. There are several different levels involved that you can explore and implement with this PPT Layout. CSR can be practiced as corporate philanthropy, risk management, or value creation. Use this presentation slide to present the purpose, impact and the benefits of your CSR Strategy.

Template 5: CSR Maturation Process PPT Template

A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) maturity model is a framework that assesses and measures the maturity and effectiveness of a company’s CSR initiatives and how well they are integrated into overall business practices. With this PPT Template ensure that your CSR strategy is well integrated into your business operations. You can track the growth stage by assessing the level of engagement, importance of mission, magnitude of effectiveness, scope of activities, interaction level, managerial complexity, and strategic value. Assess the integrative level and brainstorm ways to keep it high.

Template 6: CSR Framework PPT Template

Corporate social responsibility frameworks refer to models and conceptual structures that frame the corporate responsibility philosophy and application in a business setting. This PPT Preset presents a framework that helps you plan the CSR program development, policy and strategy development, program delivery, communication and engagement, and establishments of corporate foundations. This framework will ensure a smooth integration of your CSR initiatives into your organization.

Template 7: CSR Strategy PPT Template

Developing a CSR Strategy is crucial for your company. It must ensure that the activities have qualitative and quantitative results for your organization as well as the society. This PPT Slide will ensure a structured flow of developing your strategy. It will start with a CSR assessment which includes understanding the needs of the society and identifying a gap for upliftment. Once you have identified the cause you can define CSR objectives and develop a CSR strategy. The final step is to implement and review its execution over time. Get strategy on your plan today with this PPT Template.

Template 8: The CSR Cycle PPT Template

Use this CSR Cycle Layout to develop a plan for your organization. It will begin with a CSR assessment, which includes understanding the requirements of society and identifying areas for improvement. After you've determined the cause, you may outline CSR objectives and create a CSR strategy. The final phase is to deploy and evaluate its performance over time.use the columns beside each phase to give a brief on the actions involved at the stage.

Template 9: Four Keys Areas of CSR Focus PPT Template

CSR initiatives can be focused at four key areas, find out and present these to your audience with this PPT Design. The activities can be carried out with the objective to preserve the environment, prevent its further deterioration, and deploy sustainable practices. Another area of focus is the community that your organization functions in. Besides these your CSR activities can be focussed at the workplace and marketplace.

Template 10: Business Objectives PPT Template

An effective CSR Strategy is well aligned and integrated within the business objectives of the organization. To ensure that, you must define your business objectives with this presentation layout. Gather and organize information on your business plan, systems and solution, programmes for strategic objectives, operation of solution, and business objectives.

CSR is What’ll Make You Relevant

Global corporations like Apple, Cisco, Amazon, Elieen Fisher, etc., are already making an outstanding contribution to this field of CSR. Their concerted efforts  to protect human and natural resources using their profits often put them in the spotlight and demonstrates their sense of activism toward causes that matter.. It’s time you too take a stand for your corporate social responsibilities with this expert-guided PPT Framework.

PS: Want to improve your CSR initiatives and incorporate social responsibility values into your organization structure and employees? Then don't miss this guide on CSR training with the best templates to formulate an actionable plan!

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