Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Building an actionable Corporate Social Responsibility PowerPoint presentation now takes only minutes. The only thing that you must do here is to click and download our pre-designed Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides Deck. With help of CSR PPT slide deck, you can present the company’s Social Responsibility to your work force with the help of slides like CSR model, levels of CSR, maturation process, CSR framework, CSR strategy, CSR cycle, why do CSR, and many more. Using this astonishing PPT Deck will assist you in showcasing Key Areas of CSR you need to focus on namely community, work place, market place. This impressive PowerPoint deck having 62 Pre-made slides like values and ethics, key issues, CSR leaders, CSR objectives and assessment, key societal priorities, goals and many more, will guide you to hit the bull’s eye bang on. Going further, this PPT sample deck file thoroughly covers each aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility. In short, you have got the best Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Now is the time to click and download this magnificent deck and shine before the audience.. Institute an innovative curriculum with our Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Formulate fresh courses to cater for the day.
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PowerPoint presentation slides
Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process complete PowerPoint presentation with editable PPT slides. All slides are professionally designed by our team of PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of CSR and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of 62 slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence!
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This slide introduces Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process. State your Company Name.
Slide 2: This slide showcases Agenda. State your company and team agenda.
Slide 3: This slide show What is CSR. You can add the data regarding this.
Slide 4: This slide presents The CSR model with these of the process used- Employee Engagement, Increased Productivity, Employee Retention, Consumer Support, Word-of-mouth Sales, Company Reputation, Business Performance, CSR Programs, Increased Funding, Better Products more sales.
Slide 5: This slide presents showcases Why do CSR.
Slide 6: This slide showcases Levels of CSR with these some parameters- CSR As Corporate Philanthropy, CSR Value Creation Value, CSR As Risk Management.
Slide 7: This slide presents CSR maturation process Growth Stage, Philanthropic, Transactional, Integrative.
Slide 8: This slide presents CSR Framework with these of the six stages- CSR Policy & Strategy Development, Program Development, Program Delivery, Establishment of Corporate Foundations, Employee Engagement and Volunteering, Communication And Engagement.
Slide 9: This slide showcases Developing Your CSR Strategy with these four stages- CSR Assessment, Define the CSR Objectives, Develop a CSR Strategy, Implement & Review.
Slide 10: This slide presents The CSR Cycle with these four CSR Assessment, CSR Objectives, CSR Strategy, CSR Focus.
Slide 11: This slide showcases CSR Assessment.
Slide 12: This slide presents Key Areas of CSR Focus with these four areas- Environment, Workplace, Market Place, Community.
Slide 13: This slide shows Look at Your Business Objectives with these five objective- Programmes for Strategic Objectives, Systems & Solutions, Business Objectives, Business Plan, Operation of Solution.
Slide 14: This slide showcases with these three of the factors- VISION, VALUE, MISSION.
Slide 15: This slide presents our CSR Values and Ethics with these eight parameters- Commitment, Passion, Power, Agility, Innovation, Security, Tradition, Diversity.
Slide 16: This slide presents Key CSR Issues That Could Affect Company.
Slide 17: This slide showcases Key Stakeholders with these Local Community, Suppliers, Employees, Government and other regulators, Other watch bodies, Management, Consumers, Environment bodies, Shareholders.
Slide 18: This slide presents Human Resource & Budgetary Implications.
Slide 19: This slide showcases SWOT Analysis of Company with these of these two- Strength, Weakness.
Slide 20: This slide presents swot Analysis of Company Opportunity, Threat.
Slide 21: This slide shows swo analysis with a matrix Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities.
Slide 22: This slide presents Identify CRS Leaders.
Slide 23: This slide showcases Define the CSR Objectives.
Slide 24: This slide presents Defining csr objective Stakeholders Expectations, CSR Assessment, Business Objectives, Key Organizational Strength, Key Societal Priorities.
Slide 25: This slide showcases CSR Assessment which further Community, People, Environment.
Slide 26: This slide presents Business Objectives with these five objectives- Social Objectives, National Objectives, Economic Objectives, Human Objectives, Organic Objectives.
Slide 27: This slide showcases Key Organizational Strength. You can add the four of the strengths.
Slide 28: This slide presents Key Societal Priorities with these four of the parameters- Water Conservation, Reducing CO2 emissions, Green Energy, Waste Reduction.
Slide 29: This slide showcases Stakeholder Expectations with these of the parameters- Stakeholder, Expectations, Consumers, Local community, Suppliers, Employees, Management, Environment bodies.
Slide 30: This slide presents Our CSR Goals which further presents Climate action, Quality education, Life below water, Life on land, Zero hunger, No poverty.
Slide 31: This slide shows Develop a CSR Strategy.
Slide 32: This slide presents Benchmarking: Own CSR Potential vs Competitors.
Slide 33: This slide showcases Proposed CSR: Matrix. we have presented four of the parameters as workplace, market place, community efforts, enviormental impact.
Slide 34: This slide shows Timeline for CSR Strategy.
Slide 35: This slide presents Timeline Strategy Template with six months timeline.
Slide 36: This slide showcases Implement & Review.
Slide 37: This slide presents Collaboration Partners which further showcases company name that you can add.
Slide 38: This slide shows Setting Project Milestones. Add the milestones timeline and use it.
Slide 39: This slide presents Communicate your CSR Values to Team.
Slide 40: This slide showcases Monitoring Impact.
Slide 41: This slide presents Icons For CSR.
Slide 42: This slide is titled Additional Slides.
Slide 43: This slide is titled Additional Slides.
Slide 44: This slide helps show- About Our Company. The sub headings include- Creative Design, Customer Care, Expand Company .
Slide 45: This slide presents Team with name and designation.
Slide 46: This slide presents a Roadmap For Future goals and aspirations etc.
Slide 47: This slide shows Comparison of Positive Factors v/s Negative Factors with thumbsup and thumb down imagery.
Slide 48: This is a Quotes slide to convey message, beliefs etc.
Slide 49: This is a Dashboard slide to show- Strategic System, Success, Goal Process, Sales Review, Communication Study.
Slide 50: This is a Location slide to show global growth, presence etc. on world map.
Slide 51: This is a Timelines slide to show- Plan, Budget, Schedule, Review.
Slide 52: This slide shows an image with text boxes titled Business Person with Post It notes.
Slide 53: This is a Puzzle image slide to show information, specification etc.
Slide 54: This slide displays Our Target with a background image.
Slide 55: This slide shows a Mind map for representing entities.
Slide 56: This is a Venn diagram slide to show information etc.
Slide 57: This is a LEGO slide with text boxes to show information.
Slide 58: This slide presents a Newspaper image with text boxes to flash company news, position etc.
Slide 59: This is a Circular image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 60: This is a Financial Score slide to show financial aspects here.
Slide 61: This slide shows a Matrix in terms of High and Low.
Slide 62: This slide presents a Bar graph in arrow form with text boxes.
Slide 63: This is a Thank You slide with image.
Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 63 slides:
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Planning Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides help home on to the cause. Don't indulge in any blame game.
Out of the box and creative design.
Perfect template with attractive color combination.