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Enabling effective product discovery process powerpoint presentation slides


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Enthrall your audience with this Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process Powerpoint Powerpoint Presentation. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising sixty seven slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process. State Your Company Name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide shows Agenda for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 3: This slide presents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 4: This slide shows Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 5: This slide provides information regarding existing concerns faced by firm due to ineffective product discovery.
Slide 6: This slide represents issues faced by firm while implementing product discovery in terms of value risk, usability risk, feasibility risk, etc.
Slide 7: This slide shows statistics associated to product discovery in terms of new product failure rate, effective software usage rate, etc.
Slide 8: This slide presents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 9: This slide shows product development timeline roadmap for product releases, milestones, development, etc.
Slide 10: This slide displays user consumption gap among product features and complexity and customer ability in consuming features.
Slide 11: This slide represents importance of performing product discovery at initial stage for better problem understanding.
Slide 12: This slide shows relationship between product discovery and delivery and how team should focus on these two process.
Slide 13: This slide presents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 14: This slide shows product delivery phase as developing alignment among key people involved in product development.
Slide 15: This slide displays product delivery phase as identifying user concerns by tracking customer feedback and addressing research.
Slide 16: This slide represents product delivery phase as ideating solutions by clustering ideas in order to solve framed challenges.
Slide 17: This slide shows product delivery phase as developing prototypes by validating ideas and developing slim product version for testing.
Slide 18: This slide presents product delivery phase as ideas validation determining validation signal strength, addressing validation mistakes, etc.
Slide 19: This slide shows product delivery phase as refinement of results in terms of concept polishing, prioritizing of most valuable features.
Slide 20: This slide displays Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 21: This slide represents user persona for better customer understanding in terms of user goals, bio description, motivation, preferred channel, etc.
Slide 22: This slide shows product statement with essential parameters such as problem statement title, description, category, etc.
Slide 23: This slide presents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 24: This slide shows product discovery and delivery cycle with essential activities involved in cycle.
Slide 25: This slide displays dual track agile method used in product delivery process with delivery and discovery track.
Slide 26: This slide represents addressing various agile backlogs existing in product discovery process.
Slide 27: This slide shows Determine Different Capabilities of Product Discovery.
Slide 28: This slide presents Aligning Business Objectives and Delivering Customer Value.
Slide 29: This slide provides information regarding features to deliver better business value by addressing various features.
Slide 30: This slide displays double diamond approach for implementing product discovery with different phases including detect challenges.
Slide 31: This slide represents Double Diamond Approach for Implementing Product Discovery.
Slide 32: This slide shows concerns associated to ongoing product discovery process in terms of in-depth research.
Slide 33: This slide presents concerns associated to ongoing product discovery process in terms of least involvement with stakeholders.
Slide 34: This slide shows effective strategies utilized by agile teams in developing effective solution in terms of backlog management.
Slide 35: This slide displays effective strategies utilized by agile teams in developing effective solution in terms of limiting rework and waste.
Slide 36: This slide represents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 37: This slide shows mission briefing in order to ensure product team alignment with key considerations and key elements involved.
Slide 38: This slide presents different levels in impact mapping in terms of Why level, Who level, How level, etc.
Slide 39: This slide shows impact mapping by navigating through problem space by aiding teams in aligning activities.
Slide 40: This slide displays validation field grid which is is essential in structuring idea validation, collecting insights, etc.
Slide 41: This slide represents different levels in user story mapping in terms of levels of user story map, importance of story map.
Slide 42: This slide shows adaptable product discovery approach with key consideration in order to optimize product discovery process.
Slide 43: This slide presents product discovery canvas in terms of vision statement, customer understanding, goals defining, etc.
Slide 44: This slide shows Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 45: This slide displays developing of product development team with key members.
Slide 46: This slide represents key people involved in product discovery process in terms of product owner, agile product team and scrum master.
Slide 47: This slide shows Addressing Role of Manager and Owner Associated to Product
Slide 48: This slide provides information regarding addressing product management and product owner focus.
Slide 49: This slide shows product discovery initiatives adopted by team working remotely in terms of synchronous alignment.
Slide 50: This slide displays Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 51: This slide represents selection of suitable product management solution with various features.
Slide 52: This slide shows Addressing Staff Training Schedule with Cost.
Slide 53: This slide presents Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 54: This slide shows impact of effective product discovery process in terms of product failure rate, product delivery delay, etc.
Slide 55: This slide displays Table of Contents for Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 56: This slide represents essential product management activities tracking dashboard in terms of project budget.
Slide 57: This slide shows Icons Enabling Effective Product Discovery Process.
Slide 58: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 59: This is About Us slide to show company specifications etc.
Slide 60: This slide displays Venn diagram with text boxes.
Slide 61: This slide represents 30 60 90 Days Plan with text boxes.
Slide 62: This is an Idea Generation slide to state a new idea or highlight information, specifications etc.
Slide 63: This is Our Team slide with names and designation.
Slide 64: This slide shows Post It Notes. Post your important notes here.
Slide 65: This slide displays Weekly Timeline with Task Name.
Slide 66: This slide represents Roadmap for Process Flow.
Slide 67: This is a Thank You slide with address, contact numbers and email address.

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    Editable templates with innovative design and color combination.
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    Editable templates with innovative design and color combination.

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