Quantitative investment strategies and portfolio management powerpoint presentation slides
Making a QIS presentation is a big hassle. So to make your life hassle free we are presenting our 79 slides ready-made Quantitative Investment Strategies And Portfolio Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This quantitative investment management PPT templates example file will guide your financial team to regulate the cost of assets in a portfolio. Using our quantitative investment strategies presentation diagrams and designs like portfolio management process, investment objectives, risk tolerance analysis and matrix, risk reward matrix, asset allocation, risk return plot, target modelling, key driver analytics etc will help the presenter figure out the profit, liabilities, and asset of your business. The slides in this QIS portfolio management PowerPoint presentation are asset allocation, target modelling, parento optimal portfolio, investment approaches, portfolio return and performance, performance attribution, security analysis, current portfolio vs new portfolio. These quantitative portfolio management presentation visuals are suitable for those who want to create a presentation on related topics such as investing, financial planning, security analysis, management, strategic management, finance. Downloading this PPT deck will save you time. Just download this pectoral presentation design sample presentation, add your content and present. Remove any discomfort you may feel. A dose of our Quantitative Investment Strategies And Portfolio Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides will put you at ease.
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PowerPoint presentation slides
Grab our professionally designed Quantitative Investment Strategies And Portfolio Management PowerPoint presentation that is sure to impress investors, inspire team members and other audience. With a complete set of 79 slides, this PPT is the most comprehensive summary for QIS you could have asked for. The content is extensively researched, and designs are professional. Our PPT designers have worked tirelessly to craft this deck using beautiful PowerPoint templates, graphics, diagrams and icons. On top of that, the deck is 100% editable in PowerPoint so that you can enter your text in the placeholders, change colors if you wish to, and present in the shortest time possible.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This is an introductory slide to Quantitative Investment Strategies and Portfolio management. State your company name and begin.
Slide 2: This is an Agenda slide. Use it to showcase your company agendas.
Slide 3: This slide presents Portfolio Management Process with the following steps- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.
Slide 4: This is an Investment Objectives slide showing- Increase Income, Finance Expenses, Increase Saving, Fight Inflation, Reduce Tax Liability, Why are you investing?.
Slide 5: This slide showcases Risk Tolerance Analysis with High and Low parameters-
Slide 6: This is another slide showing Risk Tolerance Analysis with High, Medium and Low parameters.
Slide 7: This slide showcases Risk Tolerance Matrix with Very Low, Low, Medium, High and Very High parameters.
Slide 8: This is also a Risk Reward Matrix slide showing Investment Reward, Investment Risk.
Slide 9: This is another Risk Reward Matrix slide with- Bread and Butter, White Elephants (Difficult To Kill), Pearls, Oysters.
Slide 10: This slide also showcases Risk Reward Matrix with High, Medium and Low parameters.
Slide 11: This is an Asset Allocation slide with balancing scale imagery. Present your Risk and Rewards here.
Slide 12: This slide showcases Risk Return Plot with the following 2 parameters- Annualized standard deviation (in dollars), Annualized return (in percentage).
Slide 13: This is What-If Modelling slide in a flow chart form.
Slide 14: This is also What-If Modelling slide. Use it to state your facts.
Slide 15: This slide showcases What-If Modelling table.
Slide 16: This is Target Modelling slide to state your targets etc.
Slide 17: This slide also showcases What-if Modelling.
Slide 18: This slide states Key Driver Analytics with icon imagery.
Slide 19: This is another Key Driver Analytics slide with Facts.
Slide 20: This slide showcases Resource Capacity Planning in a circular form.
Slide 21: This is also a Resource Capacity Planning slide showing- Equities, Property, Cash, Fixed Interest.
Slide 22: This slide states Financial Planning with the following components- Estate Planning, Investments, Risk Management, Retirement, Cash Flow.
Slide 23: This is a Scheduling slide with imagery. Use it to present your schedule etc.
Slide 24: This slide presents Pareto Optimal Portfolio.
Slide 25: This slide presents Investment Approaches showcasing- Early Expansion, Early Recession, Late Expansion, Full Recession, Market Top, Bull Market, Market Bottom, Bear Market.
Slide 26: This slide also presents Investment Approaches showing- Minimizing Short-term Losses, Mitigating Volatility, Meeting Long-term Returns, Insure, Adjust, Diversify, Factor portfolios, Risk parity, Real assets, Volatility management, Dynamic risk management, Risk completion, Put option, Tail hedges.
Slide 27: This slide showcases Investor Personality quadrant with Risk and Emotion parameters.
Slide 28: This is also Investor Personality slide showing- Time Horizon Score, Risk Tolerance Score.
Slide 29: This slide presents Portfolio Return and Performance in a graphical form.
Slide 30: This slide also presents Portfolio Return and Performance in a graphical form.
Slide 31: This is Performance Attribution slide with text boxes. State them here.
Slide 32: This slide presents Security Analysis graph.
Slide 33: This is Measurement of Portfolio Analysis slide in charts and graphs.
Slide 34: This slide presents Portfolio Selection/ Allocation in a tabular form.
Slide 35: This is another slide showing Portfolio Selection/ Allocation in a graphical form.
Slide 36: This is Portfolio Revision graph slide showing- Current Portfolio, New Portfolio.
Slide 37: This slide states Portfolio Evaluation. Present data in a graphical form here.
Slide 38: This is also Portfolio Evaluation slide. Present data in a graphical form here.
Slide 39: This slide showcases Feasible Set of Portfolio graph.
Slide 40: This is Selection Of The Optimal Portfolio slide showing- Stocks, Real Estate, Bonds.
Slide 41: This slide also presents Selection Of The Optimal Portfolio in a bar graph/ chart form.
Slide 42: This slide states Key Evaluation Metrics with metric imagery.
Slide 43: This is Icons Slide. Use/ modify as per need.
Slide 44: This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. You can change the slide content as per need.
Slide 45: This is Mission & Vision slide to state your Mission, Vision and Goal.
Slide 46: This slide showcases Our Team with name and designation to fill.
Slide 47: This is an About Us slide showing Our Mission, Valued Clients, Premium Services and Preferred by many as examples.
Slide 48: This is Our Main Goals slide. State your important goals etc. here.
Slide 49: This is a Comparison slide to show product/ entity comparison etc.
Slide 50: This is a Financial score slide. State financial aspects etc. here.
Slide 51: This is a Quotes slide to convey messages, beliefs etc. You can change the slide content as per need.
Slide 52: This is a Dashboard slide to show growth factors in terms of High, Low, Medium.
Slide 53: This is a Location slide of world map image to show global presence, growth etc.
Slide 54: This is a Timeline slide to show evolution, growth, milestones etc.
Slide 55: This is a Coffee Time slide . Can be altered as per requirement.
Slide 56: This is a Post It slide to mark events, important information etc.
Slide 57: This slide presents a Newspaper image with text boxes to flash company news, position etc.
Slide 58: This is Puzzle Pieces slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 59: This is Target image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 60: This is a Circular image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 61: This is Venn diagram image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 62: This is a Mind Map image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 63: This is a Matrix slide ranging from High to Low.
Slide 64: This is a Lego blocks creative slide to present information, specifications etc.
Slide 65: This is creative Silhouettes image slide to present people specific information, specifications etc.
Slide 66: This is a Bulb & Idea image slide to show ideas, innovative information etc.
Slide 67: This is a Magnifying Glass image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 68: This is a Bar Graph slide to show product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 69: This is a Funnel image slide to show information, funneling aspects, specifications etc.
Slide 70: This slide presents a Line Chart for showcasing product/ company growth, comparison etc.
Slide 71: This is a Stock Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 72: This is a Pie Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 73: This is an Area Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, information etc.
Slide 74: This is a Stacked Column graph slide to show product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 75: This is a Scatter Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 76: This is a Radar Chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 77: This is a Clustered Column - Line slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc.
Slide 78: This is a Contact Us slide with Email, Address# street number, city, state, Contact Numbers.
Slide 79: This is a Thank You slide for acknowledgement.
Quantitative investment strategies and portfolio management powerpoint presentation slides with all 79 slides:
Brief journalists with our Quantitative Investment Strategies And Portfolio Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Insist on them adhering to facts.
Best way of representation of the topic.
Innovative and Colorful designs.