Do you know the inevitable part of every business, service, and product? What is the factor that helps you improve your business? How can you increase customer loyalty? 


The answer to these questions is a “complaint”. This word might sound negative, but its consequences are positive if handled correctly.


There are incidences where customer complaints backfired on global brands like Uber and Amazon when their customer chats got awry due to reasons like communication gaps and scripted messages. On the other hand, brands like JetBlue and Delta hotels handle the “voice of customers” (VOC) in a way that makes them celebrities in one night.




For the uninitiated, complaints are statements used to show disagreement, grief, pain, discomfort, and dissatisfaction with products and services. These can come from customers as well as employees of the company. Nowadays, it can be in the form of public reviews, comments, social media posts, emails, and more.


But Why do People Complain?


If you are a complaint manager, you need to understand the customer's mindset and the reason behind their complaints. For people, complaining is a form of communication; they vent (a form of complaining) to seek validation and connect with others. Another reason is that consumer wants organizations to understand their pain. In fact, more than recognition, they want a quick resolution. Moreover, complaining also gives them a feeling of getting heard and relaxation, which may be why sometimes people speak non-stop when they get a chance to criticize.


There is another approach to understanding the "why" part. And that is by contemplating the actual reason or pain point behind the customer complaints. It can be poor customer service, low quality of products or services, third-party issues like delay in delivery, and more. 


To understand these, one should not only hear but listen to their customers. 


How to Use Complaints in Your Favour?


Not all consumers complain to vent out. Loyal customers complain because of their love for the brand. They want you to improve your business and meet their expectations.


Complaints often reflect flaws in business operations. Using them as feedback will help you improve the shortcomings. But for that, you will have to keep an eye on the frequent complaints and develop policies for solving them. These policies will help you become cost-effective and automate the process. 


Additionally, complaints also help in knowing the customer's expectations and needs. How your current products and services are not helping in meeting their requirements? Also, they provide insights into your competitors' products and services. What do they have better, or what are they lacking? You can work on these parameters as an opportunity to develop new products. 


But to utilize them at the maximum potential, you need a complaint management system. So with the help of our 5 expertly designed templates, build one and get on the track of improvement!

Template 1: Complaint Handling Framework PowerPoint Slide

You can use this refreshing template to illustrate your complaint handling framework in a unique and creative way. This slide has an impressive structure, so it will quickly grab your audience's attention. Download it now!


Complaint Handling Framework PowerPoint Slide


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Template 2: Customer Complaint Mechanism PPT Template

Help your peers understand the importance of complaint management with this illustrative template. This PPT template can also help you emphasize the core of complaint handling. So download and use it now!


Customer Complaint Mechanism PPT Template


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Template 3: Customer Complaint Management PowerPoint Template

Employ this complaint template to introduce the management process in an engaging way to your team. You can also use this slide to share the current high-value complaints and a few unique strategies to resolve them. So grab it now!


Customer Complaint Management PowerPoint Template


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Template 4: Handling Customer Queries PowerPoint Slide

Pick this PPT design if you are a complaint manager who needs to evaluate the current management process. Utilize it and illustrate how handling customers calmly can give a great boost to your business. Download now!


Handling Customer Queries PowerPoint Slide


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Template 5: Customer Complaint Handling PowerPoint Slide

Create a detailed management process with the help of this spacious complaint template. This slide is crafted by our team of expert designers and is fully customizable. You can also use it to edit the text, icons, and color schemes as per your requirements.


Customer Complaint Handling PowerPoint Slide


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To get an in-depth overview, let’s understand the Complaint Management process in detail.

Complaint Resolution and Escalation Process

When a customer comes with a complaint, you must listen carefully to understand their pain point. Besides providing a standard resolution, first, soothe the customer by delivering a generous apology and empathy. 


Tip: Don’t forget to document the customer VOC and resolution provided. Note down the TAT/ETA along with the complaint receiving time. It will help the next advisor.


There may be one or more reasons behind the escalation. A few of these reasons are that customers are not satisfied with the resolution, service level agreement (SLA) breach, or miscommunication. Another common reason is wrong expectations or fake promises made to the customer for the sake of a complaint closer. 


Whatever it may be, you must have an escalation matrix ready. An ideal escalation matrix must be like: CSR>>Senior Advisor>>Team Leader/SME>>Manager>>Operations>>Client escalation. 


With our expert-designed templates, you can share tips for communicating resolution and escalation matrix structure. Grab them now!

Template 1: 5-Level Escalation Pyramid PowerPoint Slide

The managers can use this complaint template to introduce an escalation matrix. This design includes five escalation levels with ample space to describe roles and responsibilities. So you can download it and make the required changes as per your needs.


5-Level Escalation Pyramid PowerPoint Slide


Download this template

Template 2: Customer Complaint Management Process PPT Template

Deploy this stunning template to enlighten the team with escalation handling tips. Introduce the ideal cycle of a customer complaint from receiving to redressing it with this majestic template. Download it now!


Customer Complaint Management Process PPT Template


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Template 3: Complaint Management Framework PowerPoint Slide

Use this handy template to illustrate all the parameters that the complaint handling process must have. This design includes text boxes like grievance as an improvement method, team building, quick and effective response, complaint database, etc. So grab it immediately! 


Complaint Management Framework PowerPoint Slide


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Template 4: Continuous Feedback Loop PowerPoint Template

Utilize this template to develop a detailed framework for continuous feedback loop and complaint management. You can edit text, change the color scheme, icons, and more in this complaint template to match your presentation theme. Grab it now!


Continuous Feedback Loop PowerPoint Template


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Template 5: Customer Complaint Handling PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint deck contains everything you need to start, including steps and model, flow chart, maturity model, and dashboard for the complaint handling process. This PPT preset will help you design a systematic customer complaint management process. So get it now!


Customer Complaint Handling PowerPoint Template


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Along with this, to use a customer complaint to your advantage, let’s understand how we can look into the…

Insights from The Complaints

Collective and stratified complaints data can provide great insights for organization development. How many complaints have been logged? How many were resolved? From which region and through which channel are most complaints coming? Stratifying this type of data will help you understand real-time factors (weather/season, difficulty to reach, local outage, and more) behind customer issues. Additionally, you can create categories for complaints and prioritize them to gain valuable insights. 


Our fully-customizable templates will surely help you sort and drive insights from your complaint data. Download them now!

Template 1: Complaints Received Details PPT Slide

Present the stratified data in a graphical format for easy analysis and comparison with this PPT design. You can also edit the text holders to share the key takeaways and insights with the audience. Grab this presentation immediately!


Complaints Received Details PPT Slide


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Template 2: State Wise Customer Complaints Dashboard PPT Template

You can use this template to compare the complaints data and figures of different regions. It can be used to categorize the data based on reasons, products, months, and open-resolved complaints. Download this template now!


State Wise Customer Complaints Dashboard PPT Template


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Template 3: Customer Complaint Analysis PowerPoint Template

This complaint template can help you analyze data on a broader basis, like issue and likely root cause. This slide can be used to narrow these two attributes further into the description, source, criticality, and more. Try it now!


Customer Complaint Analysis PowerPoint Template


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Template 4: Complaints Received Details Graphical Representation PPT Slide

If you want to make data exploration and analysis easy, graphs can help a lot. Use this professionally-designed slide to quickly compare the distribution of stratified data and make the data visualizations easy for your audience. Grab it now!


Complaints Received Details Graphical Representation PPT Slide


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Template 5: Complaint Handling Dashboard PowerPoint Template

With this complaint template, you can present the process data in a captivating manner. Using this PPT template, you can easily explain the process figures and data to your team or clients. This design will help you determine average call handling, abandoned calls, satisfaction score, SLA limit, etc. So get it now!


Complaint Handling Dashboard PowerPoint Template


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Closing of complaints

There are Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for closer of complaints. A few of them may be as follows:


  1. You must take follow-ups — whether the customer is satisfied with the resolution or not — even after closer complaints. 
  2. If the complaint is for significant issues like financial loss, then TOA (Token of apology) should be provided to the customer. 
  3. In case of system error in assigning proper attributes to complaints, advisors should be trained to use heuristics for prioritizing and handling complaints.
  4. Motivate your customer support team to go the extra mile to solve complaints in a remarkable manner.
  5. If complaints are escalated, keep the customer informed about each escalation step or process. 
  6. Last but not least, don't forget to thank your customer for their understanding and support.


These all steps will leave a long-lasting impression in customers' minds and increase the NPS (Net Promoter Score) of your brand.


Besides, you can take the help of our ready-made templates to enlist rules for handling complaints. Download them now!

Template 1: 7 Rules of Customer Complaint Handling PPT Template

Share the rules of customer complaint handling with your team using this awesome template. Use this PPT template to highlight the golden rules, essential tips, and other vital points to your audience. Download it now!


7 Rules of Customer Complaint Handling PPT Template


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Template 2: Modes for Collecting Complaints from Customers PPT Template

This is a ready-made PPT slide to help you create a thorough plan for collecting complaints. Use this interpretative PowerPoint template to share the pros and cons of various collection channels. Manage and share data from multiple feedback platforms with ease. Download it now!


Modes for Collecting Complaints from Customers PPT Template


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Template 3: Annual Complaints Sample Report PowerPoint Template

Deploy this well-crafted PowerPoint slide and execute an effective complaint management strategy. Share the annual complaints data and valuable insights with this customizable PowerPoint graphic. Download now and use it as per your requirements.


Annual Complaints Sample Report PowerPoint Template


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Template 4: Customer Feedback PowerPoint Slide

Here is another professionally outlined PowerPoint template to help you deliver unique and effective complaint closure and feedback collection ideas in a fascinating manner. You can also add desired information and change the color scheme of this customizable PowerPoint template as per your needs. Download now! 


Customer Feedback PowerPoint Slide


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Template 5: Customer Complaint Feedback PPT Slide

You can illustrate the various consumer complaints with the help of this complaint template. Utilize this slide to mention the categories, such as excellent, good, acceptable, and deficient, that rate a customer's experience. Use this professionally designed presentation template to highlight the problems that lead to the consumers' dissatisfaction. Download it now!


Customer Complaint Feedback PPT Slide


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To Conclude


Resolving complaints is, no doubt, a daunting task, and one needs to understand in-depth the customers’ mindset, emotions, and pain points. Along with this, great skillset and coordination are required to find an effective solution for a single complaint. 


You can take the help of our high-quality templates to develop an actionable complaint management system. So grab these templates now and enjoy their unlimited access.


P.S: You can create a succinct service improvement plan using the pre-designed templates included in this handy guide.


Download the free Complaint Templates PDF.