
Human Resources Management Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Human Resources Management Process. State company name and begin.
Slide 2: This is an Agenda slide. State your agendas here.
Slide 3: This slide states The Role Of HR with these 4 aspects- Strategic partner, Change agent, Administrative expert, Employee relations expert.
Slide 4: This slide showcases Metrics Model with the following sub headings- HR, People, Organization.
Slide 5: This slide showcases the Most Common HR Metrics. These are- Competencies/Training Metrics, Employee Productivity Metrics, Turnover/Absence Metrics, Recruitment Metrics, Workforce Profile Metrics, Employee Engagement Metrics.
Slide 6: This slide is titled Turnover/Absence Metrics.
Slide 7: This slide state Employee Turnover Rate Formula. Use it to calculate your Employee Turnover Rate.
Slide 8: This is Employee Turnover slide in a bar graph/ chart form. Use it to assess the percentage of employee turnover etc.
Slide 9: This is Why People Leave slide. State its various reasons in a pie chart form here. Some of the reasons are- Unsatisfied with pay, Lack of job security, Lack of fit to job, Lack of flexibility/ scheduling, Limited career opportunities, Mgmt work environment.
Slide 10: This slide showcases the Cost Of Employee Turnover which includes the following factors- Impact on workplace culture, Customer service issues and errors, Lost productivity and engagement, Expense to onboard and train a new employee, Cost of hiring a new employee.
Slide 11: This slide showcases the stats of Employee Who Leave Within First 6 Months in a bar graph/ chart form.
Slide 12: This slide states Causes Of Turnover-Push & Pull Factor. State them here
Slide 13: This slide showcases Absenteeism Rate Formula. Use it to calculate your own.
Slide 14: This is Employee Absenteeism rate slide. Use it to calculate your own employee absenteeism rate as per the formula.
Slide 15: This slide showcases Employee Attendance Tracker Template in a tabular form. Use as per your own need.
Slide 16: This slide states Competencies/Training Metrics.
Slide 17: This slide showcases Employee Absence Schedule in a tabular form. Mark vacation, personal and sick aspects in this table here.
Slide 18: This slide presents Performance Review Template with respect to Employee Performance Review. State relevant information here in a tabular form.
Slide 19: This slide also presents Performance Review Template showing Annual Performance Review in tabular form.
Slide 20: This is another slide showing Performance Review Template in tabular form.
Slide 21: This slide showcases Performance Review Scoring in tabular form.
Slide 22: This slide showcases Training Hours Per Employee in a bar graph/ chart image form. State them here.
Slide 23: This slide showcases Training Hours By Method Of Training in a pie chart/ graph form. Use it to present the stats of the following- On-line, In-person, Hybrid, Hands -on.
Slide 24: This slide showcases Training Hours By Category in a pie chart form. These categories are- Technicians, Executives, Specialists, Managers, Supervisors.
Slide 25: This slide showcases Staff With Professional Qualification in a bar graph/ chart fom. Use it to present your own staff qualifications.
Slide 26: This slide showcases Competency Rating with Competency Summary in a tabular form.
Slide 27: This is Competency Rating slide showing the following aspects in a bar graph/ chart form- Managerial efficiency, Resource Planning, Develop and impliments, Financial accounting, Financial analysis, Financial planning, Provides Direction, Directiveness.
Slide 28: This slide showcases Competency Mapping table. Present relevant information here.
Slide 29: This is Employee Productivity Metrics slide to state.
Slide 30: This slide showcases Profit Per Employee in a graph form.
Slide 31: This slide showcases Revenue Per Employee graph. Use it for analysis etc.
Slide 32: This slide showcases Cost Per Employee graph. Use it to assess your own cost.
Slide 33: This is Revenue-cost Per Employee Comparison slide in a graph form. Use it to state a comparison between the following- Company - RPE, Company- ECPE.
Slide 34: This is Workforce Profile Metrics slide.
Slide 35: This slide showcases Workforce Diversity By Gender with male and female imagery. Present the stats of your male employees and female employees here.
Slide 36: This slide shows Workforce Diversity By Age Group in a bar graph/ chart form.
Slide 37: This slide showcases Workforce Diversity By Region in a bar graph/ chart form. Use it to present the stats of following aspects- Employees headcount, New Employees Hire, Employees left job.
Slide 38: This slide showcases Staff Headcount in a tabular form. State them here.
Slide 39: This is Employee Engagement Metrics slide to move forward.
Slide 40: This is an Employee Satisfaction slide in a pie chart form. Use it to present the following- Employee satisfaction with workplace, Satisfaction by income level.
Slide 41: This slide showcases Staff Engagement Model in a circular image form. It consists of the following factors- People & Culture, Corporate Reputation & Practices, Reward & Recognition, Work, Industrial, Opportunities & Growth, Engagement.
Slide 42: This is The Aon Hewitt Employee Engagement Model slide showing- Engagement outcomes, Business outcomes, Engagement drivers.
Slide 43: This slide showcases Davie Zinger’s Employee Engagement Model in a circular form.
Slide 44: This slide showcases Engagement Model in a creative form with icon imagery. Use it to state the following factors- Work, Opportunities, Quality of life, Procedures, Compensation, People.
Slide 45: This slide showcases Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Applied To Employee Engagement in a pyramid form. It has 5 levels which are- Self actualisation, Survival, Importance, Security, Belonging. Each of the level further shows the level of engagement. Use it as per your own need.
Slide 46: This is Recruitment Metrics slide to move ahead.
Slide 47: This slide shows Staff Acquisition Cost/Cost Per Hire. Present it here in a bar graph/ chart form.
Slide 48: This slide showcases HR Dashboard in charts and graphs. Use it according to your need.
Slide 49: This slide also showcases HR Dashboard in charts and graphs.
Slide 50: This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. You can change the slide content as per need.
Slide 51: This is Our Mission slide. State it here.
Slide 52: This slide showcases Our team with name, designation and image boxes.
Slide 53: This is Our Goal slide with imagery. State your goals here.
Slide 54: This is a Comparison slide to compare product/enitities etc.
Slide 55: This is a Financial score slide. State financial aspects etc. here.
Slide 56: This is Dashboard slide to show information in percentages etc.
Slide 57: This slide presents a Timeline to show growth, milestones etc.
Slide 58: This is a LEGO slide with text boxes to show information.
Slide 59: This is a Magnifying glass image slide to show information, scoping aspects etc.
Slide 60: This is a Location slide to show global segregation, presence etc. on a world map and text boxes to make it explicit.
Slide 61: This is a Thank You slide with Address# street number, city, state, Contact Numbers, Email Address.

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