Change is something that every business expects. Most organizations undergo change either because of unexpected circumstances or to improve organizational health or growth. There could be many reasons for a change, but one thing is certain - Organizational change affects every business on regular intervals.


Hence, change is constant. It is bound to happen.


What can you do to have a smooth change or transition within an organization?


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Incorporate 11 change management slides to help an organization cope up with the change.


11 Change Management slides you need for a smooth transition:


  • Types of Change Management:

Types of Change Management


Change happens at every level of an organization. There are numerous types of changes that occur in an organization such as incremental, developmental, structural, and more. We have listed common changes which happen in an organization. You can identify the type of change your organization is going through using above slide.


  • Forces for Change:

Forces for Change


There is always a reason for a change. It could be several factors too such as mergers and acquisitions, privatizations, new technology, and more. Figure out what’s causing the change in your organization.


  • Define Your Vision:

Define Your Vision


Define your vision for change management considering the current situation or challenges your organization is facing and what it will look like in the future.


  • Gap Analysis:

Gap Analysis


GAP analysis helps in closing the gaps between the current and future state. It will identify the key areas of improvement. Using this tool, you can make important decisions about the future and how the business needs to change.


  • Change Management Process:

Change Management Process


Initiate the change request, followed by planning, implementation and sustaining. A change management team follows this sequence of steps or activities to drive change management. This slide shows the basic steps of the change management process. You can add or delete the steps based on your requirement.


  • Lewin’s Model:

Lewin's Model


There are many frameworks that explain change management and help implementing the change within an organization. One such model is Lewin’s three stage model. This model basically explains three steps:


Unfreezing prepares the organization to accept and educate that change is required.


Changing is where people begin to make a plan and look for new ways to do things.


Refreezing is when the changes are implemented and people have embraced the new ways and style of working.


  • ADKAR Model:



ADKAR change model is a guide to facilitate the change at an organizational and individual level. This particular model helps in bringing the change in a person which further helps in establishing the change in an organization. Steps such as awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement are associated in carrying out the change in an organization.


  • Bridge Transition Model:

Bridge Transition Model


The Transition Model created by William Bridges focuses on the transition rather than change. It says transition is internal and occurs slowly. The three stages of transition that people go through during the change are Ending, The Neutral Zone or Transitions and The New Beginning. Every individual goes through each stage at their own pace. You can always add or delete these stages as per the changes in your organization.


  • Szpekman's Communication Framework:

Szpekman's Communication Framework


This framework helps you manage the communication within an organization to achieve positive results.


  • Change Transition Plan:

Change Transition Plan


Above slide is a Gantt chart showing various tasks to be performed along with the duration and degree of completion.


  • Change Management Timeline:

Change Management Timeline


This slide covers the processes with the different phases to bring out the change transformation in an organization.


Here is a ready-to-use complete PowerPoint presentation on Change Management to help you steer your organization in the right direction:


Download Ready Made Change Management Complete Deck


We are not always comfortable with the change and hence resist it. Therefore, it is important to understand the need for change and a plan to go through it without any hassles.