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Data table three rows and columns with icons on top


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Data Table Three Rows And Columns With Icons On Top. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Data Table, Content Table, Information Table.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation


The image features a PowerPoint slide titled "Data Table Three Rows and Columns With Icons On Top," which is designed to compare three different features across a single category. The table is divided into three columns, each headed by an icon that symbolizes a particular feature. The first column has a mobile phone icon, the second a shield icon (potentially representing security), and the third a thumbs-up icon (perhaps indicating approval or a positive feature).

Each row under these icons has space for text, allowing the presenter to describe or list the specifics of each feature. The first row labeled "Features" is presumably for the titles of each feature. The subsequent rows have placeholder text "Your Text Here," indicating where detailed descriptions should be entered.

Use Cases:

This slide is versatile and can be applied across multiple industries:

1. Telecommunications:

Use: Comparing phone plan benefits.

Presenter: Marketing Manager.

Audience: Customers, Retail Partners.

2. Software Development:

Use: Showcasing software security features.

Presenter: Product Owner.

Audience: Clients, End-Users.

3. Consumer Electronics:

Use: Highlighting gadget specifications.

Presenter: Brand Representative.

Audience: Consumers, Tech Enthusiasts.

4. Healthcare:

Use: Detailing medical device features.

Presenter: Medical Sales Professional.

Audience: Healthcare Providers, Hospital Procurement Teams.

5. Automotive:

Use: Comparing vehicle safety features.

Presenter: Sales Executive.

Audience: Potential Buyers, Dealerships.

6. Education:

Use: Listing course or program attributes.

Presenter: Admissions Officer.

Audience: Prospective Students, Parents.

7. Financial Services:

Use: Outlining different investment product options.

Presenter: Financial Advisor.

Audience: Investors, Clients.

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  1. 80%

    by Donnell Bradley

    Great designs, really helpful.
  2. 80%

    by David Wright

    Colors used are bright and distinctive.

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