
Introduction To Time Management Training Ppt


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Presenting Training Deck on Introduction to Time Management. This presentation deck contains 72 well-researched and uniquely designed slides. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees, and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon, and font size to suit your requirements.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 3

This slide illustrates information regarding time management. It emphasizes time management as a strategy for organizing your available time and controlling how much time you spend on specific tasks to improve efficiency. It also states that lack of time management can result in: Producing low-quality work, failing to meet deadlines, rising stress levels destruction of your work-life balance, and damaging your professional reputation.

Slide 4

This slide explains the benefits of effective time management in the workplace. These are: Decreased Stress, Increased Productivity, Streamlined Decision-making, Reaching Goals Faster, Improved Quality of Work, and Better Workplace Relationships.

Slide 5

This slide explains how time management can lead to increased productivity. It emphasizes that increased productivity is the major benefit of time management in the workplace. It also mentions that one of the time management techniques is prioritizing the most critical tasks. This translates into people devoting more time to tasks that will help them and their companies achieve the most productive outcomes. 

Slide 6

This slide depicts how effective time management in the workplace causes lower stress. It emphasizes that effective time management can assist you in prioritizing your to-do-list and allocating the appropriate amount of time to your most important tasks; this allows people to know precisely what they need to do and how much time they have to complete everything. It also mentions that prioritizing your tasks and allowing enough time to complete these can help you lower stress.

Slide 7

This slide depicts information about streamlined decision-making. It emphasizes that time management allows people to take better decisions, if they plan ahead of time. It also mentions how taking better decisions can assist people in determining priorities and what actions need to be taken.

Slide 8

This slide showcases how effective time management can help you achieve your goals faster. It emphasizes that setting goals for yourself is an important part of time management; can be significantly reduced achieve such goals if the goals are broken down into smaller chunks.

Slide 9

This slide depicts improved work quality as a result of time management. It emphasizes that employees will be able to focus on providing quality products/services to their customers without feeling pressed to meet tight deadlines, giving their organization a competitive advantage. It also states that when someone rushes to complete something because they don't have enough time, they have little time to think things through and double-check their work.

Slide 10

This slide depicts improved workplace relationships as a result of effective time management. It emphasizes how time management can help people develop workplace relationships. It adds that if everyone in an office practices time management and effective communication, there will be fewer opportunities for workplace conflicts.

Slide 11

This slide depicts an activity named “Circadian Rhythm” that is to be performed during the training session.

Instructor’s Notes: 

  • With the "Circadian Rhythm" game, teach your team to synchronize their work with their body clock
  • Instruct participants to relate their hourly blocks to time management at work 

Points for Discussion

  • Describe the most active part of your day that sets you on fire?
  • What is your most 'distracted' time of the day?
  • Describe the best time of day to finish the most challenging/manageable tasks?
  • When is the best time to take a break?
  • In your team, who has similar working/relaxing rhythms?

Outcome: When participants share their rhythms, they can create an efficient working schedule for the entire team. It is an excellent way to get to know your teammates better while honing your communication skills. 

Slide 12

This slide depicts multiple time management techniques. The major techniques are: Pomodoro; Kanban; Getting Things Done; Eat That Frog; Timeboxing/Time Blocking; Inbox-Zero; Who's Got The Monkey, The Eisenhower Matrix; Biological Prime Time; The Productivity Journal; The Seinfeld Method; The 10-minute Rule; 1-Minute Rule; To-Done List, and Top Goal.

Slide 13

This slide demonstrates key takeaways from the Session Introduction to Time Management.

Slide 14

This slide lists discussion questions from the Session Introduction to Time Management.

Slide 26 to 41

These slides depict energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 42 to 69

These slides consist of a client training proposal highlighting what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 70 to 72

These slides highlight the training evaluation form for instructor, content, and course assessment.

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