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Point of sale system pos powerpoint presentation slides


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This title slide introduces the Point-of-Sale System (POS).
Slide 2: This is the Agenda slide. It includes - Enter the merchant acquiring market, Deliver net positive financial returns to the organization, Provides technology for all electronic payment transactions and value-added services at the point of sale, etc.
Slide 3: This slide contains the Table of Contents. It includes - Market Overview, Competitive Landscape, Objective of Our Merchant Acquiring Company, Industry Analysis, etc.
Slide 4: This is a table of content slide showing the Objective of Our Merchant Acquiring Company.
Slide 5: This slide presents the Objective of Our Merchant Acquiring Company. It covers our company’s objective such as introducing 1000+ customers in a year, innovative devices, better performance materials at low cost, etc.
Slide 6: This is a table of content slide showing the Market Overview. It includes - Global Merchant Acquiring Market Overview, Emerging Merchant Acquiring Market Growth, Global Card Penetration Market FY 2019, and Key Players of Merchant Acquiring Industry.
Slide 7: This slide presents the Global Merchant Acquiring Market Overview. It covers the global merchant acquiring business overview along with the market growth from the year 2019 to 2024.
Slide 8: This slide presents the Emerging Merchant Acquiring Market Growth. It covers the cross-border and domestic fast-growing digital and e-commerce global market for the year 2019 to 2024.
Slide 9: This slide presents the Global Card Penetration Market FY 2020. It covers the card penetration market globally for the year 2019 wherein the focus is on card payments and other payment sources.
Slide 10: This slide presents the Key Players of the Merchant Acquiring Industry (1/2). This table depicts the key U.S merchant acquirers along with their card volumes, number of transactions, and number of merchant outlets in the country.
Slide 11: This slide presents the Key Players of the Merchant Acquiring Industry (2/2). This graph depicts the key U.S merchant acquirers along with their card volumes for the year 2020.
Slide 12: This is a table of content slide showing the Industry Analysis. It includes - Growth Drivers for Merchant, Acquirers, SWOT, and PESTLE.
Slide 13: This slide presents the Growth Drivers for Merchant Acquirers. It covers the key merchant acquiring trends in the market such as eCommerce, mPOS, regulation, and Omni retailing.
Slide 14: This slide presents the SWOT Analysis of Merchant Acquisition. It covers the SWOT analysis wherein the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the merchant acquisition industry are focused.
Slide 15: This slide presents the PESTLE Analysis of Merchant Acquisition. It covers the PESTLE analysis wherein the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental status of the merchant acquisition industry are focused.
Slide 16: This is a table of content slide showing the Industry Trends - By Components, By Product, and By Application.
Slide 17: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Market Size by Component. This graph depicts the market size based on the components used by merchant acquirers for the years 2019 to 2029.
Slide 18: This slide presents the Point-of-Sale Terminal Market Share by Product. This pie chart depicts the market share based on the products used by merchant acquirers for the year 2019.
Slide 19: This slide presents the Merchant Acquirers Market by Application. This graph depicts the market share based on the application in different industry segments.
Slide 20: This is a table of content slide showing the Competitive Landscape.
Slide 21: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Competitive Landscape (1/2). It provides the features and benefits provided to the merchants offered by different competitors in the market.
Slide 22: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Competitive Landscape (2/2). It provides the details such as company highlights, market information, product information, SWOT, etc. of the merchants available in the market.
Slide 23: This is a table of content slide showing the Customer Identification. It includes - Identifying Merchant Acquisition Market, Merchant Acquisition Buyer Persona, and Merchant Acquisition Customer Demographics.
Slide 24: This slide presents the Identifying Merchant Acquisition Market. It provides the details of the market based on TAM, SAM, SOM along with the share of the population interested in buying our product.
Slide 25: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Buyer Persona (1/3). It provides the details of the buyer’s persona wherein we have focused on their personal background, business background, lifestyle, challenges, etc.
Slide 26: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Buyer Persona (2/3). It provides the details of the buyer’s persona wherein we have focused on their background, demographics. Identifiers, etc.
Slide 27: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Buyer Persona (3/3). It provides the details of the buyer’s persona wherein we have focused on their background, demographics. Identifiers, etc.
Slide 28: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Customer Demographics. It provides the details of customer demographic wherein we have focused on population, USA map, etc.
Slide 29: This is a table of content slide showing the Business Model.
Slide 30: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Business Model. It provides the details of the business model covering key partners, activities, resources, value proposition, cost structure, revenue streams, etc.
Slide 31: This is a table of content slide showing the Merchant Acquisition Market Entry Strategies. It includes - Market Segmentation, Positioning Strategy, and Positioning Mapping.
Slide 32: This slide presents the Basis of Segmenting Merchant Acquisition Market. It provides the basis of merchant acquisition market segmentation such as psychographic, behavioral, demographic, geographic, others, etc.
Slide 33: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Market Positioning Strategy. It provides the positioning strategy by focusing on 7Ps such as price, product, promotion, place, physical evidence, people, and processes.
Slide 34: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Market Positioning Mapping. It is the perpetual map in positioning strategy required to identify opportunities in the marketplace.
Slide 35: This is a table of content slide showing the Pricing Strategy. It includes - Pricing Comparison and Quarterly Product Launch Campaign Budget Plan.
Slide 36: This slide presents the Merchant Acquisition Pricing Comparison. It covers the product comparison along with their competitors available in the market along with the location and its prices.
Slide 37: This slide presents the Quarterly Merchant Acquisition Product Launch Campaign Budget Plan. It covers the product launch campaign with a quarterly budget based on marketing, testing, releases, content, etc.
Slide 38: This is a table of content slide showing the Financial Projection of Our Company.
Slide 39: This slide presents the Financial Projection of Our Company (1/2). It covers the five-year projection of our company covering income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet.
Slide 40: This slide presents the Financial Projection of Our Company cont. (1/2). It covers the five-year projection of our company covering income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet.
Slide 41: This slide presents the Financial Projection of Our Company (2/2). This graph covers the five-year projection of our company covering revenue, net income, free cash flow, cash balance.
Slide 42: This is the Point-of-Sale System (POS) - Icons Slide.
Slide 43: This slide introduces the Additional Slides.
Slide 44: This slide shows a Clustered Column-Line that compares 3 products’ data over a timeline of financial years.
Slide 45: This slide provides the Mission for the entire company. This includes the vision, the mission, and the goal.
Slide 46: This slide shows the members of the company team with their name, designation, and photo.
Slide 47: This slide is a Timeline template to showcase the progress of the steps of a project with time.
Slide 48: This slide is a Roadmap template to showcase the stages of a project, for example.
Slide 49: This is a Thank You slide where details such as the address, contact number, email address are added.

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