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Company Stock Analysis And Equity Research Report Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Company Stock Analysis and Equity Research Report. State your Company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide displays Agenda for Equity Research Report
Slide 3: This slide displays Table of Content.
Slide 4: This slide shows Executive Summary of the company.
Slide 5: This slide provides and overview of the equity research report and displays some key stats about the target company . The slide also provides a brief Introduction about the equity research report.
Slide 6: This following slide is to highlight the process of equity research which starts from Industry analysis and ends with recommendations from the analyst.
Slide 7: This slide shows Competitive Environment Analysis.
Slide 8: The following slide provides a detailed analysis of the market share of our company in comparison to the competition.
Slide 9: This slide provides a brief analysis of the competitors Market share, geographical presence and their employee strength.
Slide 10: This slide to enlists various Industry trends that will influence the market and will influence the company.
Slide 11: This slide depicts Target Company Overview
Slide 12: This slide is to provide an overview of the company on which the equity research report is being made. This slide highlights the year in which the company was founded in, number of employees it has, multiple global locations etc .
Slide 13: The purpose of this slide is to display the organizations profit and loss statements Key Performance Indicators such as Net Sales, Expenses , EBITDA and Profit before and after tax.
Slide 14: The purpose of the following slide is to display the key performance indicators of the balance sheet for four quarters of FY 2019. These KPIs can be Current assets, Current Liability , Total Assets and Total Liabilities.
Slide 15: This slide is to display a tabular representation of the key performance indicators of the balance sheet for four quarters of FY 2019. These KPIs can be Current assets, Current Liability , Total Assets and Total Liabilities.
Slide 16: This slide display a tabular representation of vertical and horizontal analysis of the target companies.
Slide 17: The following slide displays the share holding pattern of the company, the graph provides percentage of shares that are held by promotor groups, domestic institutional investors, foreign Institutional investors, Private Corporate Bodies and General public.
Slide 18: This slide highlights the shareholding pattern of the company, the provided table highlights the shareholders, total number of shares and %age of the same .
Slide 19: This slide shows Target Company Financial SWOT Analysis for Equity Research
Slide 20: This slide displays the historical share performance of the organization and displays various key events that increased or decreased the sock price.
Slide 21: This slide displays Financial Ratio Analysis.
Slide 22: The following slide displays the analysis of the companies liquidity ratio of the financial year 19 as its analysis the current ratio , quick ratio and the net working capital of the organization.
Slide 23: This slide displays the analysis of the company's asset management or turnover ratio of the financial year 19.
Slide 24: This slide displays the analysis of the company’s leverage ratio o of the financial year 19 as it analysis the debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio, debt to capital ratio and debt to EBITDA ratio.
Slide 25: This slide displays the analysis of the company’s profitability ratio of the financial year 19 as it analysis the gross profit ratio, net profit ratio and return on asset ratio.
Slide 26: This slide is to analyze the valuation ratios of the organizations. Such as price to earning, price to book value rati, price to sales ratio and price to cash flow ratio.
Slide 27: This slide depicts Methods Used for Valuation such as- Discounted Cash Flow Method, Relative Value Approach, Precedents Overview, Valuation Analysis.
Slide 28: This slide displays the equity valuation methods such as balance sheet methods, earning multiple methods and discounted cash flow method.
Slide 29: The purpose o the following slide is to provide target company valuation using discounted cash flow method , the provided table hoighlights the net operating losses , free cash flow and total enterprise valuation of the target company.
Slide 30: This slide displays the market data, financial data and valuation of multiple companies of the market. The provided table compares the price , market cap , Sales , EBITDA , earning and P/E ratio.
Slide 31: The following slide shows the precedent overview of the equity research, as the provided table highlights the transaction date, acquirer, Target and the value.
Slide 32: This slide shows Types of Risk.
Slide 33: The purpose of the following slide is to show multiple risk associated with equity research , these risk can be equity risk, interest rate risk , currency risk , Liquidity risk and concertation risk .
Slide 34: This slide is to provide rating to the multiple risk based on their impact and probability.
Slide 35: This is About Us slide to showcase Company specifications.
Slide 36: This slide provide the overall business summary of the organization. The following slide covers the organization history and the services that are offered by them .
Slide 37: This slide shows the team structure of the equity research team.
Slide 38: This slide shows the review and ratings of the company provided by the analyst. The table highlights P/E ratio, valuation score, Net profit . The table also provides weightage average of the same.
Slide 39: This slide shows the equity research team of the organization as it highlights the key credentials of the team members, their names and their designation.
Slide 40: This slide presents Review and Rating.
Slide 41: The purpose of the following slide is to show the review and ratings of the company provided by the analyst. The table highlights P/E ratio, valuation score, Net profit etc.
Slide 42: The purpose of the following slide is to show the review and ratings of the company provided by the analyst. The table highlights P/E ratio, valuation score, Net profit . The table also provides weightage average of the same.
Slide 43: The purpose of the following slide is to show the review and ratings of the company provided by the analyst. The table highlights P/E ratio, valuation score, Net profit . The table also provides weightage average of the same.
Slide 44: This slide shows Organization Performance Dashboard for Equity Research
Slide 45: This slide displays the analysis of the companies liquidity ratio of the financial year 18 and 19 as its analysis the current ratio , quick ratio and the net working capital of the organization.
Slide 46: This is Icons Slide for Company Stock Analysis And Equity Research Report.
Slide 47: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 48: This is About us slide to showcase Company specifications.
Slide 49: This is Our Mission slide with Vision and Goal.
Slide 50: This is Financial slide. Showcase Finance related stuff here.
Slide 51: This slide depicts Our Target.
Slide 52: This slide shows Location
Slide 53: This slide displays Venn.
Slide 54: This slide is titled as Post It Notes for posting important notes.
Slide 55: This slide shows Timeline process.
Slide 56: This is Idea Generation slide to highlight important ideas, facts etc.
Slide 57: This is Thank You slide with Address, Email address and Contact number.

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