Implementation Of Safety Management System To Reduce Workplace Injuries Powerpoint Presentation Slides
A safety management system is a series of policies and procedures organizations use to reduce accidents and illnesses in the workplace. Check out our professionally designed Implementation of safety management system to reduce workplace injuries PowerPoint presentation. It includes parameters for formulating a safety policy based on which companies can set safety goals for their employees and make their management committed to achieving these goals. Based on the safety policy, steps are required to be taken to minimize the injury rate. This deck helps in first identifying various sources of incidence like a technical error with machinery, environmental factors, etc. or injury type based on a workers body map and then providing the measures to remove or minimize the impact of these factors on company workers. Additionally, the module also contains the risk assessment matrix, which employers can use to prioritize hazards based on the severity level. To make safety management a continuous process, this deck provides various safety metrics which organizations can use to monitor safety performance on a periodic basis. These are accident-free days, cases of near misses, reported accidents in a period, etc. Based on these performance indicators, organizations can look for gaps in their safety management system and accordingly choose to train their employees and workers to fill these gaps for a smooth and safe working environment. Get access to this powerful template now.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This slide introduces the Implementation of safety management system to reduce workplace injuries. State Your Company Name and get started.
Slide 2: This slide depicts the Agenda of the Presentation.
Slide 3: This slide is the Table Of Contents slide.
Slide 4: This is the continuation of the Table Of Contents slide.
Slide 5: This slide states the Increasing number of workplace injuries by vertical Bar-Graphs.
Slide 6: This slide showcases the Number of workplace injuries by the type of Incidence with the help of Line Graphs.
Slide 7: This slide reveals the Increasing cases of near misses at workplace.
Slide 8: This slide provides information about the Work injury compensation claims in the last 3 years.
Slide 9: This slide elucidates the Major factors responsible for workplace incidents through horizontal Bar-Graph.
Slide 10: This slide highlights the Impact of workplace injuries on company business.
Slide 11: This slide shows the Title for the Topics to be covered in the next template.
Slide 12: This slide depicts the Company plan to implement safety management system in the organization.
Slide 13: This slide presents the Expected benefit by implementing safety management system in the organization.
Slide 14: This slide shows the Title for the content to be covered in the next template.
Slide 15: This slide showcases the Management and workers commitment for implementation of the safety program.
Slide 16: This slide displays the Setting up of safety goals to develop accountability.
Slide 17: This slide shows the assessment of required resources for achieving safety goals.
Slide 18: This slide elucidates the Development of a checklist to ensure worker’s participation in the safety program.
Slide 19: This slide highlights the content to be covered in the forth-coming slide.
Slide 20: This slide showcases the Hazard identification based on people, machinery, equipment and environmental factors.
Slide 21: This sldie displays the Identification of hazards and hazardous situations based on worker’s body map.
Slide 22: This slide presents a Collection of the hazard information through records and reports.
Slide 23: This slide highlights the Prioritization of hazards based on risk assessment matrix.
Slide 24: This si the slide depicts the Title of the Topics to be covered in the next template.
Slide 25: This slide elucidates the Hierarchy of control model to mitigate workplace hazards.
Slide 26: This slide provides information about the Hazard prevention and control based on hierarchy of control model.
Slide 27: This slide showcases the Setting up of a system for reporting injuries, illnesses, incidents and hazards.
Slide 28: This slide depicts the Resource allocation and target setting for implementation of hazard control plan in a tabular form.
Slide 29: This slide represents the Checklist to ensure the implementation of Control measures.
Slide 30: This slide shows the Title for the content to be covered in the following template.
Slide 31: This slide gives a glimpse of Identification of The Safety performance indicators.
Slide 32: This slide lists the Five key safety matric for continuous improvement using horizontal Bar-Graphs.
Slide 33: This slide shows the Safety Gap analysis based on performance indicators using rows and columns.
Slide 34: This slide provides information about the Title for the Topics to be covered in the next template.
Slide 35: This slide illustrates the way to Assess the training needs based on roles and responsibilities.
Slide 36: This slide shows the Development of a training plan based on the need analysis.
Slide 37: This slide is titles as the Health and safety training matrix including variety of programs.
Slide 38: This slide displays the Topics to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 39: This slide lists the numerous Tools for tracking health and safety management at workplace.
Slide 40: This slide contains the heading of the content to be covered in the following slide.
Slide 41: This slide elucidates the Impact of the safety management framework on the Copany performance.
Slide 42: This slide consists of the idea to be discussed in the next template.
Slide 43: This slide displays the dashboard to track the health and safety KPIs.
Slide 44: This slide comprises all the Icons used in the plan.
Slide 45: This is titled as the Additional Slides for providing some additional information.
Slide 46: This is a Puzzle slide for showcasing some information related to the Company specifications or other information.
Slide 47: This slide is the Venn Diagram slide for presenting some vital information with related imagery.
Slide 48: This is a slide showing a Circular diagram for some extra information.
Slide 49: This is the Timeline slide for depicting information with respect to the time period.
Slide 50: This is Our target slide. List your Company's targets here.
Slide 51: This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.
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