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Mckinsey 7s Strategic Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Presenting Mckinsey 7s PowerPoint presentation slides. This complete deck presentation comprises of professional visuals and well researched content. Our PowerPoint experts have crafted this deck keeping all the diagrams, layouts, icons and graphs. This deck highlights all the aspects of Mckinsey model and each slide consists of an appropriate visual and content. Every slide can be easily customized. You can alter the slide as per your need. These PPT slides can be instantly downloaded with just a click. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees and organizations.

Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

“Control your own destiny or someone else will,” Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric

One useful step when you want to control your company’s destiny is using the popular McKinsey 7S Model. For the uninitiated, it refers to a tool for efficiently analyzing an organization's organizational design.

This model aims to portray how effectiveness can be achieved in an organization by focusing on the interactions of seven key elements. The 7 elements are as follows:

  • Structure

  • Skill

  • Strategy

  • Shared Values

  • System, 

  • Staff 

  • Style

Looking for a simpler and stylish slide explaining the McKinsey 7s Strategic Change Management Model.

If you want to delve into the details of the McKinsey 7S Model or want to present its usefulness to an audience, SlideTeam slides will come in handy. The slides are created by our highly-skilled content experts, who are familiar with the McKinsey 7S Model and have simplified it. Each of the slides is 100% editable and customizable, you can use them after making any edits you want or need. It only takes a few seconds.

Want a more concise option? Check out the McKinsey Seven S with System and Shared Value Slide.

Let’s explore!

Template 1- McKinsey 7S Model

This creative slide focuses on McKinsey’s 7s model and names each element. From strategy to skills, structure to style, and systems to staff, everything is highlighted. The 7th element, shared values, is the focus. You can edit the design according to your understanding and ensure you catch the attention of the audience. You can also add a bit of text to explain each element.

Template 2- McKinsey 7S Model- Seven Elements

Some elements of the McKinsey 7S Model are categorized as hard elements, while others are categorized as soft elements. This slide focuses on defining which elements fall into which category. Elements like Systems, Structure, and Strategy are Hard Elements. Similarly, elements like Staff, Skills, Style, and Shared Values come into the soft elements category.

Template 3- Overview – Hard Ss

Among the McKinsey 7S Model, the top 3S are described as hard Ss. They are Strategy, Systems, and Structure. Each of these elements is briefly explained.

Template 4- Strategy Checklist Questions

Strategy simply means defining the actions required to achieve a goal or a specific set of goals. When explaining the McKinsey 7S Model, you need to focus on strategy, and the strategy checklist questions mentioned above can be of great help. Examples of the questions we have added here are how objectives will be achieved or how the strategy will be adjusted for key environmental issues. You can use these or create your own questions that are more in line with your brand.

Template 5- Business Strategy Template

Most people define business strategy as an organization's master plan. So, when creating a strategy, the focus must be on essentials like Purpose, Prime Objectives, Initiatives, and Key Performance Indicators that measure the success or failure of specific strategies. The above template defines these components. It aims to help you create smart and successful business strategies.

Template 6- Structure Checklist Questions

This slide focuses on another critical element of the McKinsey 7S Model: Structure. When creating a structure, it’s vital that you ask important questions like what the hierarchy will be like or how the team members will organize and align themselves. Questions like these will help define the organization's structure and help avoid any confusion or miscommunication regarding decision-making and decision-makers.

Template 7- System Checklist Questions

After strategy, the focus of organizations following the McKinsey 7S Model shifts to the System. Again, a few questions can help refine a system and establish a good one. Examples of such questions include where the controls are or which internal process a team needs to follow to stay on track. When a system is established, chaos is avoided.

Template 8- Overview- Soft Ss

Once you have explained the hard Ss of the McKinsey 7S Model, you can focus on the soft Ss. These are Staff, Shared Values, Skills, and Style. Again, you can edit the slide above to make the content unique and more representative of your organization. Overall, the goal of soft Ss is to provide an effective framework for analyzing an organization and its core activities.

Template 9- Shared Values Checklist Questions

The core values of an organization are usually a set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help people in that organization work towards common business goals. This slide focuses on key questions associated with shared values, such as how strong these values are, what the team culture will be like, etc. Answering these questions will help define shared values that help bring everyone in an organization together.

Template 10- Style Checklist Questions

Leadership style is perhaps the most important S of the McKinsey 7S Model. This slide allows you to explore it further by highlighting key questions like what the leadership style will be, how effective it is, and whether teams or team members are more competitive or cooperative.



In essence, it can be said that the McKinsey 7S Model is quite interesting. It is useful and has many advantages like it lets parts of an organization act in a coherent and synced manner and helps you to ensure the effective tracking of the impact when there is a change in any of the seven elements. When thinking of adopting it, you must explain it completely to each stakeholder. The creative slides created by SlideTeam can be a big help with that. Use them as they are, or edit them instantly. Get them now!

PS Also, please remember to look at the Strategic Management Planning Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides, as they help make strategy-making simpler than you can imagine!


The McKinsey 7S model is a strategic management tool that helps organizations analyze and improve their effectiveness by examining seven key elements: Shared Values, Staff, Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, and Skills.

The hard S's in the McKinsey 7S model refer to the tangible, quantifiable aspects of an organization, including Strategy, Structure, and Systems.

The checklist questions are designed to help organizations assess their performance in each of the seven elements of the McKinsey 7S model, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies for making changes.

The additional slides include information about the company, its mission, team members, products, SWOT analysis, and a 30 60 90-day plan.

By using the McKinsey 7S model, organizations can identify the areas in which they need to make improvements, develop a clear strategy for change, and implement effective systems and processes that align with their shared values, staff, style, and skills.

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    Presentation Design is very nice, good work with the content as well.
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    Innovative and attractive designs.

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