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App Development And Marketing Solution Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Enthrall your audience with this App Development And Marketing Solution Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising fifty nine slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This is the cover slide of App Development and Marketing Solution.
Slide 2: This is the Agenda for app development and marketing solution
Slide 3: This is the Table of CONTENTS slide of App Development and marketing solution.
Slide 4: This is Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 5: This slide covers the introduction of new selling app company which includes it’s headquarters, incorporated, segments etc.
Slide 6: This slide covers why us slide for mobile application development company including company's focus areas, background, mission vision and accomplishments
Slide 7: This slide covers company’s major clients from different industries
Slide 8: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 9: This slide covers the details about the project that we have heard from clients such as project goals, our proposed solutions and results.
Slide 10: This slide covers what possible solution app developing company is offering for the project such as concept and strategy, setting up use case scenarios, site mapping, app promotion strategies etc.
Slide 11: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 12: This slide covers analysing competitors applications based on design, price, performance, quality etc.
Slide 13: This slide covers evaluation of the application idea based on some parameters such market and customer/user research, understand your risks, cost, reward, technology etc.
Slide 14: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 15: This slide covers the buyers persona which will help company to understand user preferences and make better product for them
Slide 16: This slide covers the interactive end to end user experience solution such as easy reporting both online and offline feature and improving usability for the client
Slide 17: This is the Table of contents slide for app development and marketing solution
Slide 18: This slide covers the application concept and strategy from login customer process to admin process and delivery process
Slide 19: This slide covers the potential requirement for application such as color- coding, sample design, reports along with its description, persona, type and source.
Slide 20: This slide covers specifications, which are essential to solve the problem for the user . key considerations here includes feasibility, difficulty and efforts along with descriptions for the specifications.
Slide 21: This slide covers the product features prioritization tool which depicts the low value features, features to cut, development priorities and low hanging features.
Slide 22: This slide covers product requirements prioritization table which includes customer requirement, importance or weights and features. It also include priority score
Slide 23: This slide covers the wire frame for the application where non-technical side, wireframes help frame a feature's story to key stakeholders. Where as on the tech side, wireframes are used to illustrate the page / site design and user interface clearly— and to help relay this to the company, design and development teams.
Slide 24: This slide covers the wireframe for the product which includes features such as logging in, reviewing posts, selection of images and uploading images
Slide 25: This slide covers the technology , operating systems, programming languages etc. Used in making application
Slide 26: This slide covers the approach that is followed to make application better and different from others
Slide 27: This slide covers the UX/UI visual design of the application which can be used to give an idea to the customer how the interface of the application will look like.
Slide 28: This slide covers application launch strategies and tactics app store such as increasing visibility, increasing downloads by store ads, analyzing and adjusting through A/B testing etc.
Slide 29: This slide covers the testing program of the application before launch such as alpha testing and beta testing along with the aim of the beta testing etc.
Slide 30: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 31: This slide covers investment of the application based on project setup and outline, app architecture, branding and design, development etc.
Slide 32: This slide covers the offering of the services after product launch provided by the company to the clients such as app monitoring, mobile application upgrade, mobile app enhancement and support services
Slide 33: This slide covers the project execution roadmap for the application including kick off meeting, executive review, beta release and final release
Slide 34: This slide covers the app development roadmap with activities, targets set and actually achieved targets
Slide 35: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 36: This slide covers marketing plan after application launch along with business objects, strategy, and outreach tactics.
Slide 37: This slide covers customers conversion strategy through email and B2B marketing. It also states that email marketing promotion has been grown from the past few years and we can use it as our customer conversion strategy
Slide 38: This slide covers our distribution channel which is direct mailing. It will help in building long term relationships, establishing trust and credibility also, earns a higher response rate
Slide 39: This slide covered application social media marketing budget for various categories such as content creation, social advertising, social engagement, software/tools, promotions and contests.
Slide 40: This is five months marketing timeline which includes SEO, paid searches, social media, email marketing, display ads and site UX/UI
Slide 41: This is the Table of contents for app development and marketing solution
Slide 42: This slide covers the project launch timeline for 5 months including releases, milestones, product integrations, UX&UI designs and meetings
Slide 43: This Slide covers post application launch app performance KPI’s metrics such as paid installations, organic installations, top media sources, uninstallations etc.
Slide 44: This slide covers application performance in market KPI’s and metrics such as impressions, clicks, searches for app, conversion rate etc.
Slide 45: This is the Icon slide for app development and marketing solution
Slide 46: This is Additional slides
Slide 47: This is a Roadmap slide that can be used to present series of events.
Slide 48: This is Our vision, mission & goal slide to present company's mission and vision.
Slide 49: This is Idea generation slide that can be used to present innovative ideas.
Slide 50: This is a Post it notes slide to keep information at one place.
Slide 51: This is a SWOT analysis slide that can be used to conduct comparative analysis.
Slide 52: This is a Circular process that can be used to present continous series of events.
Slide 53: This is a Venn diagram slide that can be used to compare three different elements.
Slide 54: This is a Bar chart template that can be used to compare different products.
Slide 55: This is a Target slide that can be used to present company's target.
Slide 56: This is a Financial slide that can be used to present company's financials.
Slide 57: This is About us slide that can be used to present company's information.
Slide 58: This is the Puzzle slide to enhance problem solving skills.
Slide 59: This is a Thank you slide for acknowledgment.

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