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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life


117 posts
Dec 27 2021

With a knack for writing, I prefer to keep my blogs simple and informative. Wit and creativity being my forte, I try to captivate the audiences’ interest by exploring different ideas and offering a fresh perspective. If you don’t find me writing, I most certainly would be out for a walk, playing with a pet, or cooking. I aspire to fulfill the learner’s quench for knowledge, ensuring that every minute spent reading my blogs is worth it.

  1. Os 10 principais modelos de proposta de produção de vídeo com amostras e exemplos

    Os 10 principais modelos de proposta de produção de vídeo com amostras e exemplos

    Não podemos pausar o tempo, mas certamente podemos tentar capturar um pouco disso em vídeo. Na era digital de hoje, os vídeos nos dão o poder de tornar os momentos atemporais e criar magia!   Seja para fins pessoais ou profissionais, fazer vídeos pode ser divertido e lucrativo. Você cria uma história e, em seguida, […]
    Yogyata Yogyata October 2 2022
  2. Die 10 besten Vorschlagsvorlagen für Videoproduktionen mit Mustern und Beispielen

    Die 10 besten Vorschlagsvorlagen für Videoproduktionen mit Mustern und Beispielen

    Wir können die Zeit nicht anhalten, aber wir können sicherlich versuchen, etwas davon auf Video festzuhalten. Im heutigen digitalen Zeitalter geben uns Videos die Möglichkeit, Momente zeitlos zu machen und Magie zu erschaffen!   Ob für private oder berufliche Zwecke, das Erstellen von Videos kann sowohl Spaß machen als auch profitabel sein. Sie erstellen eine […]
    Yogyata Yogyata October 2 2022
  3. Top 10 des modèles de proposition de production vidéo avec des échantillons et des exemples

    Top 10 des modèles de proposition de production vidéo avec des échantillons et des exemples

    Nous ne pouvons pas arrêter le temps, mais nous pouvons certainement essayer d'en capturer une partie sur vidéo. À l'ère numérique d'aujourd'hui, les vidéos nous donnent le pouvoir de rendre les moments intemporels et de créer de la magie !   Que ce soit à des fins personnelles ou professionnelles, faire des vidéos peut être à […]
    Yogyata Yogyata October 2 2022
  4. Rendre l'apprentissage amusant : huit modèles de modèles ADDIE qui fonctionnent

    Rendre l'apprentissage amusant : huit modèles de modèles ADDIE qui fonctionnent

    Vous gérez des projets de conception pédagogique et vous vous demandez quelle est la meilleure approche pour structurer un nouveau matériel pédagogique ? Si oui, le modèle ADDIE est une aubaine pour vous !   Qu'est-ce que le modèle ADDIE ?   Le modèle ADDIE est un cadre utilisé pour concevoir et développer du matériel pédagogique. […]
    Yogyata Yogyata September 30 2022
  5. So macht Lernen Spaß: Acht ADDIE-Modellvorlagen, die funktionieren

    So macht Lernen Spaß: Acht ADDIE-Modellvorlagen, die funktionieren

    Leiten Sie Lehrdesign-Projekte und fragen sich, was der beste Ansatz ist, um neues Lehrmaterial zu strukturieren ? Dann ist das ADDIE-Modell ein Glücksfall für Sie!   Was ist das ADDIE-Modell?   Das ADDIE-Modell ist ein Framework, das zum Entwerfen und Entwickeln von Unterrichtsmaterialien verwendet wird. Der Name leitet sich von den fünf Phasen ab, aus […]
    Yogyata Yogyata September 30 2022
  6. Tornando o aprendizado divertido: oito modelos de modelo ADDIE que funcionam

    Tornando o aprendizado divertido: oito modelos de modelo ADDIE que funcionam

    Você gerencia projetos de design instrucional e se pergunta qual é a melhor abordagem para estruturar um novo material instrucional ? Se sim, o modelo ADDIE é uma dádiva de Deus para você!   O que é o modelo ADDIE?   O modelo ADDIE é uma estrutura usada para projetar e desenvolver materiais instrucionais. O […]
    Yogyata Yogyata September 27 2022
  7. Top 10 Video Production Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Video Production Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    We can’t pause time, but we can certainly try to capture some of it in on video. In today’s digital age, videos give us the power to make moments timeless and create magic!   Whether for personal or professional purposes, making videos can be both fun and profitable. You create a story and then stitch […]
    Yogyata Yogyata September 23 2022
  8. Top 10 Client Acquisition Marketing Plan and Strategy Templates to Expand Your Customer Base (Free PDF Attached)

    Top 10 Client Acquisition Marketing Plan and Strategy Templates to Expand Your Customer Base (Free PDF Attached)

    Client acquisition is the most critical aspect of any business. Without new clients, your company will eventually stagnate and die. What, then, is the best approach to acquiring new clients?   Well, the best approach has to be specific to individual businesses and the environment these operate in. That said, there are some general steps […]
    Yogyata Yogyata October 3 2023
  9. Top 10 Investment Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    Top 10 Investment Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    Dream BIG! Turn your ideas into reality, and to bridge the gap between the two, look for investors. It all sounds so simple. Isn’t it? But if only it were. Imagine yourself in the investor’s shoes; if someone saunters up to and asks for money because they have some XYZ plan in mind, would you […]
    Yogyata Yogyata December 14 2023
  10. Top 10 Architecture Proposal Templates to Win New Projects With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    Top 10 Architecture Proposal Templates to Win New Projects With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. BURJ KHALIFA. TAJ MAHAL. EIFFEL TOWER. These architectural landmarks need no introduction. All these buildings are a class apart, some of these have been, or even today are, counted among the Top 10 Wonders of the World. These go beyond brick-and-mortar structures and symbolize humankind’s higher ideals like love and freedom.   […]
    Yogyata Yogyata November 29 2022

Items 11 to 20 of 117 total