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Business Pitch Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Business Pitch. State Your Company Name and get started.
Slide 2: This slide presents Table of Contents showcasing- Executive Summary, Key Highlights, Organizational Structure, Milestones Achieved, The Problem, The Solution, Geographical Footprint, Product / Services, Strong Customer Retention, Market Leader in a Segment, U.S.P Slide, Competitive Landscape, Technology Trend, Business Model, Revenue Model, Growth Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Market Size, Financial Summary, Financial Projection, Financing, Use of Funds, Shareholding Pattern, Exit Strategy, Geographical Expansion, Benefits of Funding.
Slide 3: This slide displays Executive Summary displaying Company Overview, Financials and Transaction aspects to be shown.
Slide 4: This is a Key Highlights slide to represent company highlights etc.
Slide 5: This is The Problem slide to present the current challenges faced. To better illustrate your problem, as well as convey the problem statement to someone who’s less immersed in it than you, consider adding some components like 1. What do you need? 2. Reason behind the need. This will provide a better understanding to the investor for your funding requirement.
Slide 6: This slide displays The Solution such as- Save Time, Save Money, Save Energy. If the investor has no clue what the product does even after getting deep into a pitch; now is the time for a short explanation or demo.
Slide 7: This slide shows XX has a Well Planned Growth Strategy displaying- Industry footprint, End product, Target geographies, Customer segment, Product mix, Qualifications /Accreditation. This slide will make the investor understand that you have a clear vision for growth. We have added the most commonly used growth strategies which can be altered by you as per your requirement.
Slide 8: This slide shows Growth Strategy Summarized displaying- Present areas of Focus, Future areas of Focus, Accreditations, Product Mix, Customer Segments, Target Geographies, End Products, Industry Footprint, Future Capabilities, Current Capabilities. This slide is divided into two segments: inside one will focus on present capability areas of your company; while outside area will focus on Future capabilities.
Slide 9: This is a slide on Financial Projections – Income Statement in tabular form.
Slide 10: This is a Financial Projections – Balance Sheet slide in tabular form.
Slide 11: This slide shows Financing displaying- Investment Terms, Valuation of the company as examples. You need to have a clear idea on the valuation of company, and how much equity are you willing to dilute before going to any investor.
Slide 12: This slide presents Use of Funds showcasing- New Hires, Operational Cost, Marketing, Product Development.
Slide 13: This slide displays Goals of Funding. State your funding goals etc. here.
Slide 14: This slide showcases Shareholding Pattern in graph form.
Slide 15: This slide presents the Exit Strategy categorized into- Financial Buyer, Acquisition, IPO.
Slide 16: This slide displays an Organization Chart to present structure of the proposed organization.
Slide 17: This slide presents Milestones Achieved so far. Adding few success stories with the investors will grab their eyeballs and further support your pitch.
Slide 18: This slide showcases Geographical Footprint in world map image form. State- Global Presence, Company XX Facilities, Engineering Facilities, Business Development and Customer Support Facilities, Offshore Facility (Proposed) etc. here.
Slide 19: This slide showcases Geographical Footprint in world map image form. State- Global Presence, Company XX Facilities, Engineering Facilities, Business Development and Customer Support Facilities, Offshore Facility (Proposed) etc. here.
Slide 20: This slide presents Geographic Expansion – Inorganic Opportunity displaying- Location, Infrastructure, Key Points, Overview, Benefits, Current Status and Process Going Forward.
Slide 21: This slide shows Emphasis on Geographic & Product Expansion displaying- Diversification, Investment Benefits, Location Benefits, Cultural Benefits, Financial Benefits, Stable Infrastructure, Better Logistics. Adding few success stories with the investors will grab their eyeballs and further support your pitch.
Slide 22: This slide shows Company XX Has Wide Range Of Products/Services displaying- Product Segment, Customers preferring Segment, Product mix by Customer Segments. Adding few success stories with the investors will grab their eyeballs and further support your pitch.
Slide 23: This is …along with Superior Technical Capabilities slide displaying Capabilities.
Slide 24: This is …and state of the Art Infrastructure/ Manufacturing slide showcasing relative imagery to display.
Slide 25: This slide shows Strong Customer Retention displaying- Prospective Customers, Customer, Relationship Duration, Last 5 yrs Avg. Rev. ($MM), Key Customer Relationship. Comments to be added about client experiences, relationship with particular client, special events Snapshots of client feedback could also be added in this space.
Slide 26: This slide showcases Market Leader in a Segment displaying- Parameters: High quality standards, Past experience, Sizable, state of the art facility required, Highly skilled workforce required, Stringent vendor approvals and pre-Qs required AND. Capabilities: List of all the accreditation and quality standard certifications, Details on past experience with the customers / production etc. Details on company infrastructure, production size etc. Information on company workforce, contractual labors erc. List of all approvals required by customers. Add the key parameters in which your company is a market leader. We have shortlisted some of them for your reference.
Slide 27: This slide shows Competitive Cost Advantage in tabular form displaying- Parameter, Remarks, Comparison Between XX and Competitors. This slide will highlight your competitive advantage in different parameters. Try to be as realistic as possible.
Slide 28: This slide showcases Competitive Landscape showing- Industry Segment, Direct Competitors, and Indirect Competitors.
Slide 29: This slide showcases Product Comparison in tabular form showing- Indirect Competitor, Company and Features.
Slide 30: This is a SWOT Analysis slide.
Slide 31: This side presents Technology Trend showcasing- Advantages of using technology XYZ over other players, Parameters. Show the pattern in which technology has changed in this industry and how you adapted yourself with this change. Conclusion of using this technology can also be stated here.
Slide 32: This is a Business Model slide displaying- User Acquisition Gather User information Intelligent Suggestions User switches = Referral fee with Future Potential: Advertising aspects to state.
Slide 33: This is a Revenue Model slide showing- Pricing, Recurring Revenue Frequency, Expected ARPU, Life-time value of a customer, Cost to Acquire a customer. We have considered 6 most important and commonly considered factors which are expected by the investors to be a part of their revenue model.
Slide 34: This slide presents Marketing Strategy consisting of- Website design, Analytics and reporting, Email marketing, Social media, Paid advertising, Collaboration, Blog, Search engine optimization.
Slide 35: This slide presents Addressable Market In Sector 1 in chart and graph forms. Show the market potential in each of your segment and try to be as realistic as possible. You can use two approaches: 1. Bottom-up approach where you calculate and show the working or 2. direct approach where do you do some secondary research for the market size.
Slide 36: This slide presents Xx is Targeting a large Addressable Market in tabular box form.
Slide 37: This slide shows Financial Summary divided into- Summary Financials: Revenue and Gross Profit, EBITDA and EBITDA Margin, PAT and PAT Margin, WC Analysis, ROCE and ROE. Revenue Split: Quarterly Revenue Split, Revenue Spilt By Geography, Revenue Split By Product Mix, Revenue split by Segment/Sector.
Slide 38: This slide showcases Summary financials – Revenue, EBITDA, PAT in graph form.
Slide 39: This slide presents Summary financials of– WC Analysis, ROCE, ROE in graph form.
Slide 40: This slide showcases Revenue Split – By Quarter & Geography in two graph forms stating- Revenue Split by Quarter, Revenue Split by Geography.
Slide 41: This slide showcases Revenue Split – By Product And Segment in graph form.
Slide 42: This is a Client Testimonials slide with name, designation and text boxes to state information.
Slide 43: This is a Contact Details slide with name, designation and text boxes to state information.
Slide 44: This is a Coffee Break slide to halt. You may change the slide content as per need.
Slide 45: This is Business Pitch Icon Slide. Use the icons as per need.
Slide 46: This slide is titled Our Charts and Graphs to proceed forward. You may change the slide content as per need.
Slide 47: This slide presents a Stacked Column Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 48: This slide presents a Line Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 49: This slide presents a Donut Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 50: This slide displays a Clustered Bar Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 51: This slide showcases a Stacked Bar Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 52: This slide presents a Volume High Low Close Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 53: This slide shows a Radar Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 54: This slide presents a Clustered Column - Line graph for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 55: This slide presents a, Area Stacked Chart for two product/entity comparison, information, specifications etc.
Slide 56: This slide is titled Additional slides to proceed forward. You may change the slide content as per need.
Slide 57: This slide contains Our Mission with imagery. State mission, vision here.
Slide 58: This slide presents Meet Our Team with designation, image text holder and text boxes to fill information.
Slide 59: This is an About Us slide. State your position, facts, team/company specifications or anything business here.
Slide 60: This is Our Main Goal slide. State your goals etc. here.
Slide 61: This slide showcases Comparison of two entities in a donut scale form.
Slide 62: This slide is titled Financial. Show finance related stuff, stats etc. here.
Slide 63: This is a Quotes slide. You may add/modify the slide content as per need.
Slide 64: This is Location image slide of world map image to show global growth, presence etc.
Slide 65: This is a Timeline slide to showcase growth factors, milestones, highlights, etc.
Slide 66: This is a Timeline slide to present growth factors, milestones, highlights, etc.
Slide 67: This is a Puzzle image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 68: This is a Circular image slide to show targets, goals, information, aspirations etc.
Slide 69: This is Our Target slide. State them here.
Slide 70: This slide shows a Venn diagram image with text boxes. State information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 71: This is a Mind Map Chart to show information, segregation, specifications etc.
Slide 72: This is a Silhouettes infographic slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 73: This is a Hierarchy slide to state team specifications, organizational structure etc.
Slide 74: This is a Magnifying Glass image slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 75: This slide shows a Bulb or Idea image with text boxes. State information, innovative aspects etc. here.
Slide 76: This slide displays a Funnel image. State information, funneling aspects etc. here.
Slide 77: This is a Thank You slide with Address# street number, city, state, Contact Numbers, Email Address.

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  1. 80%

    by Dudley Delgado

    Presentation Design is very nice, good work with the content as well.
  2. 100%

    by Earl Contreras

    Attractive design and informative presentation.

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