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Call Center Agent Performance Improvement Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Call Center Agent Performance Improvement Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the fifty seven slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Call Center Agent Performance Improvement Plan. State your company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide states Agenda of the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide shows Table of Content for the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 5: This slide presents Company background information overview.
Slide 6: This slide displays Company call centers around the world.
Slide 7: This slide represents BPO call center organizational structure.
Slide 8: This slide showcases Company journey roadmap from 2008 to 2021.
Slide 9: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 10: This slide shows Business process outsourcing industry focused solutions.
Slide 11: This slide presents Inbound and outbound calls volume at customer care centers.
Slide 12: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 13: This slide displays Common customer care call center problems.
Slide 14: This is another slide continuing Common customer care call center problems.
Slide 15: This slide presents Impact of poor customer support at call center.
Slide 16: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 17: This slide represents Companies shift towards innovative technologies.
Slide 18: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 19: This slide showcases Call center telephone etiquette for support agents.
Slide 20: This slide shows Communicating and dealing with unsatisfied customer.
Slide 21: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 22: This slide presents Wrong and right approach for customer service response.
Slide 23: This slide displays Right channel strategy for customer complaint and faults.
Slide 24: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 25: This slide represents Transfer customers calls by complaint type.
Slide 26: This slide showcases Customer complaints expected time for resolution.
Slide 27: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 28: This slide shows IT services for business process outsourcing services optimization.
Slide 29: This slide presents Additional feature required to streamline call center process.
Slide 30: This slide displays Important aspects for effective QA at call centers.
Slide 31: This slide represents Improve service delivery with people process and technology.
Slide 32: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 33: This slide showcases Strategies to remove obstacles and building productive team.
Slide 34: This slide shows Strategies to overcome low employee morale.
Slide 35: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 36: This slide presents Training program for BPO call center agents.
Slide 37: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 38: This slide displays Evaluate performance by monitoring call center kpi’s.
Slide 39: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 40: This slide represents Projected company growth rate highlighting revenue and operating income.
Slide 41: This slide showcases Expected outcome from call center improvement action plan.
Slide 42: This slide highlights title for topics that are to be covered next in the template.
Slide 43: This slide shows Call center action plan dashboard highlighting average answer time with total resolutions.
Slide 44: This slide presents Call center action plan dashboard highlighting agent performance with satisfaction score.
Slide 45: This slide contains all the icons used in this presentation.
Slide 46: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 47: This is About Us slide to show company specifications etc.
Slide 48: This is Our Mission slide with related imagery and text.
Slide 49: This slide depicts Venn diagram with text boxes.
Slide 50: This slide provides 30 60 90 Days Plan with text boxes.
Slide 51: This is Our Goal slide. State your firm's goals here.
Slide 52: This is a Timeline slide. Show data related to time intervals here.
Slide 53: This slide presents Bar chart with two products comparison.
Slide 54: This slide showcases Magnifying Glass to highlight information, specifications etc
Slide 55: This slide shows Post It Notes. Post your important notes here.
Slide 56: This slide presents Roadmap with additional textboxes.
Slide 57: This is a Thank You slide with address, contact numbers and email address.

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    SlideTeam is the way to go when you are in a time crunch. Their templates have saved me many times in the past three months.

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