
CIA Triad Of Cybersecurity Goals Training Ppt


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Slide 2

This slide depicts the three main goals of cybersecurity. These are confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Slide 3

This slide talks about confidentiality as a goal of cybersecurity. Confidentiality helps in preventing unauthorized disclosure of information. It includes data security, granting access to permitted individuals while preventing unauthorized parties from discovering anything about its contents.

Slide 4

This slide discusses the tools for accomplishing cybersecurity’s goal of confidentiality. These are: Encryption, access control, authorization, authentication, and physical security.

Instructor’s Notes: 

  • Encryption: Applying an algorithm to modify data so that unauthorized users cannot understand its content is known as encryption
  • Access Control: It refers to the set of guidelines that control who has access to a system or a physical or digital resource
  • Authorization: Another security precaution is authorization, which involves getting permission to obtain or perform something. It is employed to determine whether a system or person is granted access to resources
  • Authentication: A user's identity or role is verified through an authentication process
  • Physical Security: Physical security prevents unauthorized access to IT assets such as buildings, machinery, personnel, resources, and other kind of information or knowledge. It protects against physical threats, including burglary, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters

Slide 5

This slide talks about integrity as a goal of cybersecurity. Integrity is an approach for ensuring that data is authentic, accurate, and protected against unauthorized user manipulation. 

Slide 6

This slide discusses the tools for accomplishing cybersecurity’s goal of integrity. These are backups, checksums, and codes for data correction. 

Instructor’s Notes:

  • Backups: Backup is archiving data on a regular basis. It is the process of duplicating data or data files that can be used if the originals are lost or destroyed
  • Checksums: A checksum is a number used to determine whether a file or data transmission is genuine. In other words, it's the computation of a function that converts the contents of a file into a numerical value. They are frequently used to verify the identity of two pieces of data by comparing them
  • Codes for Data Correction: It's a way to store data so that any minor modifications can be found and fixed automatically

Slide 7

This slide talks about availability as a goal of cybersecurity. The capability of individuals with authorization to view and modify information efficiently and promptly is known as availability.

Slide 8

This slide discusses the tools for accomplishing cybersecurity’s goal of availability. These are physical protection and computational redundancy.

Instructor’s Notes:

  • Physical Protection: Physical protection is the ability to maintain information accessibility despite physical challenges, and it ensures that crucial information technologies and sensitive data are stored securely
  • Computational Redundancy: Computational redundancy is implemented as a fault-tolerant system against inadvertent errors. It includes computers and storage systems that serve as backups if a system fails

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