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Color Palette With Five Shade Prussian Blue Siren Tangerine Ebb


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This color palette has a unique combination of five color shades including Prussian Blue, Siren, Tangerine, Ebb .You can use them for design inspiration, color themes, and much more.Prussian Blue Siren Tangerine Ebb gives an aesthetic touch to graphics, illustrations, icons, or any other design idea you have in mind.

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  1. 80%

    by Delmer Black

    “I required a slide for a board meeting and was so satisfied with the final result !! So much went into designing the slide and the communication was amazing! Can’t wait to have my next slide!”
  2. 100%

    by Donovan Cunningham

    I was mind-blown by the services that SlideTeam provided me. Thanks a ton!

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