
General motors company supply chain overview 2019

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation


The image is a PowerPoint slide titled "General Motors Company: Supply Chain Overview (2019)" prepared by the Slide Team. It presents an overview of General Motors' supply chain as of 2019, with four key points highlighted:

1. GM's supply chain spans over numerous businesses around the world.

2. Spends approximately a certain billion amount on various items representing materials, parts, supplies, and other services.

3. Delivered to more than a specified number of manufacturing operations in various countries.

4. Working with suppliers to improve mutual performance leads to rapid and significant improvements in the company's overall impacts.

Use Cases:

This type of slide can be adapted and used across different industries to present the scale and scope of supply chain operations:

1. Aerospace:

Use: Explaining complex global supply chains for aircraft manufacturing.

Presenter: Supply Chain Manager

Audience: Industry analysts, company shareholders

2. Electronics:

Use: Outlining component sourcing for consumer electronics.

Presenter: Procurement Officer

Audience: Suppliers, internal management teams

3. Pharmaceuticals:

Use: Describing the drug distribution network.

Presenter: Logistics Director

Audience: Regulatory agencies, healthcare providers

4. Retail:

Use: Displaying retail distribution channels.

Presenter: Operations Coordinator

Audience: Retail partners, logistics companies

5. Food & Beverage:

Use: Showcasing farm to table supply process.

Presenter: Supply Chain Analyst

Audience: Distributors, quality assurance teams

6. Construction:

Use: Illustrating material sourcing for large-scale construction.

Presenter: Materials Manager

Audience: Construction managers, subcontractors

7. Energy:

Use: Mapping out the supply chain for energy production.

Presenter: Distribution Manager

Audience: Energy regulators, environmental agencies

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