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Complete Guide To Commercial Banking Activities Fin CD V


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Enthrall your audience with this Complete Guide To Commercial Banking Activities Fin CD V. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising eighty eight slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Complete guide to commercial banking activities. State Your Company Name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide is an Agenda slide. State your agendas here.
Slide 3: This slide shows a Table of Contents for the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 5: This slide shows details about commercial banks which can be used to understand the meaning od commercial banks.
Slide 6: This slide showcases roadmap which contains detailed information about history and evolution of commercial banking over time.
Slide 7: This slide depicts graph which represent present and forecasted size of global commercial banking market.
Slide 8: This slide demonstrates detailed information which can be sued to understand the importance of commercial banks in a country’s economy.
Slide 9: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 10: This slide entail information about various products and services offered by commercial banking sector in the market to their customers.
Slide 11: This slide illustrates diagram which can be used to differentiate between primary, secondary and other functions of commercial banks.
Slide 12: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 13: This slide marks information regarding key primary functions of commercial banks.
Slide 14: This slide highlights comparison of various types of deposits accepted by commercial banks which are current, savings and fixed deposits.
Slide 15: This slide entails steps which are followed by banks while accepting deposits for customers.
Slide 16: This slide puts steps which are followed by banks while granting loans to its customers.
Slide 17: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 18: This slide gives information regarding key secondary functions of commercial banks.
Slide 19: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 20: This slide entails detailed information about various additional services provided by commercial or retail banks to their customers.
Slide 21: This slide puts information which can be used to get basic understanding of customer onboarding process of retail banks.
Slide 22: This slide caters to information regarding key asset management functions of commercial banks.
Slide 23: This slide elucidates extensive information about various merchant services provided by banks to business organizations.
Slide 24: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 25: This slide displays information about various types of commercial banks which are present in market.
Slide 26: This slide entails information which can be used by individuals to know about retail banks.
Slide 27: This slide shows detailed information about working of investment banks.
Slide 28: This slide showcases information which can be used by individuals to get understanding about community or regional banks.
Slide 29: This slide depicts extensive details about private banks which can be used by high net worth individuals to get personalized banking services.
Slide 30: This slide demonstrates information which can be used to understand the concept of international banks.
Slide 31: This slide describes information which can be used by individual to understand the concept of online banks.
Slide 32: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 33: This slide outlines the information about various agencies or authorities which are responsible for regulating commercial banking system.
Slide 34: This slide depicts some basic elements of regulations which all the banks are bound to follow globally irrespective of their jurisdiction.
Slide 35: Thi slide shows extensive information which can be used by individuals to get basic understanding.
Slide 36: This slide marks the information about various tools which are used to regulate and control commercial banks in a country.
Slide 37: This slide contains details regarding various reasons for which commercial banks are regulated.
Slide 38: This slide consists the information which can be used to understand the effect of regulatory changes.
Slide 39: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 40: This slide entails information which can be used by to know the various issues or problems commercial banks are facing currently.
Slide 41: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 42: This slide marks the information related to solutions to the problem of regulatory and compliance issues.
Slide 43: This slide shows information related to solutions to the problem of technological issues.
Slide 44: This slide showcases extensive details regarding various solutions which can be used against cyberthreats by banks.
Slide 45: This slide details information regarding various solutions which can be used to tackle the issues related to increasing competition.
Slide 46: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 47: This slide portrays information which can be used to understand various types of risks associated with commercial banks.
Slide 48: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 49: This slide shows details regarding the key strategies which can be used by commercial banks to mitigate credit risk.
Slide 50: This slide showcases details regarding various practices which can be used by commercial banks to manage market risk.
Slide 51: This slide elucidates details regarding various strategies which can be used by commercial banks to manage operational risk.
Slide 52: This slide shows information which can be used to understand how to manage reputational risk of commercial banks.
Slide 53: This slide puts information which can be used to understand how to manage liquidity risk associated with commercial banks.
Slide 54: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 55: This slide mentions an overview of digital wallets which can be used to understand what are digital wallet.
Slide 56: This slide marks information which can be used by organizations to get insights about use of biometric technology growth in commercial banking.
Slide 57: This slide entails the details of applying artificial intelligence and chatbots in commercial banking for better customer experience.
Slide 58: This slide presents details which can be used by individuals or banks to understand the advantages of using blockchain technology in banking.
Slide 59: This slide represents details related to application or use of distributed ledger technology in banking systems.
Slide 60: This slide shows information which can be used to understand the concept of Neobanks.
Slide 61: This slide showcases details of ABCD technology integration i.e., artificial intelligence, block chain, cloud space and data.
Slide 62: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 63: This slide elucidates various tips which can be used by commercial banks to build positive customer relationships.
Slide 64: This slide puts various strategies which can be used by bank managers to manage relationship with customers.
Slide 65: This slide marks the details about various practices which can be adopted by bank representatives while communicating with customers.
Slide 66: This slide entails extensive details about two techniques which are cross-selling and upselling to maintain good relationship.
Slide 67: This slide provides information regarding various types of customer incentives which can be offered by banks in loyalty programs.
Slide 68: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 69: This slide puts information which can be used to understand the major components of commercial banking in corporate social responsibilities.
Slide 70: This slide shows extensive information regarding the importance of corporate social responsibility in commercial banking.
Slide 71: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 72: This slide showcases information regarding various key performance indicators or metrics.
Slide 73: This slide elucidates extensive information about some other metrics which can be used by banks or governments or regulatory authorities.
Slide 74: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 75: This slide outlines an information regarding digital services and technologies which will be used by commercial banking industry in future.
Slide 76: This slide caters to information which can be used by individuals to get basic understanding about open banking.
Slide 77: This slide contains detailed information about integration of API in banking industry.
Slide 78: This slide covers information which can be used to understand the reasons behind future collaborations of banks and fintech companies.
Slide 79: This slide includes the information which can be used to understand the process of BaaS working model.
Slide 80: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 81: This slide shows details regarding the multiple types of requirements which need to be fulfilled.
Slide 82: This slide showcases step by step process which can be used or considered while setting up a commercial bank.
Slide 83: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 84: This slide highlights detailed information about market penetration strategy which was adopted by Bank of America to increase customer base.
Slide 85: This slide sets up detailed information about risk diversification strategy which was adopted by Well Fargo to reduce concentration risk.
Slide 86: This slide illustrates detailed information about green bonds and sustainable financing initiatives.
Slide 87: This slide shows all the icons included in the presentation.
Slide 88: This slide is a thank-you slide with address, contact numbers, and email address.

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