
Emotional Intelligence In Conflict Management Training Ppt


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Presenting Training Deck on Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management. This presentation deck contains 84 well-researched and uniquely designed slides. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees, and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon, and font size to suit your requirements.

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Slide 4

This slide illustrates the brief introduction to emotional intelligence. It explains that emotional intelligence is defined as perceiving, using, understanding, managing, and handling emotions.

Slide 5

This slide illustrates different steps of the intelligence cycle such as perception, facilitation, understanding, and management.

Instructor’s Notes:

Different stages of emotional intelligence cycle are as follows:

Stage 1 Perception: 

  • It is essential to perceive emotions with precision, it also involves understanding signals such as body language and facial expressions

Stage 2 Facilitation:

  • The use of emotions helps us in understanding the thinking of the employee and what they are reacting and responding to

Stage 3 Understanding: 

  • In case an employee is upset and angry, then it is important for the other employees to interpret the reason behind such an emotion

Stage 4 Management: 

  • Ability to manage emotions in an effective manner is an integral part of emotional intelligence
  • Regulating and responding to the emotions of others is an essential aspect of emotional management

Slide 6

This slide showcases two different forms of emotional intelligence that is high level and low level. It explains that employees with high level of emotional intelligence can easily recognize their emotions and control them. Employees with low level of emotional intelligence are controlled by moods and external events.

Slide 7

This slide illustrates levels of conflict based upon emotions and escalations such as productive conflict, personalized conflict, destructive conflict, hostile conflict, and polarized conflict.

Instructor’s Notes:

  • Productive Conflict: Productive conflict refers to the exchange of ideas between the employees to reach a solution, is acceptable to all 
  • Personalized Conflict: This happens when the focus of the discussion shifts from the main topic or issue to the individuals involved in the conflict
  • Destructive Conflict: In this scenario, more than one party starts bringing up a past issue unrelated to the current conflict topic. The employee on the receiving end starts feeling like being attacked on several fronts; this creates the ground for a destructive conflict
  • Hostile Conflict: If some outside parties are involved for taking validation, then there is the escalation to a hostile conflict
  • Polarized Conflict: Polarized conflict occurs when one or more parties refuse to work or communicate with the other parties involved in the situation

Slide 8

This slide illustrates factors that contribute towards conflict intensity such as differences, misunderstanding, disagreements, discard and competition, and polarization.

Instructor’s Notes:

Different factors contributing towards conflict intensity are as follows:

  • Differences: Differences in any situation occur when both the parties see the situation from their own perspective, and not through the viewpoint of each other
  • Misunderstanding: Misunderstanding occurs when in an ongoing situation, what is understood by one party is different from the other party
  • Disagreements: Disagreements occur when conflicting parties see the situation differently, regardless of their understanding of the other person's position and interest
  • Discord & Competition: Discord and competition occur when the conflict between two parties causes difficulties for the people involved, even when they are not dealing with the original conflict. Personal attack on each other’s integrity emerges as the flashpoint of another, new conflict
  • Polarization: Polarization occurs with intense emotions and leads to negative behavior. At this stage, only motive that remains is to end the conflict by any means possible

Slide 9

This slide showcases ideal behavior to be adopted for interaction at the workplace These are a positive attitude, acting ethically, being reliable, taking responsibility, staying calm and showing respect. It also includes identifying the causes of the problem, and help. If employees can carry this out, conflicts will be a rarity at the workplace.

Instructor’s Notes:

Ideal behaviors at the workplace to address conflicts are as follows:

Have Positive Attitude:

  • Everybody enjoys enjoy working with employees who are motivated, with a sunny outlook to life
  • If employees face any challenge at work, they should try to conquer these, instead of complaining
  • Providing positive feedback to their colleagues and praising them for their personal and professional growth is a habit that all should cultivate

Act Ethically:

  • It is important to choose between right and wrong at workplace and also maintain strong morals by:
    1. Following organizational rules and policies
    2. Report questionable behavior, suspicious actions, or any violation of law or workplace ethics
    3. Always take responsibility for your actions 

Plan Ahead:

  • The company should be rigorous in its selection process, which could help the organization prune out potentially difficult employees
  • The hiring manager should go for a background check for each new employee
  • Behavioral interviews of every new employee can help the company identify all the red flags that can lead to the negative behavior of employees

Be Reliable:

  • It is important for employees to do good quality work and become reliable assets for other employees and managers in the company
  • Once the manager can rely on their employees for high-quality work, they can give them more responsibilities and independence

Take Responsibility:

  • It is important for employees to take responsibility for their wrongdoings or acknowledge the mistakes, missed deadlines, or wrong decisions and apologize for these; it is also important to right things right

Stay Calm and Show Respect:

  • It is important to stay calm and avoid criticisms and judgments
  • Always maintain a balanced body language and a neutral tone
  • Always focus on facts and maintain an honest, professional, and respectful attitude

Identify the Causes of the Problem:

  • It is important to identify the causes for employees' behavior as it varies from employee to employee
  • Employee problems could be related to: 
    1. Workplace Issues 
    2. Professional relationship with other employees
    3. Personal issues that prevent the employee from performing their job properly
  • It is the leader's responsibility to find the root cause of the problem and solve it

Help Others:

  • Ask other employees if they require any help regarding any project
  • Helping their employees and working together as a team leads to the improved productivity of the entire department
  • Managers also consider such employees for leadership roles

Slide 10

This slide illustrates the active listening conflict management activity. It also contains required instructions for successful execution.

Instructor’s Notes:

At the end of both rounds, start a discussion regarding the activity. You can ask questions such as:

  • How difficult was this activity?
  • What are the learnings?
  • Why use open-ended questions during a conflict?
  • How will the questioning technique help during a conflict?

Slide 11

This slide illustrates varying responses to emotional events such as fight, flight, freeze, and fall.

Slide 13

This slide showcases the two different types of responses to workplace conflict that is fight behavior and flight behavior. 

Slide 14

This slide showcases strategies to manage fight or flight conflict behavior such as maintain rapport, listen, address concern, probe to uncover concern, empathize, and implement the solution or move on.

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to manage fight or flight conflict behavior are as follows:


  • If one party is demonstrating fighting behavior during the conflict, the best approach is to let them speak and express their initial burst of anger
  • Keep your face and body language neutral throughout the conversation

Maintain Rapport: 

  • When the initial burst of one party is over, try to paraphrase the information presented from them; the aim is to uncover their concerns with patience, not with force
  • Maintain a calm and confident position while solving the issue 

Address the Concerns: 

  • After processing the issue, try to address the concern by qualifying and quantifying the complete information
  • It is important to maintain a rapport with the conflicting parties during the interaction
  • Do not show any signs of aggressive body language or eye contact that could lead to fight behavior

Probe to Uncover Concern:

  • It is important to ask questions to understand the real concern


  • Also, make sure convey that you understand their feelings when concluding the interaction and that you also empathize what their feelings are at the time of concluding the interaction

Implement the Solution or Move on:

  • In the end, provide both parties with two or three choices. Ask them to choose one and implement the solution

Slide 15

This slide illustrates strategies for handling emotions during conflict such as responsibility during conflict, delay, cultivate an environment of safety and trust, bring parties back into the present moment, appreciation, then correction, expectation management, leverage positive, sincere apology, acknowledgement, and a reiteration that all stakeholders, even during times of conflict, are on the same side.

Instructor’s Notes:
Strategies to handle emotions during conflict are as follows:

Accept Responsibility: 

  • During the conflict, it is important for both the parties to take responsibility for their actions in the conflict. This helps build trust in the relationship, and goes a long way in the ultimate resolution of the conflict, will help to build the relationship to resolve the conflict


  • During the conflict, it is essential to put things aside for some time and give both parties time to cool down

Cultivate an Environment of Safety and Trust: 

  • During the conflict, it is important to create a safe and trusted environment for both parties to express their emotions in a constructive way. This will help the conflict resolving committee to understand the reason that led to it\

Bring Parties back into the Present Moment: 

  • During the conflict, if both parties are stuck in past situations and start blaming each other for all the wrongdoings, the mediator needs to pull the parties back into the present moment
  • Expressing emotions is important for any conflict to be productive 

Appreciation, Then Correct:

  • It is important to balance the issue with both positive and negative aspects during the conflict

Expectation Management:

  • At the time of conflict, if one of the parties know about the outcome of their actions then they can manage their emotion according to the situation

Appreciate Sharing of Concern: 

  • It is important to appreciate others for sharing their issues and thoughts
  • This helps in building trust between the employees and the company
  • Using expressions like: “I trust you and will help you work this through”, can help establish confidence between the warring parties

Leverage the Positive: 

  • It is important to focus on the positive side of the conflict that will help to balance the conflict situation


  • Acknowledgment and apology for what they did plays an important role in reducing negative emotions during a tough conversation and managing conflict


  • During a conflict, it is important to acknowledge and understand things from the other person's point of view
  • It will help in resolving the issues in a better way

Slide 16

This slide showcases ideal attitudes suitable for conflict management. One should stay calm, adopt a positive mindset and shun negativity. It also explains that the role of attitude in conflict management is crucial.

Instructor’s Notes:

Remain Calm:

  • It is important to stay calm in any situation and avoid a negative mindset
  • It is important to develop a
  • Do not harp on the issue for long
  • Either try to solve it or forgive the other person and move on

Have Positive Mindset:

  • Positive mindset helps to deal with conflicts in sensible, realistic
  • A positive mindset always leads to resolving conflict and moving on

Avoid Negative Attitude:

  • Conflicts can spoil the environment and make the person restless and anxious
  • The person's attitude should always be towards resolving the conflict
  • Simply accepting the mistake and saying sorry helps to resolve major arguments and conflicts
  • One negative mind is all it takes to create conflict and unrest

Slide 17

This slide showcases the PERMA framework to inculcate positive psychology in the organization to minimize conflicts. The major components of the model are positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments.

Instructor’s Notes:

The major components of the PERMA model are:

Positive Emotion:

  • With positive emotions, employees feel happy, set higher goals, and persist these with greater tenacity
  • Employees with less stress and fatigue show better team cooperation and problem-solving


  • Use employees' strengths to improve their engagement at the workplace


  • Good relationship among the employees leads to a better work environment


  • Employees should always look for a bigger purpose at the workplace that could lead to a happier and more content professional life; if this balance is lost, focusing on salaries and jobs is futile


  • The company needs to appreciate and reward its employees' accomplishments to boost their self-esteem and confidence

Slide 18 to 20

These slides contain the multiple role-play scenarios that trainer can use to conduct workplace conflict management activity.

Slide 21

This slide lists the key takeaways from the training session on Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management. A trainer can use it to highlight essential concepts of the session to trainees.

Slide 39 to 53

These slides contain energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 54 to 81

These slides contain a training proposal covering what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 82 to 84

These slides include a training evaluation form for instructor, content and course assessment.

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