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HR Recruiting Handbook Best Practices And Strategies Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Enthrall your audience with this HR Recruiting Handbook Best Practices And Strategies Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising thirty two slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces HR Recruiting Handbook: Best Practices and Strategies.
Slide 2: This slide depicts the Agenda of the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide incorporates the Table of contents.
Slide 4: This slide reveals the Introduction to HR talent acquisition handbook.
Slide 5: This slide displays the Talent acquisition in ABC organization.
Slide 6: This slide exhibits the Key responsibilities of hiring managers.
Slide 7: This slide presents the Process of talent acquisition in ABC organization.
Slide 8: This slide focuses on Identifying vacancy in organization.
Slide 9: This slide depicts the Department wise vacancy survey questionnaire.
Slide 10: This slide deals with Defining job roles and responsibilities.
Slide 11: This slide exhibits the Roles and responsibilities for multiple vacancies.
Slide 12: This slide focuses on Defining recruitment strategy.
Slide 13: This slide exhibits the Sources of hiring the right talent.
Slide 14: This slide talks about Understanding the process of recruitment.
Slide 15: This slide emphasizes on the Internal sources of recruitment.
Slide 16: This slide mentions about Recruiting through campus visit.
Slide 17: This slide deals with Creating job post on various websites.
Slide 18: Thhis slide focuses on Evaluating the application.
Slide 19: This slide talks about Interviewing the applicants.
Slide 20: This slide focuses on Selecting the right candidate.
Slide 21: This slide emphasizes on Making the job offer.
Slide 22: This slide displays Rolling out the offer letter.
Slide 23: This slide indicates Onboarding employees to the organization.
Slide 24: This slide continues the Onboarding employees to the organization.
Slide 25: This slide reveals the company information.
Slide 26: This slide is used for depicting the Additional information.
Slide 27: This is the Icons slide containing all the Icons used in the plan.
Slide 28: This slide elucidates the SWOT analysis.
Slide 29: This slide illustrates the Timeline infographic with related imagery.
Slide 30: This is the Venn diagram slide.
Slide 31: This is the Target slide. State your organizational targets here.
Slide 32: This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.

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    by Clifton Jenkins

    Professional and unique presentations.
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    by Devon Ferguson

    The PPT layout is great and it has an effective design that helps in presenting corporate presentations. It's easy to edit and the stunning visuals make it an absolute steal! 

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