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Implementing an Effective Internal Communication Strategy CD


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Enthrall your audience with this Implementing an Effective Internal Communication Strategy CD. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising sixty three slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Implementing an Effective Internal Communication Strategy. State Your Company Name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide is an Agenda slide. State your agendas here.
Slide 3: This slide shows a Table of Contents for the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 5: This slide covers a brief overview of corporate communication.
Slide 6: This slide highlights Benefits of internal communication to organization.
Slide 7: This slide illustrates Major types of internal communications in organization.
Slide 8: This slide entails the need to use a new corporate communication strategy.
Slide 9: This slide covers a brief overview of corporate communication strategy.
Slide 10: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 11: This slide mentions Process for formulating effective internal communication strategy.
Slide 12: This slide depicts Major internal communication strategy objectives
Slide 13: This slide demonstrates internal communication problems faced by the company.
Slide 14: This slide covers business communication audit results.
Slide 15: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 16: This slide presents major categories of internal communication tools such as digital, in-person, environmental, and print.
Slide 17: This slide represents the purpose, pros, and cons of using emails for internal communication.
Slide 18: This slide covers the purpose, pros, and cons of using the intranet for internal communication.
Slide 19: This slide is in continuation with the previous slide.
Slide 20:This slide is in continuation with the previous slide.
Slide 21: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 22: This slide entails in-person meetings, such as one-on-one, team meetings, shuffle huddles, and town halls.
Slide 23: This slide portrays Conducting trainings and development workshops for internal communication.
Slide 24: This slide covers types of informal gatherings such as lunch and learns, happy hours, potluck, book clubs, and outdoor activities.
Slide 25: Conducting trainings and development workshops for internal communication
Slide 26: This slide mentionsVarious types of newsletters for internal communication.
Slide 27: This slide demonstrates the significant benefits of using memos.
Slide 28: This slide covers major benefits of using employee handbooks such as clear communication, improved employee relations, better employee training, smooth onboarding, and written record keeping.
Slide 29: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 30: This slide covers significant ways of using displays and banners for announcements, reminders, employee recognition, health and safety messages, and team updates.
Slide 31: This slide covers major uses of screens in the workplace, such as real-time updates, interactive content, employee recognition, training, and education and performance metrics.
Slide 32: This slide entails comparison sheet for various internal communication channels such as emails, intranet, memos, in-person meetings, display and banners.
Slide 33: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 34: This slide covers major elements for creating an internal communication plan.
Slide 35: This slide puts role and duties for internal communication.
Slide 36: This slide illustrates business communication action plan with communication details.
Slide 37: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 38: This slide covers monthly business communication schedule with details such as labour day campaign approval, newsletter sent for designing, reminder department for content creation, etc.
Slide 39: This slide marks weekly communication chart with details such as day, theme, key message, tone, key points, call to action, images/graphics, deadline, approvals, distribution, and notes.
Slide 40: This slide shows various tools for effective internal communication such as slack, Microsoft teams, chanty, google workspace and Asana.
Slide 41: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 42: This slide caters to internal communication costs emails, intranet, messaging tools, meetings, information gathering, training and development, newsletters, memos, employee handbook, etc.
Slide 43: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 44: This slide marks the employee survey for details such as employee name, department, and employee code.
Slide 45: This slide contains the result tracking to identify the most effective channel for internal communication.
Slide 46: This slide depicts the employee survey for details such as employee name, department, and employee code.
Slide 47: This slide demonstrates the survey results about employee engagement and other employee KPIs.
Slide 48: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 49: This slide illustrates KPI dashboard for analyzing efficiency of internal communication strategy.
Slide 50: This slide portrays the KPI dashboard of employee engagement and retention.
Slide 51: This slide is an introductory slide.
Slide 52: This slide mentions suggestions for improving internal communication strategy.
Slide 53: This slide involves the corporate communication best practice.
Slide 54: This slide shows all the icons included in the presentation.
Slide 55: This slide is titled Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 56: This slide mentions Do’s and Don’ts to consider while implementing internal communication in organization.
Slide 57: This slide is an About Us slide to show company specifications etc.
Slide 58: This slide is Our Team slide with names and designations.
Slide 59: This slide shows Post-It Notes. Post your important notes here.
Slide 60: This slide depicts a Venn diagram with text boxes.
Slide 61: This slide displays the Weekly Timeline with Task Name.
Slide 62: This slide shows additional figures.
Slide 63: This slide is a thank-you slide with address, contact numbers, and email address.

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