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Product Marketing And Positioning Strategy To Target New Audience MKT CD V


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Product marketing and positioning strategy to target new audience. Commence by stating Your Company Name.
Slide 2: This slide depicts the Agenda of the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide incorporates the Table of contents.
Slide 4: This is yet another slide continuing the Table of contents.
Slide 5: This slide highlights the Title for the Topics to be covered further.
Slide 6: This slide showcases brand development overview which can help organization to gain competitor edge.
Slide 7: This slide exhibits the Best practices to be adopted for brand development.
Slide 8: This slide states the Brand development strategies to increase market share.
Slide 9: This slide mentions the Heading for the Contents to be discussed next.
Slide 10: This slide portrays the Overview and benefits of brand extension strategy.
Slide 11: This slide daels with Determining different forms of brand extensions.
Slide 12: This slide elucidates the Best practices for brand extension strategy.
Slide 13: This slide highlights the example of apple brand category and line extension.
Slide 14: This slide displays the Title for the Ideas to be covered in the following template.
Slide 15: This slide reveals the Overview and key benefits of multi brand strategy.
Slide 16: This slide displays the Key trends for managing multiple brands.
Slide 17: This slide depicts the Types of architecture for launching multiple brands.
Slide 18: This slide continues the Types of architecture for launching multiple brands.
Slide 19: This slide showcases multibrand strategy example which helped amazon to launch multiple products in market and gain competitive edge.
Slide 20: This slide represents the Heading for the Ideas to be discussed next.
Slide 21: This slide portrays the Overview and purpose of product line extension.
Slide 22: This slide focuses on Determining types of product line extension.
Slide 23: This slide outlines the Best practices to follow before product line extension.
Slide 24: This slide showcases product line extension strategy example which helped Coca Cola to launch multiple products in market and gain competitive edge.
Slide 25: This slide includes the Title for the Contents to be discussed further.
Slide 26: This slide depicts the Overview and benefits of new brand development.
Slide 27: This slide highlights the Key elements of developing new brand.
Slide 28: This slide mentions the Process of developing and launching new brand.
Slide 29: This slide shows the Heading for the Topics to be covered next.
Slide 30: This slide reveals new brand launch.
Slide 31: This slide displays Competitor analysis to identify brand launch feasibility.
Slide 32: This slide indicates the Title for the Topics to be discussed further.
Slide 33: This slide showcases steps that can help organization to identify target audience for new brand launch.
Slide 34: This slide talks about Target customer for new brand launch.
Slide 35: This slide reveals the Heading for the Contents to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 36: This slide showcases brand positioning overview which can help organization to increase awareness among potential customers.
Slide 37: This slide states the Types of positioning strategies for new brand launch.
Slide 38: This slide illustrates the Framework for new brand positioning in market.
Slide 39: This slide reveals the Example of Apple brand positioning statement.
Slide 40: This slide incorporates the Title for the Ideas to be discussed next.
Slide 41: This slide represents the Color palette to build brand identity.
Slide 42: This slide talks about Using fonts to build brand presence.
Slide 43: This slide emphasizes on Using logo to formulate brand differentiation.
Slide 44: This slide exhibits the Heading for the Ideas to be covered in the following template.
Slide 45: This slide mentions the Overview and importance of brand personality.
Slide 46: This slide reveals the Framework for developing new brand personality.
Slide 47: This slide talks about the Brand personality traits of major companies.
Slide 48: This slide states the Title for the Contents to be discussed next.
Slide 49: This slide showcases brand promise overview that can help organization to deliver clear message to customers.
Slide 50: This slide focuses on Brand promise and slogans of major companies.
Slide 51: This slide reveals the Heading for the Topics to be covered further.
Slide 52: This slide highlights the Timeline to run brand marketing campaign.
Slide 53: This slide exhibits the Plan to increase brand awareness and generate leads.
Slide 54: This sldie incorporates the Title for the Topics to be discussed next.
Slide 55: This slide showcases schedule that can be used by organization to distribute content on different media platforms for brand awareness.
Slide 56: This slide deals with Optimizing online elements before new brand launch.
Slide 57: This slide talks about Reaching out to influencers for brand awareness.
Slide 58: This slide highlights the Heading for the Components to be covered in the next template.
Slide 59: This slide emphasizes on Posting content on social media platforms.
Slide 60: This slide displays the Content distribution plan for brand promotion.
Slide 61: This slide exhibits the Marketing strategies to promote brand during launch.
Slide 62: This slide includes the Title for the Ideas to be discussed further.
Slide 63: This slide focuses on Sharing customer testimonials for brand awareness.
Slide 64: This slide talks about Running Email marketing plan to retain and nurture customers.
Slide 65: This slide depicts the Heading for the Ideas to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 66: This slide emphasizes on Allocating responsibilities for launching new brand.
Slide 67: This slide displays the Title for the Contents to be discussed further.
Slide 68: This slide exhibits the Budget allocation for brand development activities.
Slide 69: This slide mentions the Heading for the Topics to be covered next.
Slide 70: This slide showcases tools that can help organization to manage the brand marketing campaigns and measure the results of promotional activities.
Slide 71: This slide represents the Heading for the Topics to be covered next.
Slide 72: This slide indicates the KPIs to track brand performance after launch.
Slide 73: This slide shows the Title for the Topics to be discussed further.
Slide 74: This slide eluicdates the Dashboard to track online brand marketing campaigns.
Slide 75: This slide represents the Dashboard to track traffic on brand website.
Slide 76: This is the Icons slide containing all the Icons used in the plan.
Slide 77: This slide is used for showcasing some Additional information.
Slide 78: This slide elucidates the Line chart.
Slide 79: This is the Puzzle slide with related imagery.
Slide 80: This is Our team slide. State your team-related information here.
Slide 81: This is the Venn Diagram slide.
Slide 82: This slide contains the Post it notes for reminders and deadlines.
Slide 83: This slide exhibits the Company Timeline.
Slide 84: This is the 30 60 90 days plan slide for effective planning.
Slide 85: This slide portrays the firm's Roadmap.
Slide 86: This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.

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    A big thanks to SlideTeam! An incredible and diverse library of templates helped me with my business project presentation.

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