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Shared Car Service Capital Raising Pitch Deck Ppt Template


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Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Shared Car Service Capital Raising Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty two slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Shared Car Service Capital Raising Pitch Deck. State your company name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide shows Table of Content for the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide continues showing Table of Content for the presentation.
Slide 4: This slide outlines various problems addressed by our company such as higher cost of travelling, vacant seats in privately owned vehicles etc.
Slide 5: This slide presents brief introduction to company background. Information covered in this slide is related to company’s overview, mission and vision statement etc.
Slide 6: This slide showcases major statistics which are associated with company. It provides information about total number of members, geographical expansion etc.
Slide 7: This slide outlines various products and services offered by our company to target audience such as ride-sharing platform, long-distance rides, and insurance coverage.
Slide 8: This slide highlights unique selling point (USP) of our company including information about cost-effective rides, easily accessible rides, sustainable transportation etc.
Slide 9: This slide showcases major milestones achieved by our company in field of ride-sharing industry.
Slide 10: This slide presents social proof of members who have taken services of our company.
Slide 11: This slide showcases major clients that are associated with company. SNCF, Ouibus, Uber, AXA, and VTC are some of the major clients which are mentioned in slide.
Slide 12: This slide display graphical representation of ride sharing market size. The market size is covered from the period of 2020 to 2030.
Slide 13: This slide presents a comprehensive business model of our company. It covers information about key partners, activities, resources, unique selling point (USP) etc.
Slide 14: This slide showcases sources of generating revenue for the company. Information covered in this slide is related to generating revenue through transaction fees.
Slide 15: This slide outlines comparative analysis of our company with other market leaders. The major competitors outlined in slide are Zipcar, Lyft, and Via.
Slide 16: This slide display graphical representation of company financial performance.
Slide 17: This slide exhibits graphical representation of company financial projections.
Slide 18: This slide showcases major reasons for investing with our company such as higher demand for ride sharing industry, continuous investment in cutting edge technology, etc.
Slide 19: This slide display graphical representation of total funds raised from stakeholders.
Slide 20: This slide highlights tabular representation of allocation of funds.
Slide 21: This slide displays total funding raised from shareholders. The slide covers information about transaction date, funding round type, number of investors etc.
Slide 22: This slide showcases various exit strategies that can assist shareholders to liquidate their stake.
Slide 23: This slide outlines the leadership team of our company.
Slide 24: This slide presents organizational structure of our company. The major designations covered in the slide are co-founder, technology advisor, president etc.
Slide 25: This slide provides information about shareholding pattern. Information covered in this slide is related to equity split of shareholders before and after raising funds.
Slide 26: This slide shows all the icons included in the presentation.
Slide 27: This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward.
Slide 28: This slide shows SWOT analysis describing- Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.
Slide 29: This slide contains Puzzle with related icons and text.
Slide 30: This is About Us slide to show company specifications etc.
Slide 31: This is a financial slide. Show your finance related stuff here.
Slide 32: This is Our Target slide. State your targets here.
Slide 33: This slide presents Roadmap with additional textboxes.

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    Wonderful templates design to use in business meetings.

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