Six sigma process powerpoint presentation with slides
Struggling to bring perfection in your business operations? Just download our six sigma process PPT model and deliver jaw dropping PowerPoint presentation thereby inspiring your employees to eliminate defects in business processes. Not only eliminating defects, but this PPT sample also fits well to motivate employees for time management as well as for supply chain management in order to enhance customer loyalty. Bearing this in mind, to aptly address the topic we have conceptualized exclusive PowerPoint templates like of Six sigma road map, Why six sigma, Six sigma methodologies, The DMAIC process and many more. All in all, this PowerPoint show proves handy for companies looking to implement six sigma techniques in their operations. What are you thinking now? Just download this readymade PPT sample file depicting lean process and push your productivity and profitability to hit the highest point.
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All in all, 66 high resolution PPT templates describing each facet of this lean process. Manual alternative to edit presentation background, color, layout or text. Comparisons and graphs given to meticulously explain the process. Creative vibrant color PPT graphics illustrating various concepts. Effortless downloading process. Compatible with diverse softwares. Creative thank you presentation design at conclusion. Click and convert to PDF and JPG formats as per your requirement.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This slide introduces Six Sigma Process. State Your Company Name and get started.
Slide 2: This is an Agenda slide. State your agendas here.
Slide 3: This is Our Mission slide with imagery. State your mission aspects here.
Slide 4: This slide presents Our team with name, designation and image boxes.
Slide 5: This is an About Us slide. State team/company specifications here.
Slide 6: This is a Target With Arrow image slide to state targets, etc.
Slide 7: This is a Comparison slide to compare product/enitities etc.
Slide 8: This is a Financial Scores slide. State financial aspects, etc. here.
Slide 9: This is a Timeline image slide to present growth factors, highlights, evolution, milestones etc.
Slide 10: This slide showcases What Is Six Sigma in the following points- Six Sigma Is A Quality Management System, Six Sigma Is A Set Of Techniques And Tools For Process Improvement, It Is A Measure Of Quality That Strives For Near Perfection, It Is A Disciplined , Data – Driven Methodology Focused On Eliminating Defects, It Was A Developed By Bill Smith At Motorola In 1986. Today, it is Used in many in industrial sectors for minimizing errors,reduction of costs and increase in profit
Slide 11: This slide presents a Six Sigma Roadmap with- Control/Verify Define Improve/Design Measure Analyze Build Project from Nonconformance, Feedback & Audits Monitor Live Dashboard Collect Measurements Correct, Design, Train & Document Analyze Processes Online (OLAP)
Slide 12: This slide presents Six Sigma Process with the following points- Practical Problem, Statistical Problem, Statistical Solution, Practical Solution, Control, Plan, Result, Recognize, Realize, Define, Measure, Analyze, Control, Improve, Voice customer, & Voice of process.
Slide 13: This slide showcases Why Six Sigma with Benefits of Six Sigma listed as- TRAINED INDIVIDUALS: Six Sigma Trained Individuals, Working On Improvement Projects. CUSTOMER FOCUSED: Improvement Projects Are Focused On, Customer And Company Strategy, DATA DRIVEN APPROACH, Facts, Data And Statistics. BOTTOM LINE: Improves Bottom Line Reducing, Defects AND Rework. ENGAGEMENT: Management And Employee, Engagement. PROJECT BY PROJECT Project By Project Focused And, Time Bound Improvements:
Slide 14: This slide presents Why Six Sigma with- Bottom Line, Trained Individuals, Engagement, Project By Project, Customer Focused.
Slide 15: This slide presents Six Sigma Methodologies with Defect Redcution and Cycle Time Reduction making the top segregations dividing into- Define Measure Analyse Design Optimize verify, Define Measure Analyse Design verify, Define Measure Analyze Improve Control, Developing Six Sigma Software, Cross Function Process Mapping, Design & Manufacture, Designing New Processes, Improving Existing Cross-functional Processes, Software Development, Improving Cross-functional Processes.
Slide 16: This slide presents The DMAIC Process as- DEFINE The opportunities MEASURE The Performance ANALYSE The Performance IMPROVE The Performance CONTROL The Performance. Activities to be Executed at Each phase with Relational Tools/Techniques Acquired and Expected Deliverables at Each Phase with Toll Gate Review.
Slide 17: This slide showcases The DMAIC Process with the following points- Define the problem and what customer requires 1. Select Project –CTO’S, 2. Create Project Charter, 3. Develop High-Level Process Map. Measure the defects and Process operation 1. Identify Project Output Metric, 2. Develop Data Collection Plan, 3. Establish Process Baseline. Analyze the data and discover causes of defects 1. Identify Root Causes, 2. Validate Root Causes And Determine..Vitalfew’’, 3. Quantify The Opportunity. Improve the process to remove causes of defects- 1. Identify Solution, 2. Refine And Test Solution, 3. Cost Benefit Calculation. Control and monitor your improvement 1. Implement Process Control, 2. Prepare Roll-Out Solution, 3. Project Closure.
Slide 18: This slide showcases STEP 1: DEFINE of DMAIC process.
Slide 19: This slide showcases Voice Of Customer (VOC) of DMAIC process.
Slide 20: This slide showcases Voice Of Customer(VOC) of DMAIC process with Verbatim, Need and Requirement.
Slide 21: This slide showcases Voice Of Customer (VOC) of DMAIC process with icon imagery.
Slide 22: This slide showcases Customer CTQs with the following subheadings- Needs, Drivers, Requirements, CTQ.
Slide 23: This slide presents a Kano Analysis displaying- Customer Needs In The Kano Model, Exciter, Performance, Basic, Implementation Level.
Slide 24: This slide presents a Project Charter with- Resources, Team Roles, Project, Milestone, Project Scope, Problem Statement, Goal Statement, Business Case.
Slide 25: This slide displays Process Specification Limits USL: Upper Specification Limit for ‘Y’, anything above this is a defect. Ideally the middle point of USL & LSL. LSL: Lower Specification Limit for ‘Y’, anything above this is a defect. and Target.
Slide 26: This slide displays Process Mapping SIPOC- Suppliers, Input, Process, Output, Customers.
Slide 27: This slide also displays Process Mapping SIPOC- Suppliers, Input, Process, Output, Customers.
Slide 28: This slide shows Process Mapping Flow Charting. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 29: This slide displays STEP 2: MEASURE of DMAIC process.
Slide 30: This slide showcases Stakeholder Analysis with the following points- Level of commitment, Enthusiastic support, Help it work, Compliant, Hesitant, Indifferent, Uncooperative, Opposed, Hostile, People or groups.
Slide 31: This slide shows a Value Stream Map. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 32: This slide presents Value Stream Mapping. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 33: This is a Check Sheet slide. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 34: This is a Spaghetti slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 35: This is also a Spaghetti slide to show information, specifications etc.
Slide 36: This slide presents 5s Analsyis listed as- Standardise, Sustain, Straighten, Shine, and Sort.
Slide 37: This slide presents 5s Scoring Result in Radar Chart form.
Slide 38: This slide showcases Process Capability Measurement in terms of Specification with Too Much Variation, Good, and Great! as parameters.
Slide 39: This slide showcases Process Capability Measurement in bar graph form.
Slide 40: This slide presents a XBAR and R-CHART. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 41: This slide presents STEP3: ANALYSIS of DMAIC process.
Slide 42: This slide presents a Root Cause Analysis in Fishbone diagram form.
Slide 43: This slide presents a Control Impact Matrix.
Slide 44: This slide also presents a Control Impact Matrix with Impact and Control as parameters.
Slide 45: This slide showcases a Pareto Analysis.
Slide 46: This slide showcases a Pareto Chart.
Slide 47: This slide showcases a Pareto Chart.
Slide 48: This slide presents Process Map Analysis with- Complete order, Issue order, Re- submit order, Deposit, Requested- submit order, Process order, Refund order, Cancel order, Requested Deposit, Deliver Goods.
Slide 49: This slide presents STEP 4: Improve of DMAIC process.
Slide 50: This slide showcases Scamper Technique displaying- Combine, Substitute, Adapt, Magnify, Rearrange, Eliminate, Put To Other Uses.
Slide 51: This slide presents Scamper Technique displaying- Reverse, Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate.
Slide 52: This slide showcases Possible Solutions with creative bulb imagery.
Slide 53: This slide showcases Possible Solutions with creative key imagery.
Slide 54: This slide shows Cost Benefit Analysis in balancing scale image.
Slide 55: This slide shows Cost Benefit Analysis in see-saw image.
Slide 56: This slide shows Failure Mode Effect Analysis with- Ranking, Severity, Occurrence, Detectability.
Slide 57: This slide showcases STEP 5 Control of DMAIC process.
Slide 58: This slide presents Statistical Process Control with- Upper Control Limit (UCL), Lower Control Limit (UCL), Process output.
Slide 59: This slide presents The DMADV Method. Present information, specifications etc. here.
Slide 60: This slide showcases The Improvement (PDCA) Cycle displaying- Measure: MSA, Critical to Quality tree, Summary Statistic, Improve: Solution analysis and selection, Risk Assessment, Solution Implementation. Analyze: Cause & Effect Diagram, Pareto chart, Run chart. Define: Project charter, Process Mao, Voice of the customer,voice of the business. Control: Statistical process control, Sustainability & benefits, Project Handoff.
Slide 61: This slide displays Sticky Notes Business Graphics. State important events, information etc. here.
Slide 62: This slide showcases Newspaper Layouts image. State important events, information etc. here.
Slide 63: This slide presents AF Blue Target Dart With Red Arrow. State targets, goals etc. here.
Slide 64: This is a Bar Graph With Business Analysis Icons slide to show product/entity comparison.
Slide 65: This slide showcases a Growth Chart With Magnifying Glass.
Slide 66: This is a Thank You slide with imagery for acknowledgement.
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