Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for God
Save Your Time and attract your audience with our fully editable PPT Templates and Slides.
Deuteronomy 10 20 fear the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our deuteronomy 10 20 fear the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our Deuteronomy 10.20. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Fear PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. Deuteronomy 10.20 Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name.
Daniel 9 13 the lord our god by turning powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our daniel 9 13 the lord our god by turning powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our Daniel 9.13. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. Daniel 9.13 Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come on us, yet we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth.
Deuteronomy 1 20 the lord our god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our deuteronomy 1 20 the lord our god powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our Deuteronomy 1.20. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. Deuteronomy 1.20 Then I said to you, You have reached the hill country of the Amorites, which the LORD our God is giving us.
Joshua 1 11 the lord your god is giving powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our joshua 1 11 the lord your god is giving powerpoint church sermon. Our Joshua 1.11 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Joshua 1.11 Go through the camp and tell the people, Get your provisions ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.
Joshua 1 15 the land the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our joshua 1 15 the land the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Our Joshua 1.15 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues. Joshua 1.15 Until the LORD gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too have taken possession of the land the LORD your God is giving them. After that, you may go back and occupy your own land, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave you east of the Jordan toward the sunrise.
Psalms 42 11 my savior and my god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our psalms 42 11 my savior and my god powerpoint church sermon. Our Psalms 42.11 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Health PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon. Psalms 42.11 Why, my soul, are you downcast Why so disturbed within me Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Psalms 43 5 my savior and my god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our psalms 43 5 my savior and my god powerpoint church sermon. Our Psalms 43.5 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Health PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Psalms 43.5 Why, my soul, are you downcast Why so disturbed within me Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
1 corinthians 2 9 god has prepared powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 1 corinthians 2 9 god has prepared powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Corinthians 2.9. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Heart PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 Corinthians 2.9 However, as it is written What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived these things God has prepared for those who love him.
Luke 10 27 the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our luke 10 27 the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Our Luke 10.27 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Heart PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Luke 10.27 He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heartland with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.
Romans 1 21 god nor gave thanks powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our romans 1 21 god nor gave thanks powerpoint church sermon. Our Romans 1.21 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Heart PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues. Romans 1.21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
2 corinthians 5 1 we have a building from god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 corinthians 5 1 we have a building from god powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our 2 Corinthians 5.1. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. 2 Corinthians 5.1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.
Mark 16 19 the right hand of god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our mark 16 19 the right hand of god powerpoint church sermon. Our Mark 16.19 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues. Mark 16.19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.
James 1 12 god has promised to those powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our james 1 12 god has promised to those powerpoint church sermon. Lost souls return to the fold with our James 1.12. They will come back to the path. Bring them back to the path with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Help lost souls return to the fold. James 1.12 Blessed are those who persevere under trial, because when they have stood the test, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Mark 12 30 the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our mark 12 30 the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Urge them to be more forgiving with our Mark 12.30. Get them acquainted with the Divine. Teach them forgiveness with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Convince them of its great virtue. Mark 12.30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
2 timothy 1 7 the spirit god gave powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 timothy 1 7 the spirit god gave powerpoint church sermon. Glorify the Saints with our 2 Timothy 1.7. Give an account of their great deeds. Our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors extol the deeds of the Saints. Their great lives come alive again. 2 Timothy 1.7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self discipline.
Luke 10 11 the kingdom of god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our luke 10 11 the kingdom of god powerpoint church sermon. Lost souls return to the fold with our Luke 10.11. They will come back to the path. Bring them back to the path with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Help lost souls return to the fold. Luke 10.11 Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you. Yet be sure of this The kingdom of God has come near.
2 corinthians 6 4 god we commend ourselves powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 corinthians 6 4 god we commend ourselves powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our 2 Corinthians 6.4. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Patience PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. 2 Corinthians 6.4 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way in great endurance in troubles, hardships and distresses.
Hebrews 10 36 god you will receive powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our hebrews 10 36 god you will receive powerpoint church sermon. Lost souls return to the fold with our Hebrews 10.36. They will come back to the path. Bring them back to the path with our Patience PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Help lost souls return to the fold. Hebrews 10.36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Acts 10 36 the message god sent powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our acts 10 36 the message god sent powerpoint church sermon. Acquaint them with the symbols of the Church with our Acts 10.36. They will absorb the deeper meaning. Meaning of symbols become clearer with our Peace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They understand their relevance to the Church. Acts 10.36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.
Luke 1 37 god will ever fail powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our luke 1 37 god will ever fail powerpoint church sermon. Our Luke 1.37 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Power PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon. Luke 1.37 For no word from God will ever fail.
2 corinthians 9 14 the surpassing grace god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 corinthians 9 14 the surpassing grace god powerpoint church sermon. Lost souls return to the fold with our 2 Corinthians 9.14. They will come back to the path. Bring them back to the path with our Blessing PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Help lost souls return to the fold. 2 Corinthians 9.14 And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you.
2 corinthians 12 21 my god will humble powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 corinthians 12 21 my god will humble powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our 2 Corinthians 12.21. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Sorrow PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. 2 Corinthians 12.21 I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged.
Proverbs 17 21 the parent of a godless powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our proverbs 17 21 the parent of a godless powerpoint church sermon. Our Proverbs 17.21 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Sorrow PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues. Proverbs 17.21 To have a fool for a child brings grief there is no joy for the parent of a godless fool.
0514 james 223 god and it was credited powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 james 223 god and it was credited powerpoint church sermon. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called Gods friend. James 2.23 The Church helps folks connect. Our James 223 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Friendship PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.
0514 1 peter 410 god grace in its various forms powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 1 peter 410 god grace in its various forms powerpoint church sermon. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of Gods grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4.10 Lighten the burden with our 1 Peter 410. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Grace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.
0514 deuteronomy 41 the god of your ancestors powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 deuteronomy 41 the god of your ancestors powerpoint church sermon. Now, Israel, hear the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land the LORD, the God of your ancestors, is giving you. Deuteronomy 4.1 The Church helps folks connect. Our Deuteronomy 41 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.
0514 2 corinthians 117 the gospel of god to you powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 2 corinthians 117 the gospel of god to you powerpoint church sermon. 2 Corinthians 11.7 Was it a sin for me to lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching the gospel of God to you free of charge Direct their eyes to Heaven with our 2 Corinthians 117. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Happiness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.
0514 genesis 524 he was no more because god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 genesis 524 he was no more because god powerpoint church sermon. Genesis 5.24 Enoch walked faithfully with God then he was no more, because God took him away. Honor thy Church with our Genesis 524. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.
0514 exodus 202 i am the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 exodus 202 i am the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Exodus 20.2 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Exodus 202. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.
0514 joel 213 return to the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 joel 213 return to the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2.13 Honor thy Church with our Joel 213. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.
0514 romans 24 god kindness is intended powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 romans 24 god kindness is intended powerpoint church sermon. Romans 2.4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that Gods kindness is intended to lead you to repentance The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 24 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.
0514 1 samuel 23 god who knows and by powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 1 samuel 23 god who knows and by powerpoint church sermon. Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. 1 Samuel 2.3 Hail the Glorious with our 1 Samuel 23. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.
2 chronicles 26 5 the lord god gave him success powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 chronicles 26 5 the lord god gave him success powerpoint church sermon. 2 Chronicles 26.5 He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success. Guide them to salvation with our 2 Chronicles 26 5. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Success PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation.
Genesis 24 12 then he prayed lord god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our genesis 24 12 then he prayed lord god powerpoint church sermon. Genesis 24.12 Then he prayed, LORD, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Our Genesis 24 12 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Success PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon.
Nehemiah 2 20 the god of heaven will give powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our nehemiah 2 20 the god of heaven will give powerpoint church sermon. Nehemiah 2.20 I answered them by saying, The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it. Our Nehemiah 2 20 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Success PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving.
Deuteronomy 6 5 love the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our deuteronomy 6 5 love the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our Deuteronomy 6.5. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. Deuteronomy 6.5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Luke 10 27 love the lord your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our luke 10 27 love the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Luke 10.27 He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and, Love your neighbor as yourself. Acquaint them with the symbols of the Church with our Luke 10 27. They will absorb the deeper meaning. Meaning of symbols become clearer with our Sermons PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They understand their relevance to the Church.
Psalms 46 1 god is our refuge and strength powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our psalms 46 1 god is our refuge and strength powerpoint church sermon. Psalms 46.1 For the director of music. Of the Sons of Koran. According to alamode. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Our Psalms 46 1 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Sermons PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving.
Romans 9 11 god purpose in election might stand powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our romans 9 11 god purpose in election might stand powerpoint church sermon. Romans 9.11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad in order that Gods purpose in election might stand Acquire donations for the Church with our Romans 9.11. They help explain charity schemes. Give due credit to the charitable with our Children PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience blessings of the Church.
Isaiah 61 10 soul rejoices in my god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our isaiah 61 10 soul rejoices in my god powerpoint church sermon. I delight greatly in the LORD my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Isaiah 61.10 Bless their good souls with our Isaiah 61.10. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Rejoice PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed.
Zephaniah 3 17 the lord your god is with you powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our zephaniah 3 17 the lord your god is with you powerpoint church sermon. Zephaniah 3.17 The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. Our Zephaniah 3.17 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Rejoice PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues.
2 peter 1 21 god as they were carried powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 peter 1 21 god as they were carried powerpoint church sermon. 2 Peter 1.21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 2 Peter 1 21. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Time PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds.
Acts 10 34 god does not show favoritism powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our acts 10 34 god does not show favoritism powerpoint church sermon. Acts 10.34 Then Peter began to speak I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism Glorify the Saints with our Acts 10.34. Give an account of their great deeds. Our Truth PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors extol the deeds of the Saints. Their great lives come alive again.
Hebrews 1 1 the past god spoke powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our hebrews 1 1 the past god spoke powerpoint church sermon. In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways Hebrews 1.1 Guide them to salvation with our Hebrews 1.1. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Truth PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation.
Genesis 3 8 the lord god among powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our genesis 3 8 the lord god among powerpoint church sermon. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Genesis 3.8 Bless their good souls with our Genesis 3.8. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Wife PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed.
2 corinthians 8 1 god has given the macedonian powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 2 corinthians 8 1 god has given the macedonian powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our 2 Corinthians 8.1. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Grace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. 2 Corinthians 8.1 And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches.
Genesis 3 5 you will be like god knowing powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our genesis 3 5 you will be like god knowing powerpoint church sermon. Genesis 3.5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.Our Genesis 3.5 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Blessing PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon.
Luke 2 40 the grace of god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our luke 2 40 the grace of god powerpoint church sermon. Our Luke 2.40 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Wisdom PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Luke 2.40 And the child grew and became strong he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.
Romans 1 7 god our father and from powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our romans 1 7 god our father and from powerpoint church sermon. Urge them to be more forgiving with our Romans 1.7. Get them acquainted with the Divine. Teach them forgiveness with our Peace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Convince them of its great virtue. Romans 1.7 To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hosea 4 7 their glorious god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our hosea 4 7 their glorious god powerpoint church sermon. Hosea 4.7 The more the priests increased, the more they sinned against me, they exchanged their glorious God for something disgraceful. For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us. Our Hosea 4.7. act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Change PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving.
0514 hebrews 416 let us then approach god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 416 let us then approach god powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 4.16 Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Inspire your followers with our Hebrews 416. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.
0514 isaiah 4110 i am your god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 isaiah 4110 i am your god powerpoint church sermon. Isaiah 41.10 So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Spread the good word with our Isaiah 4110. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.
0514 james 127 god our father accepts as pure power powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 james 127 god our father accepts as pure power powerpoint church sermon. James 1.27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this. to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Build firm belief in the Church with our James 127. The doctrine will become clear. Our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.
0514 hebrews 618 it is impossible for god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 618 it is impossible for god powerpoint church sermon. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. Hebrews 6.18 Spread the good word with our Hebrews 618. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Encouragement PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.
0514 romans 155 the god who gives endurance powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 romans 155 the god who gives endurance powerpoint church sermon. Romans 15.5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 155. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Encouragement PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.
0514 hebrews 412 for the word of god powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 412 for the word of god powerpoint church sermon. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4.12 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Hebrews 412. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.
0514 john 173 the only true god and jesus power powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 john 173 the only true god and jesus power powerpoint church sermon. John 17.3 Now this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.Inspire your followers with our John 173. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.
0514 luke 126 god sent the angel gabriel powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 luke 126 god sent the angel gabriel powerpoint church sermon. Luke 1.26 In the sixth month of Elizabeths pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Luke 126. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.
0514 romans 58 but god demonstrates his own love powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 romans 58 but god demonstrates his own love powerpoint church sermon. Romans 5.8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 58. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.
0514 romans 828 all things god works powerpoint church sermon
We are proud to present our 0514 romans 828 all things god works powerpoint church sermon. Romans 8.28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 828 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Work PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.