Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Standing
Save Your Time and attract your audience with our fully editable PPT Templates and Slides.
Team of lego men with leader standing ahead stock photo
We are proud to present our team of lego men with leader standing ahead stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This professional image of Lego men is designed to display leadership and teamwork. You may use this image in any business presentation or other related topics. This image will garner the focus of your audience.
3d man standing on dollar with dart and red arrows stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing on dollar with dart and red arrows stock photo. This professional image has been crafted with 3d man standing on dollar which is associated with one target dart and red colored arrows. This significant image is very useful to explain target, success and goal in any presentation business presentations.
3d man standing beside book with title how to make money stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing beside book with title how to make money stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays graphic of 3d man standing beside the book with title How to make Money. Use this image in presentations related to finance, budget planning, etc. Express your views, using this image in your presentations.
High resolution red and white football on stand stock photo
We are proud to present our high resolution red and white football on stand stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Our compelling image shows a design of red and white football with white background. This image portrays the concepts like football, soccer, games etc. Employ the right colors for your brilliant ideas in your presentations using this image.
Stand with solution text stock photo
We are proud to present our stand with solution text stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with whiteoard and word solution. 3d Man explains the word solution in this image. Use this image to decorate your well wrapped ideas and colorful thoughts.
3d man standing on red dartboard for business stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing on red dartboard for business stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Use this image of 3d man standing on target board to focus on business targets. Whether you manage people or project this image will meet your all needs. It depicts the importance of business targets required to achieve desired results.
Row of shopping carts with one cart standing ahead stock photo
We are proud to present our row of shopping carts with one cart standing ahead stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays shopping carts with one standing ahead. This conceptual image displays row of shopping carts with one standing out to portray concept of leadership or differentiation. Add this image to your presentation to visually support your content and to transmit your ideas to target audience.
3d man standing between red blue arrows with question mark stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing between red blue arrows with question mark stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image illustrates the decision making process. It has been designed with 3d man standing between red blue arrows with question mark. This depicts the concept of one being confused in decision making process. Blend your views with this professional image in your presentations.
Team of cubes standing behind blue leader cube stock photo
We are proud to present our team of cubes standing behind blue leader cube stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1500 This unique image of cubes team standing behind blue leader portrays the concepts of teamwork and leadership. This cubes image is well designed to display leadership and team dynamics. Add this image in your presentations to visually support your content..
Red gear standing out stock photo
We are proud to present our red gear standing out stock photo. This image is in jpg format is is available in size 2500x2000. Concept of leadership is displayed in this image by red gear standing out from theremaining gears in the line. Use this image for your presentation and get noticed.
1114 green and black cells standing in a row stock photo
We are proud to present our 1114 green and black cells standing in a row stock photo. Series of green and black cells are used to design this power point image template. This image template contains the concept of energy saving for better technological growth. Use this image template in your energy related presentations.
0914 3d man standing in computer servers stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 3d man standing in computer servers stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 4000x2500. This image is a technology concept based image. In this image we have used graphic of 3d man standing in between servers. This image depicts the concept of database management and database security. Use this image for your technology related presentations where you have to focus on database security and data communication.
0914 3d man standing on clouds with open hands stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 3d man standing on clouds with open hands stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2500. Graphic of 3d man and blue color cloud has been used to display the concept of cloud computing. In this image, 3d man is spreading his hands and standing over the cloud. Display the importance of cloud with this exclusive business image. Use this image for business and technology related presentations.
0914 3d man standing with computer server stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 3d man standing with computer server stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2500. In this image, we have used graphic of 3d man standing in servers. This image displays the concept of database management and database security. Use this image for your technology related presentations where you have to focus on database.
0914 stacking of american dollar coins with single standing coin image stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 stacking of american dollar coins with single standing coin image stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1600. This graphic image contains the graphic of gold coins and dollar symbol. Display the concept of financial stability and foreign money exchange with this exclusive image. Use this image and express your views graphically.
0914 3d confused man standing in front of staircase stock photo
It contains complete set of high resolution Ppt slides to address management and business related concept. Content is relevant and flexible. It can easily be converted to JPG and PDF format. Editable background with color, layout and font. Beneficial for business professional, students and researchers. Appealing graphs for comparison and fabulous figure to illustrate the concept.
0914 3d people standing on puzzles for teamwork stock photo
High resolution PPT template, Modifiable PowerPoint background, text or color, vibrant 3D Presentation graphics for an impeccable visual treat, Space adequacy to add text, titles or subtitles. , click to add company logo, trademark or name, Authentic and relevant content with flexible data, Smooth and quick downloads, Benefitted for students, researchers and business professionals.
0914 3d people standing with cubes of teamwork stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 3d people standing with cubes of teamwork stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1500. This image displays confused 3d man standing with cubes of teamwork. This image has been designed with 3d man and alphabetic cubes. This image depicts teamwork and management. Use this image to express views on communication in an organization. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
0914 chess figures black king queen and pawn standing on dollars stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 chess figures black king queen and pawn standing on dollars stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1500. This image displays chess pawns on dollar bundles. This image slide has been designed with graphic of dollar bundles having chess pawns on them. This image depicts finance, leadership and management. Use this image slide to express views on strategic planning for financial growth. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
0914 men standing on puzzle pieces for teamwork stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 men standing on puzzle pieces for teamwork stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1600. This image displays 3d men standing on puzzle pieces with different heights. Use this image, in your presentations to express views on teamwork, leadership and management. This image may also be used to depict strategy, challenges, success and achievements. Express your views using this image in your presentations.
Blue color cloud on stand with lock for security stock photo
We are proud to present our blue color cloud on stand with lock for security stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This business image has been designed with 3d graphic of blue color cloud on stand with lock. In this image, blue cloud displays cloud computing while lock reflects the concept of security. Use this image for technology, business and security related presentations.
3d men as a team standing on puzzle stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men as a team standing on puzzle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 This image has been designed with graphic of 3d men as a team, standing on a puzzle. In this image 3d men are representing the team concept while puzzle displays problems. Use this image in your business and marketing related presentations to display teamwork and problem solving.
3d men standing over the puzzle stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing over the puzzle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 Define the concepts of problem solving and teamwork with this unique image. To display the concept graphically ,we have used graphic of 3d men standing over the puzzle. In this image men represent team while puzzle displays problem solving concept. Make a quality presentation for your audience with this professional image.
People standing on us flag stock photo
We are proud to present our people standing on us flag stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1800 This image has been designed with graphic of American flag and people are standing over it. This image displays the concept of patriotism. Use this image in your business presentations to depict these concepts.
3d man standing on red arrow showing leadership stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing on red arrow showing leadership stock photo. This image may help you create presentations related to leadership motivation and teamwork. This image contains graphics of 3D people standing on arrows with leader standing ahead. Enhance the look of your presentations with this image.
3d man standing with green growth arrow stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing with green growth arrow stock photo. Use this professional image in growth related presentations. This image depicts graphic of 3D man standing with green growth arrow. Make a presentation for your team related to growth in sales or growth in profit in any business, marketing and sales presentations.
3d man standing with red idea arrow stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing with red idea arrow stock photo. This conceptual image with graphics of 3d man standing with red idea arrow depicts idea of business. This image may be used in business related presentations. This unique image provides impressive background for your presentations.
Blue man standing on white men pyramid stock photo
We are proud to present our blue man standing on white men pyramid stock photo. This unique image has been designed with pyramid of 3d people. This image is well designed to display leadership concept in any business presentation. Adjust this image of leader standing with his team in pyramid into your presentations to visually support your content.
Red man standing on green pyramid made by balls stock photo
We are proud to present our red man standing on green pyramid made by balls stock photo. This unique image has been designed with pyramid of 3D men. This image is well designed to display leadership concept in any business presentation. Adjust this image of leader standing with his team in thr form of a pyramid in business presentations to visually support your content.
3d people standing over balls with one man in center to show network leadership stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d people standing over balls with one man in center to show network leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 This professional image displays 3D people standing over balls with one man in center. This symbolic image exhibits concept of network leadership. Create professional presentations using this image to represent concepts of teamwork and goals.
3d man standing infront of signpost looking confused stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing infront of signpost looking confused stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 This image displays 3d man standing in front of sign board looking confused stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of 3d man and signboard. Use this image, in your presentations to explain concepts related to opportunities, choices and there selections. This image may also be used in instructions and directions related presentations. This image will make your presentations attractive.
Red bulb standing among yellow bulbs showing idea generation stock photo
We are proud to present our red bulb standing among yellow bulbs showing idea generation stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x768 We are proud to present you this red bulb standing among yellow bulbs showing ideas generation stock photo. This image has been crafted with graphic of yellow bulbs and individual red bulb. Use this image, in your presentations to express views on teamwork, leadership and management. It may also be used in electricity related presentations. Make your presentations impressive by using this image.
Team of 3d men standing around the globe stock photo
We are proud to present our team of 3d men standing around the globe stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 We are proud to present you this team of 3d men standing around globe stock photo. This image has been crafted with graphic of 3d men and globe. Use this image, in your presentations to express views on teamwork, management and globalization. It may also be used in environment related presentations. Make your presentations colorful by using this image.
Three beautiful christmas stand with decorative light stock photo
We are proud to present our three beautiful christmas stand with decorative light stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2500 This exclusive image has been designed by keeping in mind the Christmas celebrations. To design this image, we have used graphic of three beautiful Christmas decorative stands and lights. Use this image to show the concept of Christmas celebration in your presentation.
3d man standing in front of dartboard surrounded by arrows stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing in front of dartboard surrounded by arrows stock photo. This image displays 3d man standing in front of dart board surrounded by arrows. This image has been crafted with 3d graphic of man standing in front of dart board with colorful arrows hit on side. Concepts related to management, targets, goals and achievements may be explained with this image and to display leadership. This image will make your presentations effective.
3d man standing on bar graph with red dartboard as target stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing on bar graph with red dartboard as target stock photo. This image displays 3d man standing in front of dart board surrounded by arrows. This image has been crafted with 3d graphic of man standing in front of dart board with colorful arrows hit on side. Concepts related to management, targets, goals and achievements may be explained with this image to display leadership. This image will make your presentations effective.
3d men standing with puzzles of team word stock photo
PPT slide is useful for managers, employers, companies, organizations, countries and persons. Use of professional stock photos and smartart design. Presentation slide is compatible with Google slide. Orientation of any graphic can be changed. Change color, font, size with no loss of resolution. Compatible with Microsoft 2010 and 2013 versions.
3d man with stand and time schedule for business and job stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man with stand and time schedule for business and job stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This business image has been crafted with graphic of 3d men with stand and time schedule. This image shows the concept of strategy making for business and job. Use this image in your business and sales presentation.
3d peoples standing on red platform connected with network showing growth stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d peoples standing on red platform connected with network showing growth stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays network of people around blue arrow in center. This symbolic image depicts people working together towards a common goal. This image has been well designed with the concept of growth and success.
0914 red unique safe standing ahead in steel safes stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 red unique safe standing ahead in steel safes stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 4000x2500. This image displays unique red safe among metal safes. This image has been designed with graphic of silver color safes with individual red safe. This image slide may be used to express views on security, safety, teamwork, leadership and protection in your presentations. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
0914 3d coin with dollar symbol in stand stock photo
We are proud to present our 0914 3d coin with dollar symbol in stand stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2500. This image displays 3d silver color coin with dollar symbol. Use this image, in your PowerPoint presentations to express views on financial and managerial accounting. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.
White computer folders with one yellow folder standing out stock photo
We are proud to present our white computer folders with one yellow folder standing out stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Concept of leadership is well explained in this image. To explain this concept, we have used graphic of multiple folders, among these folders on folder is standing out. Use this image to display leadership concept in business, sales or marketing presentations.
3d man standing on blue target dart with locked legs stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing on blue target dart with locked legs stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed to display concepts like business goals, Bull?s-eye and Targets. This image displays the graphic of 3d man standing on blue dartboard with locked legs. Deliver amazing presentations to mesmerize your audience using this image.
3d man standing with yellow folder gears and checklist stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing with yellow folder gears and checklist stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Use this image to stylize your PowerPoint presentations. This image consists of a graphic of 3d man standing with yellow folder with gears and checklist. Gears represent bright ideas and checklist describes a business process. Accelerate the impact of your ideas using this image.
3d people standing in group with speech bubbles stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d people standing in group with speech bubbles stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with graphics of 3d people standing in group with speech bubbles. This image displays group of people in order to explain importance of consumer feedback for products. This professional image also signifies concepts like Public opinion, Facts and information.
Colorful light bulbs standing inside cardboard box stock photo
We are proud to present our colorful light bulbs standing inside cardboard box stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1600 This image of light bulbs standing inside cardboard displays concept of business strategy. This image is designed with colorful bulbs in cardboard in order to show strategies and ideas for your business. This image provides a fantastic explanation of the above topics.
3d man standing in front of maze for problem solving stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing in front of maze for problem solving stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image contains a 3d man standing in front of maze. This image depicts challenges. Use this image into your presentations to explain concepts related to stratergy, complexity and success in any business presentation. Use this image in your presentations and express your views to the target audience.
3d men standing in circular podium with one leader stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing in circular podium with one leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays 3d men standing in circular podium with one leader. In this image there is a circular podium with colourful 3d men standing on different levels and one 3d man standing on top. This image depicts leader and team relationship. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to communications, teamwork and leadership.This image will enchance the quality of your presentations.
3d men standing in network stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing in network stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image displays 3d men standing in network. This image depicts importance of network in a business. Use this image on your presentations to explain views related to communication, technology and teamwork. This image will make your presentations more understanding.
3d men standing over circular puzzle stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing over circular puzzle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays 3d men standing over puzzle circle. In this image two 3d men are shaking hands standing on colourful puzzle circle. This image depicts agreement. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to communication and development. This image will make your presentations outshine.
3d men standing over square puzzle stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing over square puzzle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 This image displays 3d men standing over square puzzle box. In this image two 3d men are shaking hands standing over a square colourful puzzle box. This image depicts business relations. This image may be used in presentations to express views on buisness agreements, success and teamwork. This image will make your presentations expressive.
3d men standing over the puzzle base for teamwork stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d men standing over the puzzle base for teamwork stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays 3d men standing over the puzzle base. In this image, group of yellow 3d men are standing on grey coloured puzzle base. This image depicts teamwork. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to teamwork, communication and collaboration. This image will enchance the quality of your presentations.
3d stand graphic with 2015 year text stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d stand graphic with 2015 year text stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This creative image is a part of our new year collection. In this image, we have used graphic of stand with year 2015 text. This image explains the concept of new year celebration with business targets. Use this image for your business, sales and marketing presentations.
3d man standing with cloud symbol stock photo
We are proud to present our 3d man standing with cloud symbol stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays 3d man standing with cloud symbol on the side. In this image, 3d man stands with one hand pointing towards the cloud. Use this image, in presentations to express your views regarding cloud computing and its importance in business and social media. This image will help you make your point clear and express your views to the target audience.
Colorful decorative bulbs with stars and green grass stand stock photo
We are proud to present our colorful decorative bulbs with stars and green grass stand stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays colorful decorative bulbs with stars on green grass strands. This image depicts celebrations. Use this image in your presentations related to holidays, celebrations and festivals. This image will make your presentations colorful.
1114 3d team standing with teamwork text stock photo
Extremely innovative and informative PPT presentation layout. Helps in keeping the team focused and motivated. Enable easy modification of the information displayed. Allows the insertion of business logos, trademarks and brand names. Compatible with Google slides. Can be easily zoomed out without affecting the quality of the images.
Standing Glass Mirror Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format
A coloured powerpoint icon to add vibrancy to your presentation. It has a modern design with bright colours that will make your slides stand out. Perfect for creating an eye-catching presentation that will leave a lasting impression.
Standing Glass Mirror Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format
This Monotone Powerpoint icon is perfect for presentations and documents. It is a simple, yet professional design that can easily be customized to fit any project. It will help you create a professional and organized look for your documents.
Standing Instruction In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb
Presenting our Standing Instruction In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Standing Instruction. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.